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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. Found on ADF:http://awardsdailyforums.com/showthread.php?31777-Les-Miserables-55-Oh-wait-that-s-the-Metacritic-score/page23Cinemascore A = fanboy rush. Yep.
  2. Now that you mention BD2, I don`t believe for a second that December would prevent BD2 from opening as much as it did. Twihards and Twimoms would not ditch going to see BD2 for Xmas shopping, no sir. And I also don`t believe for a second that only BD2`s A Cinemascore is inflated by superfans but TH`s, like, totally real from,like, real audience no fanboy rush`n`gush,no way. Double standard = no credibility. End of.
  3. can you post estimated breakdown and actual one cause I really can`t see the difference. Friday (with midnights) is still $37 something mio, Saturday is still $27 something mio so I don`t know where that significant overestimation in those two days is. Numbers look the same to me. BOMB!
  4. Funny that TOLDJA never apologized for "no record" gaffe but pumped this "record" like it`s $300 mio domestic OW alone.
  5. I have a simple question - is this kind of mistake usual for their predictions or overpredicting of this kind is specific to this case? Because if it`s the latter than studio was obviously pushing for headline number that was not real.
  6. For sure. Anticipation is palatable and Les Mis has great presales.
  7. Well, that`s their problem. Just because budget increased beyond reason it doesn`t mean that number of sold tickets has to too.
  8. Epic battles like never seen before. TH is now in seen before catgeory. Nothing wrong with it but you know what i`m saying. What was new 10 years ago is familar 10 years later.
  9. $550+ mio and $740 mio show that $740 mio was an exceptional situation. My point is that TH should not be compared to that. It`s doing excatly like it`s supposed to. It`s a prequel. Numbers are respectable and in line with previous movies. Sorry that it isn`t enough for some.
  10. IMO, TH is doing exactly like it`s supposed to. No underpeforming, no overpeforming. It`s in line with other LOTR movies and it`s very resoanble for a prequel. I`m sorry it isn`t enough for some but there`s nothing to lament here.
  11. No. I saw the movie and found it terrific. Trailers did nothing for me.
  12. There`s absolutely no reason to compare TH to Shriekapoo. Shriekapoo was not a regular LOTR. Regular LOTR was making $500+ mio range OS. Shriekapoo jumped to $740 mio OS because of a) conclusion factor and 11 oscars sweep. oscar win helped eneormously as did sweeping other awards and pretty much being constantly in the media praised as the best thing ever. So if TH ended under $700 mio that wouldn`t be unheard of for the franchise except that inflation and 3D make it less impressive. But Shriekapoo was an exception, not a rule, just like DH2`s OS was an exception, not the HP rule.Moreover, none of LOTR movies was released day-and-date OS which means they had steam for few months because of added markets. TH is released day-and-date in 56 markets with very few left to add up to total. So burnout factor is bigger here holidays or not. It has to make more up front because there are not many markets left to compensate.Finally, to suggest that TH is a wait-and-see movie and not a fandom rush one is a huge spin of lower than expected numbers. TH has built-in fanbase from the book and overlap fanbase from LOTR books and movies. So everyone who wanted to see it has already seen it. Holidays will soften drops because they always do but I have a feelings some people here expect mirracle, some sudden unnatural increase in interest.
  13. That`s uncalled for. And firedeep is right. The movie opened day and date in 56 countries, many of them large markets, and it has a rush factor. It isn`t a wait-and-see movie because it had built-in fandom from book and overlap fandom from LOTR books and movies. So people who wnated to see it, went to see it. If numbers aren`t as big as some expected, lets put them into perspective that doesn`t include spinning.
  14. Oh, and I love how when RT rating was in a free-fall, fanboys were citing imdb.com one as one true reflection of the movie`s reception. Now that`s in a free-fall too and is of course debatable, no longer true representation of what public thinks of TH.Moreover. Cinemascore was A. And audience breakdown showed it`s fanboy rush, duh. Oh, and please, don`t even try to sell those under 18 giving A+ as GA. What, fanboys don`t have kids?
  15. Yeah, obviously, you are so bent on beating TA for whatever reason that you are losing objectivity. You people only see Shreikapoo OS and think it`s the rule for the franchise. Well, I`m sorry to break it to you but it isn`t. FOTR and TTT were always in $500+ mio range which is below HP and Shriekpoo was elevated by last-movie-ever 11 oscars factor. Just like DH2 was elevated by last-movie-ever 3D factor. But $600 mio OS was HP averige and $500+ mio was regular LOTR`s. TH is a regular TH. Last one may get a jump over regular ones but this one has no reason to. Plus, lets not forget that TH opened day-and-date in 56 markets while LOTR had slower roll out. So LOTR had more steam left for longer run while day-and-date requires big opening for there are not many new markets left.
  16. Nothing is early to call failure in comparison to your numbers.otherwise, realsitically speaking, this is doing on par with the trilogy and that isn`t a failure at all.It`s down to 8.6 on imdb.com though so that rating won`t be on par with Rings, however. No matter how much some fanboys are trying to hype this to be just as good as Rings but in different way, people have spoken and disagree already.
  17. I said there was bragging it would beat TA, I didn`t specify either dom or WW. I just said there was. So I was right. poeple did count on OS to take this over TA.
  18. You should read some threads backwards and see there was tons of bragging that TH would beat at least TA if not Titanic and Avatar.
  19. He`s loving himself too much. Overindulgence = selfishness. It`s all about what I want as opposed to what`s right. This.
  20. I think it`s realistic because PJ is lucky that his slogfests always have some big OTT action that wows the easily Wow`d and big emotional moment that he milks like a cow that makes people forgive the doldrums they had to sit through until then. KK had a good hold for such overlong snail-paced monotonium because of some OTT action and tearjerking finale starting with Central Park skating which is thought was LOL but PJihadists still think was hight of cinematic beauty. Nevermind that, in the hindsight, people sobber up and realized a slog is a slog no matter how emotional some moments are and how OTT action is but too late, slob has already made money and is spending it on cheesburger binge while plotting to break every Tintin panel into 3 hours long movie each.
  21. That`s all true but I think that movies that could have been great but aren`t because self-indulgent director forgot who pays the bills and made a slog out of a beautiful movie are more hate-worthy than something that never had a chance to begin with. And when the director deliberately repeats the mistake that everyone, from critics to fans, pointed out to him, than he deserves to get the beating. i`m glad that at least critics are less forgiving this time around since fans are still keeping him on God-like pedestal but if DoS turns out to be a slog before they reach important part, even fans will lose patience.
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