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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. :lol: :lol:I honestly don`t know why he isn`t whoring for hits with vids like this instead of attacking Spielberg over and over? His YouTube`d meltdown would be more epic than Perez Hilton`s post-Will.I.Am shovel one.LOL @ his comment on his site about most uninteresting,etc nominee in history. Talk about hyperbole.
  2. Fuck Artist. I`m seriously warming up to DT upset. At least Fincher isn`t some out of blue first and last time nominee who wins. he`ll be in the game for long. And between Eurotrash and gimmick, Eurotrash wins always.
  3. OMG, that`s awesome! Is Pompadour also Viola fan? I remeber he thought she wouldn`t happen cause some guy he spoke to said she ddin`t have support or something. Pompadour always thinks that one AMPAS member`s opinion equals 6000 memebers opinions.
  4. Any hot pic of Sasha Stone`s reaction to Davies win? She`s anti-Davies,no?
  5. Holy shit, Viola Davies! YAY! Now that has thrown a monkey wrench into the race that was seen as Meryl vs Michelle.
  7. CEDAR, first half is really slow. And I mean really. I get that they are trying to introduce characters but that could have been done much better and straight to the point instead of tossing a lot of deadweight into the first episode that is supposed to hook you from the get go. But when things pick up, they really do and the finish is very strong and worth the wait...presuming you didn`t give up after first 20-30 minutes.Iceroll, the show is definitely NOT targeting kids and teens. All characters are mature and there are no teens among principal cast though they may stray into developing subplot for Julie`s son or something who had,like, 3-4 lines in the pilot but he is there so you never know.
  8. People`s Choice is rigged just like MTV MA, Teen Choice,etc. Certain star`s PR and studios buy awards for their people. Everyone knows how the system works.
  9. Seen this and honestly don`t know what to think. I liked it but not as much as I expected after the trailer. Reason being, it`s really 2 shows in one and, well, if you don`t like one of them, sitting through those scenes will be a chore. IMO, this is in the hands of the wrong network. You can just feel that there`s far juicier show in there trying to break out but can`t because someone thinks that injecting family and moral values in a show that should have been deliciously trashy and racy is a good idea. Well, it is not. I`m sorry but I really don`t care about family shit that happens outside of putting up the musical. Those scenes are what makes the pilot watchable (and some scenes are downright great), not bloody relatives of the key people.Speaking of the cast, like any ensamble show, there are characters who are more interesting and those who are less. Out of,like, 7-8 people that seem to be the focus, I only found 3 that I thought were worth following week after week - Karen, the smalltown girl with big dreams, Ivy, the trashy backburner player who wants to be the star, and Derick, the trashy director. These three will also create a love triangle I think which is for better cause poor Karen has an insufferable boyfriend. The guy is so fuckin supportive that senior citizens could use him as a cane when they go for a walk. And the couple`s scenes are so cringe-worthy and loaded with sugar that you could get diabetes just by watching them. Honestly, if they took sugar bride and groom from the wedding cake and shoot a movie with them, it would be less syrupy than these two.In general, all characters are fuckin stereotypes to the core. Bubbly smalltown girl with amazing talent? Check. Older pro sick of waiting for a chance that never comes and ready to do whatever it takes? Check. Couch casting director? Check. Workacholic woman who can`t find time for her family? Check. Gay bff? Check. Supportive boyfriend? Check. Overbearing parents? Check. Etc. I mean, actors are good but those roles are so cliche and outside of the three mentioned above totally thankless. Like supportive bf and gay bff, how more thankless that shit can be? Oh, and "gay" guy cannot possibly be gay. He`s a fuckin scarecrow. Only frustrated single crones like Sasha Stone are desperate enough to hook up with something like that. Gay men never. Better taste and not desperate enough.So I really have no clue how this will turn out. Family shit is really uninteresting, while stuff related to the musical is good to great. I guess itl`l take me couple more episodes to decide.
  10. Yeha, but we all know that AMPAS tends to snub the real dela and give a make up award to fluff. And GWTDT is fluff. It may be a well done movie but the content is rtash that won`t stand the test of time just like the books. By the end of this decade, nobody will remember this series.
  11. There is no clear frontrunner and DT/Fincher and MiP/Woody look like solid contenders for an upset. One is due, the other hasn`t won in decades.
  12. Well, the only guild that it missed out so far is SAG and that`s likely due to that retarded screening embrago/late screening/whatever that Sony emposed.
  13. I`ve been avoiding those forums ever since DT started to develop legs. So I cna imagine the celebration.But! The Jaw tanked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: Between The Jaw success and DT success, I`m DT club all the way! :DBut, seriously, why DT win looks so far-fetched to you? It picked up steam right before balot mailing and by Guilds (who check mark those balots) no less. Fincher is considered robbed last year by many insiders. Reviews are strong, not DH2 strong but we knew DH2 wouldn`t make the cut because it`s HP. There is no clear frontrunner. I don`t think that the win looks impossible. But either way, nomination is a lock.
  14. DT is absolultely winning. I`m calling it. It`s peaking at the best possible time. This WGA, PGA, DGA sweep of noms is saying something.
  15. Jesus, DT is the frontrunner now. What has world come to?
  16. Gigantic egg in critics face. They warned us, we ddin`t believe it, acknowledged it too late, and Paramount is laughing all the way to the bank. Terrific stuff. Go TDI!
  17. I can`t wait for sequels to tarnish the goodwill from the first movie. What awful, awful shit those books (and Swedish movies) are. I hope Fincher passes on them.
  18. Well, onslaught of UW,Haywire,Redtails will certainly put some dent into its hold whether because it`ll have to give up theaters or because those movies will draw its target audience. However, $120 mio is very doable regardless.
  19. That`s what trilogy is for. A-list isn`t defined by boxoffice. It`s just a very short list of actors who are top of every director`s wish list. I repeat, it`s extremly short list, and most actors who are considered A list aren`t on it. There isn`t much certaintly who makes the list, only speculations.
  20. No. DT is on track to make $115-120 mio w/o Oscars. Next week is MLK so it`ll have another over $10 mio weekend. That`ll put it at over $90 mio. Do the math from there. Unless it magically loses over 1/2 of theaters and screens.
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