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Everything posted by 75Live

  1. new job starts tomorrow and it's depressing. I mean it's good since I've been unemployed since January but now I'm driving into the city, paying for tolls, parking, etc which takes away thousands and thousands from my pay. Ugh, I am just not looking forward to it.
  2. love the idea for the list and I will be following the thread with interest i may have to do one at some point too
  3. Happy Birthday @WrathOfHan now that you are an adult, your posting style and subjects must change kidding, just enjoy the day
  4. when the Cavs win the series, I don't think this will be a big deal or will even be remembered
  5. This is probably in another thread, but I haven't seen it yet so just in case. This is for all the Nolanites
  6. took the health benefits at my job. Part me thinks I was stupid and should have just taken the fine and saved money. Oh well, too late now but still ridiculous that is the choice
  7. but season 2 does teach the lesson that disinfecting a mop handle before use is a good thing
  8. Obviously Colangelo didn't trust the process. I woke up to this news and couldn't believe it. He hasn't done much here anyway so I don't get why they would even want to hang on to him anyway. Surprised they haven't gone the "stacy andrews day" route and keep trying to hype up they renewed Brown for 3 more years
  9. nice. I have a ton of toys that are worth a lot of movie but I only parted with some of them. I used to have enough to probably retire but they were stolen and it's a long, bad story to that part.
  10. not for me. I have Deadpool 2 at the top, probably then RPO, Solo, IW, BP. but all range really good to meh but at least worth watching
  11. that would be nice. Once they were eliminated I stopped caring or even watching the playoffs
  12. 1. Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle - B+ 2. Star Wars: The Last Jedi - A- 3. The Post - B+ 4. Black Panther - C+ 5. Annihilation - A- 6. Tomb Raider C+/C 7. Ready Player One - A- 8. Rampage - B- 9. Avengers: Infinity War - B/B- 10. Deadpool 2 - A- 11. Solo: A Star Wars Story - B+
  13. saw this at 9:30 am this morning and it was basically a sell out. crowd seem to really like it. love the Maul cameo and overall, it was a fun movie. I'd give it at least a B+, maybe higher
  14. it's why I never go into any star wars thread any more, or almost any thread that starts to move into the direction of Star Wars
  15. that's been my stance for many, many years and no ESPN either. It's made sports so much more enjoyable when I actually do watch. This new "ruling" doesn't affect how I feel about the NFL in any way.
  16. I got a job offer which is pretty good salary wise. Not crazy about the job, and also lose a lot of salary upfront due to parking and tolls so it's not as good as it should be. But I only have about 6-7 weeks of unemployment left so I feel "forced" that I probably should take it regardless
  17. I love that show. Glad it is getting some notoriety even if it is just for the bloopers
  18. I thought it was Darwin, but hey at this point, it could be anyone since that is the kind of humor in the movie
  19. didn't see the other one TJB in theaters and after watching this trailer, doubt I will see this in theaters either. Probably on Netflix, HBO or whatever if I need something to watch
  20. yeah I love the movie, saw it at least 12 times in theater and have it in my top 10 but yeah I agree with this complaint and joke about it all the time.
  21. Yeah they show Brad Pitt as the Vanisher in the movie . When he fries in the wire, they quickly reveal Pitt before he goes invisible again.
  22. 1. Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle - B+ 2. Star Wars: The Last Jedi - A- 3. The Post - B+ 4. Black Panther - C+ 5. Annihilation - A- 6. Tomb Raider C+/C 7. Ready Player One - A- 8. Rampage - B- 9. Avengers: Infinity War - B/B- 10. Deadpool 2 - A-
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