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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. As long as it doesn`t pass FOTR unadjusted. I`m giving up bringing down Shriekapoo because i`m content that it`s out of top 5. But FOTR becoming the lowest grossing movie in this series is unacceptable.
  2. I hope this drops huge after holidays and that holidays don`t make up for it. It`s really pisisng me off that FOTR will be the lowest grossing of those movies. Really pissing me off. I think that TH proved to PJ that his fanboys will save his sorry ass whenever he makes something fanboy-friendly and leave him in shit when he makes something that isn`t. So I don`t expect him to ever risk a bomb like TLB. I hope he bombs with something he didn`t expect to bomb and that he is never in the running for Oscars ever again.
  3. So Parental Guidance is totally breaking out. I get that Fandango sales point at Les Mis but PG is not Fandango thing so...
  4. Why is TH getting more cinemas when many were empty OW?
  5. he wanted to go into politics for quite some time. I remember the chatter last year or before that. So it definitely isn`t an Oscar win-booster thing like Chastain`s nude photospread.
  6. Actually, THL win pissed off Tarantino fans much more. Because QT lost writing as well as eevrything else to THL.
  7. I have Shitto bias against TTT and Shirkeapoo. I never said I was totlaly objective about those two. I hate Shitto. Why did we have to lose Heath Ledger?
  8. FOTR is superior to Shriekapoo. Even if Shriekapoo didn`t have Shitto and was just ROTK, FOTR would have been superior.
  9. Book is to begin with, so is the cast so are the reviews and even fanboys don`t bullshit that this is FOTR level good.
  10. No. FOTR ending up the lowest grossing just because wastly inferior movie has IMAX + 3D premium and 10 years inflation and 12500 screens half of them empty would be disgusting. No. Just no. All TH movies under FOTR.
  11. UW4. Still can`t figure out why so many here were falling in love with that turd.
  12. BD2 over TH dom, OS and WW would make my day but one of those will be fine too.
  13. I know. FOTR is much closer to my sensibilities. I would have loved the sequels had it not been for unforgivable mistake that stained those movies so much I`ll never see them again because I believe that the stain will remain a flop if I`m strong enough not to see them.
  14. Everything is small compared to Titanic. It`s one of those huge movies with star making performamces whose leads remained stars long after the hype calmed down and whose director repeated the crazy success.
  15. Move overrated movie of the decade so far = Tangled.
  16. I`m sorry but how the hell am I a hater just for saying that topping $2.7 billion is a Cameronesque challenge? Look, I`d love you to be right and holy shit every single Avatar outgrosses another but lets get real a bit. Original movies broke out like they did because many people checked them out not knowing what to expect but being curious due to hype. By the time Avatar sequels come out, fandom has been formed and that also means limited appeal (to the size of the fandom). Not everyone who saw Avatar liked it and wants to see the sequels. Look at TH performance for proof. That one was supposed to shatter December not just because of 3D and Imax premium and inflation but because, supposedly, everyone in the world loved ME and couldn`t wait to go back. Well, apparently, that didn`t get a solid proof so the spin is now that they love ME so much they are waiting to go back about 10 days from opening weekend Something doesn`t add up.So lets not make the same mistake when (over)predicting Avatars.
  17. And I`m hoping for the other way around. I don`t want my infinitely superior FOTR to end up the lowest grosser just because inflation and 3D pushed inferior TH over.
  18. Abyss flopped but it`s holding remarkably well and it`s now a sci fi classic or almost.
  19. But his record-breaking movies were originals, not a sequel to original. Avatar wasn`t the sequel to Titanic.As for T2 jump, how does it stack up to Terminator adjusted? Plus, it`s one thing to jump from a movie that didn`t even hit $100 mio. Jumping from an almost $3 billion grosser is, well, Cameronesque task.
  20. Totlaly. It`s exact replica of TASM. About same critical reception, about same public interest, about same meh numbers and about same fractions looking for about same excuses that support their cause. New day same fraction fight over again. Terrific fun, I suppose much more than the movie itself.
  21. As far as fanboys go, TH is the most overrated. It seems like they are now banding together to promote that it`s in no way too long or tedius ever since it took critical beating (well, not even beating just that other blockbusters impressed much more).
  22. That makes sense because it`s really hard to top almost $3 billion dollars especially when sequelitis is added into calculation. Agree about SP and TW but I don`t think that geeks were supporting SPunch all that much. They had the beef with Snyder by that time.
  23. Absolutely. 5 movies no 3D priemium, low inflation difference.
  24. For Avatar 2 to be made, it needs to satisfy the toughest customer - Cameron.
  25. This. Icing on the cake = the anti-Winsome Whedom Worshipers rant! :wub: :wub:
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