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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. OMG, when did Channing put on more weight than Jonah? or did Jonah lose more than Channing?This looks like a dumb fun. At least they aren`t trying to sell Channing as a serious action hero. I hope it does well for Jonah.
  2. OMG, OMG, Dan Rad`s pennies&dimes cheapfest is going to make over $50 mio when all is said and done. :wub:Holy shit Batman, TPM drop!
  3. Maybe Fast Six, he and Vin sweaty, slashy and in the buff?
  4. It`s the power of The Rock&Peeta that drives the business. I`m glad for both of them.
  5. :lol: Bomb Rider serves it right. I saw the first one at the staff screening. I wanted my money back even though I didn`t spend a dime. One of the worst movies I`ve ever seen. Laughably bad. And it got the sequel 5 or so years after the first one in hope people would forget what a turd the original was. Well, that was so shitty it was unforgettable. Bombs away!
  6. Well, thank you Prometheus for starting the "not a prequel, honest, I swear" prequels craze.That said, I adore IAL book and always thought it would be interesting to see what has become of new species society they tried to build at the end of the book. Howeevr, since the movie didn`t keep that part of the book, I really don`t know. In the book, they could easily bring back Neville because we had to believe that he was poisoned so that he wouldn`t suffer a slow death by the raging crowd. But he could have been only knocked out or something. The woman realized that her new society wasn`t perfect so she could have saved him for later if going gets tough and his help was needed. There are many ways one could undo the "death". But perishing in an explosion? Tough call. last time they un-did it, it was end of WotW that everyone`s harping on still.
  7. Did you feature Legion? because the movie was soooooooooo good, all we need is 5-6 season long streching of Terminator with angels.
  8. Technically, only Kat and Haymich have any depth so singling out female characters as lacking makes no sense. Author is so purtianical that she turned her heroine into a major babe. This chick is just grasping for straws to write something because her cattiness was actually earned when she mock-reviewed other YA. I read some of those books and they really give you an easy ammo. Nut HG books, while far from perfect, are cut above that kind of shit and she really became blue in face trying to tear down every aspect of the books.
  9. She`s totlaly insane. I mean, she hated the first book so much she actually read second and third just to prove she was right about the first? Lol! Do I contribute to Shitto TV show ratings to prove she sucks? hell, no! I follow the ratings wishing them to nose-dive but there`s no chance in hell Nielsen or whatever agency that does the same job in Canada will ever add my household to a ratings-booster list. And watching a shit show is easier than reading a shit book (well, she finds them shit).
  10. Dan Rad + horror + Valentine = date
  11. This blog hates them all and descets chapter by chapter of each:http://farla.livejou...0games%20series
  12. That`s the main problem with this season - tons of ho-hum episodes with a killer ending. Previous episode - dumb shit ahoy (Rick agreeing to zombie-catching? Really? ) but the zombie shoot-out and Sophia twist were aces. The Otis episode was nothing special until the flashback. The Carl shooting was also a drag until the shocker ending. It seems like they don`t know how to fill all those minutes until the big bang.
  13. Thinking back, I`m really annoyed that these people don`t think collapsed bitch has a zombie fever., I mena, seriously, she was attacked by a zombie and is now dying of fever. Hm. What could that possibly be? "Exhaustion!" "She`s in some kind of state" LMAO! This isn`t the beginning of zombie infestation. All these people saw how the things go up close and personal (Andrea`s sister, Hershel`s 30+ family members) and yet they don`t think this is what it obviously is? I just love this stupid writing. I don`t know why. But I do.
  14. Lori`s uselessness on the show reached entirely new level. I`m affraid that the promise of a)her dying or b)end of stupid baby plot will not end in a payoff. I bet that she`ll turn OK and we`ll have to deal with the same shit over and over again.Rick was so badass which was about time. Shane continues to entertain the hell out of me. His pissed off outbusrts are hiliarious. I just hope he kills Dale, another useless character.When that farm bitch collapsed with a fever I was hoping she`s turning into a zombie. Anyone else?
  15. Yeah, love for bearded up men will never die I guess.
  16. I didn`t bother to watch but read the list of winners. Poor Pomp.
  17. Who the fuck is talking about Lion King except Broadway crowd?
  18. TPM is more talked about than any of those movies. So it may not be better but it`s certainly more poplar topic of conversation.
  19. No, other movie(s) will do that before TH. Why you people think TH is the only movie entitled to crossing $1 billion, $2 billion,etc?
  20. There will be riots cause TPM passing $1 billion (it`ll happen) will push TDK off Top 10 WW.
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