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Everything posted by 75Live

  1. 1. Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle - B+ 2. Star Wars: The Last Jedi - A- 3. The Post - B+ 4. Black Panther - C+ 5. Annihilation - A- 6. Tomb Raider C+/C 7. Ready Player One - A- 8. Rampage - B- 9. Avengers: Infinity War - B/B- 10. Deadpool 2 - A- 11. Solo: A Star Wars Story - B+ 12. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom - B
  2. Just got home from this and I will say while it was fun and entertaining enough, and it helped I saw it for free, there was such much idiocy once it left the island. I went with it because, well I just did lol, but yeah, so much eh to meh from that point on. I liked some parts but yeah, it's a movie I don't need to rush out to see again. I still give it probably like a B probably for just nostaglia and other factors but overall, I can see people not liking it for many reasons
  3. just saw the email and redeemed it. Thanks again oops just found the other email, it went to spam for some reason and it just showed up.
  4. Thank you sir for the gold membership. I'll have to see how to get that to work I haven't been online much the last couple weeks and just got home from a dad weekend so I had to catch up on the list. Obviously, very well done and thanks for doing it
  5. sorry for late reply, but yeah I want to do one. Not sure I would have many surprises, well maybe a couple, but I'm trying to at least get the order done, then the write ups take the longest
  6. I hear you, but that wouldn't even get me to do it. It adds nothing to 99% of movies that have it, is a gimmick and is best used as one, and even if it was free, I would still go to 2D first.
  7. yeah I skipped AQP, as well, for the same reasons and will catch it at home.
  8. well this weekend I got to eat the edible cookie dough from a place called Dough Life. It was good. also, today I broke down finally and got a new phone. I went from the samsung s5 to the s9 plus. I guess it was just time to get it done
  9. totally agree. It has happened a lot to me. It completely ruined It Follows for me when I saw it in the theater. I liked it more when I saw it at home whenever it showed on cable, but still, since I knew everything that was coming, it couldn't hit whatever level it could have. yeah some horror films aren't comedic like Final Destinations and others where you can laugh at the "deaths" and certain parts. So it's a shame that people go just to ruin the film for others when it comes to atmospheric horror for instance
  10. great work @Brainbug love the number one choice and it's definitely somewhere on my list too. The Shining also has a great part in a movie that came out this year that i like, as well
  11. i have a tentative list for me, but I just started a new job last week and haven't had time to do anything with it. So it may take a while for me to get prepared as for this list, it is very good and can't wait for #1
  12. yeah not feeling this new trailer or possibly the whole movie, at this point. Something is just off to me
  13. yeah migraines suck. I have seen movies with them, but it's not easy.
  14. finally saw the trailer. Decent enough. I'm a space junkie so I'll probably watch it regardless
  15. exactly. It's hit the most current tracking which was upward of $45 and looks like it could go even higher so that'a s plus for the movie. Not sure why the $30 mil argument is even happening. Yes it originally was that, but then the tracking kept going up. So to use the $30 as some way to make the movie seem better is disingenuous. and no not saying Krissykins is doing that in any way, shape or form. But yes to the poster that said it was NEVER at $30, that is wrong and Krissykins is right on about that and used sources that tracking did open at $30 mil. So can't we just move on
  16. almost couldn't finish the trailer. awful acting, and the story is horrible, but the visuals at least look good
  17. yeah looks as bad as expected, but still maybe fun enough to watch ironically at least
  18. great trailer, love the use of Daft Punk of course too. The making fun of the princesses and the title of the movie were great touches
  19. i'm starting a preliminary list so I guess I should get on it and then do some write ups somewhere in the future
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