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Everything posted by LegionWrex

  1. It's at least $2M or above, we know that. No final numbers for it yet though. The fact it's still over $2M is really impressive, the little movie that could.
  2. WOM seems excellent across the board. A Cinemascore incoming, calling it now.
  3. Lots of doom and gloom here, which is standard it seems. Disappointing numbers considering what the initial tracking tread was leaning towards, but I still think this legs out. These films have always been backloaded. Doubt it will reach Fallout numbers simply due to the competition but I'm thinking it's closer to Rogue Nation (which missed $200M domestic, by the way).
  4. Rewatched the McQuarrie films yesterday since I'm seeing MI7 today. Rogue Nation is slick as hell. That thing moves, and I mean moves, nary a wasted second and it's a blast from start to finish. The opera house sequence is an all timer out of the gate, the way it syncs up to the music and uses the actual location as part of the tension and attack is stellar. Everything in the Morroco sequence is great too, from the deep water stuff to the motorcycle chase; the entire bit where he's basically half-drunk from being dead and driving a car is hilarious. I think where Ghost Protocol inches it out a bit for me is that Rogue Nation lacks a strong "thing" to carry it's second half, and that's fine! I like how Rogue Nation is more dialouge and tension focused anyways, it's more a thriller then a romp. But also I find the rotating car garbage climax of Ghost Protocol to be much more fun then the "shoot a couple of guys" of Rogue Nation. Fallout though? Perfect film, no notes. Crazy on how it's basically an all timer out of the gate; the cinematography immediately indicates that McQuarrie stepped up his game for this. I know I said I prefer my M:I films to be playful but Fallout's grim, bleak tone is so perfect for this particular story cause it's essentially the culmination (or "fallout") of Ethan's story up to this point. He's played god so many times and now he's actually tested as a person. Helps that the film's action scenes and setpieces are so masterful. The halo jump sequence is the most insane thing you've ever seen and it's not even the best (or even most insane thing) in the movie. Just phenomenal stuff.
  5. Would be a fun choice tbh but I'm not exactly trusting GFR considering their track record is garbage.
  6. It likely will. The book it's based on is exceptionally dense and I doubt the movie will even cover a third of it.
  7. At least WOM on it seems to be strong. CinemaScore is likely tomorrow right?
  8. We don't know. Apparantly it's a major role and it will be for more films after Thunderbolts, rumor is that he's SENTRY.
  9. He's already in the MCU anyways, he's gonna be in Thunderbolts. Likely as a favour to Lee Sung Jin and Jake Schreier who are both working on Thunderbolts after working with him on Beef.
  10. If Dead Reckoning Part Two is advertised as the finale to the series (which there seems to be mixed word on whether or not it is) then it will be easily the highest grossing in the series.
  11. And now I wanna rewatch Texas Chainsaw 2, such a fun movie
  12. Film was taking too long, pretty much. Spielberg is in his 70s and clearly wants to devote the rest of his life doing passion projects he may never get a chance to do otherwise (West Side Story, Fabelmans, that Bullit sequel) instead of waiting around for the time to do Indy. According to Mangold he was a pretty hands on producer so it's not like he stayed off the project, he was still around, but his priorities just shifted.
  13. Holy shit. Anger-inducing isn't even enough to describe this, this is barbaric shit. Fuck them.
  14. Yeah it seemed to be more to me that he was excited to stretch his acting muscles outside of the MCU again. Considering what he's said in other interviews and comments he was passionate about Stark and those movies when he did them, I think to an extent he just wants a break/move on which I get.
  15. Currently rooting for SAG and WGA to get those paychecks. Absolute kings and queens out there
  16. This seems bizarrely low. Hoping it's higher.
  17. These reactions have me really excited and it's making me wanna go back and check out some Nolan films I haven't seen in a hot minute like The Prestige or Interstellar (both of which I ranked low and I feel like I need to re-evaluate them). Unsure if Oppy will come close to the trifecta of Inception, TDK, and Dunkirk for me but hopefully it does!
  18. It depends on how long he was involved with the project, and considering the film was in pre-production when he left (not development, pre-production) he likely did get some form of payment. I don't know much (I also don't know how much Mangold was paid either) but considering when he left, it's exceptionally likely he did get paid to some extent.
  19. From everything I've heard about the film and the way Gunn seems to have set it up, it's essentially a Superman film in a DC universe that's already been established. They aren't going to be wasting time with origin stories or any kind of "this is what the universe is" stuff, so my guess is this is part of that. Also from the characters they are choosing, the pitch for this seems to be "What if Superman was placed in the universe of The Boys". Guy Gardner, Mr. Terrific, and Hawkgirl are either dickheads (Gardner) or more pragmatic and willing to kill then Superman (Terrific and Hawkgirl), and with the rumors of the Authority also being in this which fits those descriptions makes me think those heroes are being used thematically to illustrated Superman as a heroic figure.
  20. Considering the Green Lantern project is confirmed to be about multiple Green Lanterns it's very possible. Gardner isn't exactly the most "likable" of the Lanterns either. I don't think he'll be killed off in this by the way, he's probably just going to be Nathan Fillion playing a douchebag Green Lantern.
  21. All of this+Spielberg was attached to direct at one point so he got paid for that as well as exec producer and all of those locations? Under COVID protocols, which upped the budget tenfold (MI7 had the same thing happen to it, it cost around the same as Indy if reports are to be believed).
  22. This thing is a bomb incoming though I could see Latino audiences really saving this one. WB just has to market it. Enjoying the look though, feels Toku in it's influences. Very Kamen Rider and Guyver, for better and for worse.
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