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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. Under $100 mio. Books are way too popular for so low.
  2. Reaping, roasted pig, Rue`s lullaby, GoF, wolves, berries, Peeta`s confession, fight with Clove.
  3. LOL. if you asked older audience, they`d tell you that there are no movies for them ebcause everything skews teen.
  4. I hope someone makes the Really Cheap Movies - What Went Right thread. It`s really greta that the audience is embracing these small movies which proved to be very different from each other. You have found footage starring nobodies and an action and old-fashioned horror starring underexposed genre icons. I think it`s a great trend.
  5. Lol,wut? Nobody auditions for Marilyn singing that mega cliche Beautiful and gets a callback. No 20something chick who bangs her boyfriend would not know that when director calls you to his pad late at night it means couch casting. These are just two glarinlgy unrealistic, only-on-TV scenes that would never ever happen in real life. She`ll be big even if the show tanks. She is really a multi-talent and extremly beautiful to boot.
  6. Not as bad as Cameron SuperDitz Diaz spoiling The Box twist at the ComicCon. The one they tried to keep under the wraps at all costs.
  7. Dream House was so bad DC refused to promote it so they had to put the twist in the trailer since there was nothing going for that movie.
  8. Yeah and Dream House had Daniel Craig and two known actresses and it wasn`t a period movie.Big names don`t mean shit in horror genre where most successful movies are usually ones with total nobodies (PA, anyone?). That DR proved a draw is a great news for him but he wasn`t a sure thing. Not to take anything away from Chonicle but credit where it`s due. DR or not, it`s super popular fad genre vs something that worked in 60s.
  9. Chronicle is found footage contemporary horror whatever that was meant to be #1 by default. TWIB is old-fashioned one. That TWIB is in photofinish with Chronicle is nothing short of a miracle. DR or not, that type of horror didn`t sell since The Others. So it`s a huge win for both movies.
  10. Fear not. The bomb of March is already known. Mirror Mirror.
  11. LOL, too early for that and the low budget helps. But he did open this one for sure.
  12. They should have named the movie JC so people think it stands for James Cameron instead of John Carter.
  13. With their budget, Titanic and Avatar were bound to bomb too.
  14. I`m watching. JC looks amazing. March is going to be so epic - JC, Jar Jar, Katniss and Perseus. Did I miss anyone else?
  15. Wow, fantastic for Chronicle and TWiB, doesn`t matter who ends up on the top, both are winners. Low budget, decent to good reviews, great opening numbers. So happy for DR. Didn`t expect him to open but apparently he is the driving force for this.
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