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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. It can`t. You people should stop dancing around the real reason for underperformance. It`s time to name the cause of it all. The writing was always on the wall. You have been warned. You knew what was going to happen. You knew history repeated itself this year already. But you still wouldn`t take seriouslythe Curse.Of.SHAYHIRI!
  2. Apples and oranges. Aliens and Alien spent quality time with characters, not 40 minutes of nothing. I can write a iJack-like block of text about how perfectly characters were set up in both movies. Not an ounce of fat. OTOH. KK boat ride was all fat, no meat.
  3. The reason why I don`t believe in some insane legs that would turn fortunes around suddenly is because TH isn`t a new property that people are not sure about and need WOM, awards,etc to convince them to see it. Everyone knows what they are getting. So lack of rush factor, or more precisely, underwhelming rush points to overall lack of interest regardless of quality. It`s more "yes I`m aware that TH movie is coming out and yes I saw and liked LOTR and I`m just not interested" rather than "I would see this but I need more persuation from opinion-givers that I trust." It smacks of FC to me, where the movie didn`t attract anyone outside of the fanbase despite great WOM and critical reception while fanbase didn`t show up in full force either because some deal breakers were missing (Wolverine, etc).
  4. Thank you! It started "if OST can make $800 mio than TH is a lock for $1 billion" rubbish. Also, DH2. "if DH2 could make $1.3 billion than TH will blow past that from OS alone" stupidity.
  5. All of those movies save Avatar made sense because they are not originals. Either franchises already or based on some famous source. But once people start bringing Avatar into predictions you know trouble`s ahead. We should have a moratorium on predictions based on Avatar/Titanic run for franchises because it`s ridiculous.
  6. I agree. people here forget how much awards nominations and wins helped LOTR legs. WOM + awards. This will have only WOM. So since it opened on par with adjusted TTT minus awards, it should make less than adjusted TTT whatever that amount is. Unless there`s some huge shocker and AMPAS nominate it on the heat of "December record smash" as the 10th spot on the list. Unlikely but stranger things happened.
  7. Swap Ted and IA. ted isa bigger story because nobody saw it coming. IA was established OS juggernaut.
  8. Character moments are not bloat. However, just having characters on the screen for a long time doing nothing that counts as characterisation is bloat. I haven`t seen TH but boat ride to Skull island was epithome of bloat because nothing happened nor characters became any more fleshed out or familiar to us than when we just met them. Just wasted time.
  9. I think so. Built-in fandom doing repeat business plus family-friendly and better WOM than TL for sure. TLK had a terrible WOM.
  10. Actually you should thank POTC:OST. It started the whole "if OST can make $800 mio OS than TH is a lock for $1 billion OS" madness. And then when TA made its money, those who insist LOTR is SW of this generation calculated that if Marvel movies with lower boxoffice than any LOTR movie could produce combined force of TA, than TH coming off Shriekapoo would double Shriekapoo or something.
  11. IMO, it`s too early to either proclaim disaster or incredible legs. Neither has happened so far. The movie neither tanked (it`s on par with adjusted second movie in the franchise so jump over the first) nor posted impressive Saturday jump, usually a sign of a great hold to come. So lets see how things develop when shopping season is over and holidays (that include release of more movies) kick off.
  12. No it isn`t. TH isn`t LOTR. Does it even say LOTR in the title? No. Fandom overlaps but it isn`t the same. There are LOTR fans who don`t give a shit about TH book or movie and there are (wastly less) fans of TH only. The fact that TH movie was LOTRified still doesn`t make it LOTR. And it`s LOTRified precisely because they know that LOTR fandom is bigger than TH one so they were trying to extend the overlap.As for Twilight, it`s the most impressive franchise in its consistancy that isn`t aided by various premiums that aid other movie`s boxoffice.
  13. :rofl: WB should put you on payroll for discovering this rare opportunity to brag.
  14. he has nothing to do in history of ME between Riddles and FOTR. There`s this shit called Hunt for Gollum where Aragorn and his boyfreind Legolas hunt for him. Big fuckin deal. Better make 50 Shades of Gay with those two cause that`s something many people want to see.
  15. Sweden would have been higher if that cokehead actor from Sweden who plays Beorn was in AUJ. But he`s now moved to DoS.
  16. Oh, don`t be so impatient. You know that WB is a little busy trying to find some record that TH smashed, like Banana Republic or something.
  17. I`ve just remembered that many people on the Internet reported that they had tickets for 2 shows - one HFR and one regular. So this OW included repeat business and it still couldn`t be bigger. Hm. PTA is pretty weak sauce, about 20,958 from 4045 theaters. Now the bigger the theater count, the lower the PTA but BD2 achieved 34,660 from 4070 theaters.
  18. No you`re not only hearing about it now. The difference is, most people here think in the box and think events depend solely on a great trailer. OMG, there`s an epic trailer, Titanic goes down! No, things don`t work that way anymore and PJ knows that better than anyone. LOTR pehnom wasn`t just created by trailers and spot but by stuff that other studios didn`t do. LOTR DVDs invented the modern DVDs with bonus features and shit. Old ones had them too but LOTR took it to the next level. They also took director`s cut to the next level in the form of LOTR EE. And then there`s the whole how the cast lived LOTR life for their fans thing that was enormously appealing, created obsession with actors, with movies, with eevry little detail. That was out of the box. Ten years later, PJ didn`t move from that. Oh, there will be EEs. Been there, done that. Oh, he`s coming to BNAT.ZZzzzzzz. TH marketing not only lacks the "our movie = way of life" oomph but didn`t introduce anything marketing-wise that upgrades on LOTR, that brings something new to the table. if you want to know, twilight has invented mall appearances by and tour bus with lesser cast members, mostly Cullen Clan. Nevertheless, that works wonders. And don`t get me started about Robsten stunt. So, see, franchises are finding ways to animate fans 24-7, give them something to talk about until the movie release and beyond. TH just stagnated altogether.
  19. I`m sorry but epic trailer isn`t the only reason why LOTR was an event. Eveyrone cna have an epic trailer. Cloud Atlas has one too. The way they created the sense of living the whole thing with the cast was brilliant. Because it did. It isn`t a different perception. It did smash December record. That`s what goes into the headline. In the main body of the text, that many people may not read, hence why the good news is in the headline, they might explain that it fell short of adjusted Shriekapoo but most people don`t even know what that means.
  20. I just want to point out that marketing for TH was embarrasingly lazy. LOTR marketing was one of the most inventive ever, where they really did a Gebels job of creating a monolithic cult-like devotion to the movie and director by playing up unprescended camaraderie (9 members getting tattoos is just one fo many anecdotes), PJ`s now obviously staged but once believed genuine Hobbitness (he was walking around and directing barefoot which he stopped doing ever since Shriekapoo swept the awards) , cast always appearing together and them being so young and bubbly charmed adults and teens wanted to be like them, those insane DVD extras that contianed all those cast and crew banter and OMG being such a great big family and creating a history and shit. TH has nothing. Vlogs were business as usual. LOTR had them too. KK had them too. Cast doesn`t even try to play the chemistry but all promo is done by having Freeman and McKellen on talk shows separately. Granted, bunch of actors whose age averige is 48 or something goofying around wouldn`t produce as good effect as having bunch of actors averige age 22 doing the same. But they didn`t do anything. PJ didn`t do anything about HFR backlash. JC sold people on Avatar`s 3D because he tirelessly made appearance everywhere to educate about 3D. Moreover, the camaraderie is something that TA used to its advantage to sell the movie. Actors were out everywhere together bantering, joking, goofying, praising each other,etc so audience could get the feel of a) togetherness and team work, that they are creating something really special, a historical movie and c) they wanted to be like those guy or hang out with them. But TH? They seem to be simply thinking that people would come because it`s LOTR prequel. Absolutely no effort to make this an event. LOTR was an experience off the screen thanks to superbly orchestrated marketing that was broadcasting in different ways that this was a historical event. Th was lazy ass. PJ&wives appear at BNAT as usual. Post some vlogs as usual. Studio reelases trailers and spots as usual. Actor by actor does talk shows as usual. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
  21. TH isn`t essintial viewing even for fans. LOTR was. TPM was. I don`t know why it is so hard to understand that TH was never TPM. The story of how Anakin became Vader was fandom obsession ever since the I am your father reveal. Nobody obsessed about TH. Cute,lovely book but do you discuss plot points with your kids or with other fans 20-30 years since you read the book? Nope.
  22. Which explains Cinemascore`s A. I think you are onto something. Demo breakdown shows that OW was in fact driven by fans and that supposed GA-loving-this is really fans-loving-this.
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