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Everything posted by 75Live

  1. and to quote deadpool in that scene "you're welcome, Canada"
  2. just got home from watching it. I still like the first one better but this was still a fun movie as it should be and just a hair behind. As with the original, way too many inside jokes to even get into but they were great. Not sure they should do another movie, but if they do, of course, I am there.
  3. not caring about the drunk part but the trailer was kind of funny and charming. Not sure I will see it in the theaters, but it does have my attention now
  4. eh really not feeling the trailer. I will probably still see it though The main guy and Olivia Munn aren't giving me good vibes about this movie though. but I think the big title card with the director of Iron Man 3 was pretty funny hopefully another full trailer will make me feel better about the movie
  5. 1. Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle - B+ 2. Star Wars: The Last Jedi - A- 3. The Post - B+ 4. Black Panther - C+ 5. Annihilation - A- 6. Tomb Raider C+/C 7. Ready Player One - A- 8. Rampage - B- 9. Avengers: Infinity War - B/B-
  6. decent film. Friends I went with liked it too but feel it's still another disposable Marvel film which isn't necessarily an insult. Lots of things work for me, like a lot of the interactions were really good. But overall, the way they acted about spoilers and this changes stuff, etc, etc, in that vein what a letdown. No one really died of consequence and the ones that did "die" near the end are all coming back so nothing to care about there. Even the after credits scene we all figured out before going into the movie I will say Marvel finally got a villain right and since it was mostly a movie about him, I'm glad they didn't drop the ball there. So enjoyable movie, but no real need to see it again but it did look great in IMAX B/B-
  7. it's the negative vibe of the boards lately. That and your name starts with Wrath so that may have something to do with it
  8. not a bad weekend so far. Went to the shooting range yesterday and that went well, right afterwards went to my friend's place which was up the road for a bbq and today already washed my car that needed it for a long time. Hopefully the rest of the day keeps going well
  9. I love the drive-in. I don't go as much but there you can just lean back the car seat, or bring beach chair and a blanket and enjoy the weather, plus yes get two movies for pretty cheap
  10. so the new rivalry is Marvel vs Cameron I see. Always the marvel side getting into it with other movies
  11. was out most of the day and glad when I got home to see the Sixers won again
  12. have nothing really to do so may go to the shooting range. But one is far away and I've never been to the closer one and the closer one is more money too. so may stick with the one i know
  13. love george carlin. his football vs baseball and his plane stuff is hilarious among many, many other things
  14. is it safe to say that I just didn't find the trailer funny and normally she doesn't make me laugh either which is why I'm not going to watch this?
  15. yeah that was bush league but then again the fake tough guy stuff they are doing is too
  16. Sixers with a big win after that stupid game 2 loss. @Chewy @4815162342
  17. almost the whole first half is all comedy, then a major shift in tone. I wish they left off that comedy part of the trailer and I would have liked it more. But the trailer still caught some of my interest
  18. this was just uploaded after they found the reel of music from his estate. I forgot Prince wrote this song and more proof he was amazing
  19. probably someone is dumb enough to think that getting a ticket to Traffik is paying off an actual traffic ticket
  20. Yeah I definitely down for this movie I enjoyed the first one, as well
  21. hey I'm a big fan too, but I'm just enjoying the ride since they should be the start of things for years
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