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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. So Channing Tatum is a draw from romcoms. Which means Hollywood will give him expensive action tentpole to carry. Noah, Moses, whateevr else is there. Just watch.
  2. OMG, the power of The Rock and Peeta! I`m so happy for this increase. The movie`s kicking ass OS thoug so it`s a nice hit for everyone.
  3. Denzel is an example of an actor who knows his boxoffice limit hence why he is mostly careful with the budget (except Unstoppable which was,like, $100 mio but why?) so nobody can say he`s an underperformer.
  4. OK, I get you hate Smith but when did Denzel open with $70 mio? Never. He always carry mid-budget movies because his appeal isn`t as big as Smith`s.
  5. I read some comments that may be true on why RR doesn`t work as the leading man - too goofy-faced to make a convincing action hero, too buff to endear as a comedian.
  6. No way that RR`s credit is as big as DW`s, seriously people just stop. People may like their pairing like they liked Stiller and Wilson but everyone and their mother new Stiller was much bigger draw and unlike Wilson he opened alone too.
  7. This year`s numbers are so crazy, I think BKB, Neo,Kal, Kal clones,etc are lowballing their predix.
  8. Dude, stop beating RR drum. Denzel opened. RR can`t open alone,OK? Nothing wrong with that cause 99% of actors out there can`t open for shit. RR is not the star and neevr will be but he can have a solid career if he accepts that he works the best as the strong lead`s co-lead or support.
  9. You are wrong. It proved that RR is not the star. Put him in the lead = flop. Put him in a real star`s movie as a supporting actor or villain = success. The guy just isn`t the lead.
  10. Meesa so back!I want more Star Wars. Lucas can hand creative part over to other people and collect paycheck from producing and merchandise.
  11. Stupid. Frankensten does not have crossappeal like vampire. No sex appeal. Also, just wait for I Frankenstein to bomb before you go into production,folks.
  12. YES! There are actors I avoid like plague because I find them grating or dull or just want to shoot them in the face point blank.
  13. Yep, they lost about 40% viewers in the first half that was mostly focued on: adoption, McPhee`s candy vomit bliss with wedding cake-figure boyfriend, Cruella DeBotoxville`s divorce and that secretary who feel complete around theater people. This isn`t even a hint at who should leave the show pronto. It`s like a Mjolnir in the head warning. And yet I read in EW that there will be more family drama. Countdown to axe falling in T minus 5...4....3....
  14. They`ll have trouble convincing those sticking with the show that McPhee character should be Marilyn. Reason being not just that Hilty one is more suited but McPhee`s character, being a newcomer who takes the spot from a vet, is less sympathetic because overnight success is less likable than paying your dues and hitting big thanks to hard work. Which is why they had to saddle Hilty character with the couch casting cliche to make her look bad. Also, putting the marketing of the show on McPhee`s shoulders is unfair to the girl because the show is obviously skewing older (there are no teens) and yet she is supposed to attract teens. Who won`t stay around for Cruella deBotoxville and Debra Messings family yawnathon or McPhee and her dull boyfriend (also in his 30s). I`m affraid that this is the case of network and PR annointing McPhee a bone fide star before the audience had their say. And like in many cases of overexposed-before-proving-themselves leads, they may not embrace the pre-manufactured star. That`s what I`m getting from comments. That the hype led people to believe the pilot id special and McPhee is sepcial and that eevrything was really meh and predicatbel and ordinary.
  15. Makes sense. Voice lead-in boosted the first half which was so boring people gave up.
  16. Leo for Titanic and Shutter IslandBunch of genre movies which are now considered classicsFord for RaidersTTT score (does anyone remember anything from ROTK? No. Does anyone hum Rohan theme? Yes, everyone)Fass for ShameNolan for TDK and InceptionHP:PoA and DH2 for BP (I`m not even getting into cinematography debate cause all 8 deserved a nom)HP:PoA`s Something Wicked This Way Comes for Best SongEwan McGregor for Moulin Rouge and Come What May for Best Song (no clue why it was ineligible)Dunst for Interview with the VampireSerkis for TTT and ROTPOTAHardy for BronsonJGL for 50/50Will Smith for IALEllen for Finding Nemo
  17. In Sasha Stone`s hourly sololiques. He is far from underappreicated. he just doesn`t have interesting personality. People talk about Nolan and Cameron because they are fascinating persons and there`s this crazy rivalry between their fanboys.
  18. Considering that you think shitfest known and Girl Who Played With Fire and Girl Who Kicked Hornet`s Nest are masterpieces, your comment is .
  19. :lol: :lol:It`s funny that he`s tempering with OT while Prequels that totally need tempering are left alone.
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