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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. Joss would have tons of success as a blogger. Chunky, bearded, red, like Harry`s handsome brother.
  2. He`s fat! His soul is bigger than yours, or fatter but big = fat so there! My point proven.
  3. I hated it start to finish at the cinema and left in tears. Than I watched last 40 or so minutes on Space and I was so emotionally involved in Sam/Michaela/Optimus plight. I teared up a little too.
  4. Still amid fun summer popcorn, Thorki scenes resonated emotionally. That`s the power of Hiddlesworth.
  5. Horrible. WTF OS? They don`t have books yet or what?
  6. I love Bale. if the fan he tried to kill was anything like basement dwellers from AICN who think Shriekapoo is the best movie ever, more power to him. I wish he had succeeded.I`m happy he`s such a huge star and smug Viggo Mortnesen isn`t.
  7. Jonah is insufferable when paired with Seth Rogen cause Seth`s insufferableness rubs off on everyone. So Jonah minus Seth = epic win. Love Jonah.
  8. I wish every thread gets derailed like this. too much fun.
  9. The sequel is bound to go the WotT route cause WOM is very mixed so there are definitely many people who aren`t clamoring for the sequel. Domestic drop, maybe on par with SWATH OS.
  10. I hate Lindelof`s inability to finish anything in a satisfying way, I hate Jack Sheppard, I hate Kate Austin, I hate Jate, Prom was ridiculously stupid.
  11. Sure, but who`s climbing Dubai Tower and who`s playing show-stealing rock star? It isn`t that he can`t be in an ensamble just that he always gets the best. By far the best.
  12. There`s no freakin way that those A listers will be in a Cruise movie. Any movie with Cruise must give best scenes and lines to Cruise. That`s a common knowledge. You really think JGL would fight in low gravity in Inception if Cruise was the lead? Yeah, me neither. It`s not knocking on him, just how Cruise brand works. He`s the old-fashioned movie star.If you put Brad, Matt or Leo in his place, than, yeah, you can expect other cast members will shine too.Now, who`s gonna play the female Magnificent? You know that shit is happening.
  13. hello, most people stated they want him to do something original but if he has to adapt something since Hollywood adapts a ton so it`s likely he`ll do something like that in the future, people listed some stuff. Also, the man himself said he`d love to do Bond and those movies are really the same movie over and over again with different Bond girl and villain. So they are even less original than adaptations.
  14. I honestly don`t see who else could do it justice. It`s an intellectual phylosophical book with some cool action but definitely not a summer blockbuster type. IMO, book split in 2 movies would be totally justified too.
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