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Everything posted by theultimatebiu

  1. This truly is the most shocking OD I have ever witnessed. I honestly don't get the appeal. Wow.
  2. Er....why is this happening? $30M OD? Anyway, I have seen people bringing up Selma and I just don't think mainstream USA wants to deal with that subject. It's the reason why there will be a string of Tamir Rice's and Eric Garner's for a while to come. That should not distract from the success of AS which obviously had great marketing and really good reviews. I have never been a fan of wartime movies so I can't see myself seeing this in cinemas but I'll definitely check it out on Netflix. Maybe after the last major terrorist attack the country wants to see a movie about a "hero" who dealt with people who had the same ideology.
  3. I guess me being British somewhat detaches me from the appeal. Plus, I am not a big fan of Eastwood's directing.
  4. Yep. I think this new avenue of streaming will kill the direct-to-dvd film business. I haven't purchased a DVD in at least a year. The convenience of downloading your movie straight to your laptop/pc/tablet/ps4/xbox etc.... is just too strong. Also, I think people forget how flipping popular Goblet of Fire was. It was probably the most easily accessible movie of the whole franchise.
  5. Having also just seen TS3 on TV it cements the total pointlessness of this new sequel. It ended perfectly.
  6. I felt the same way now about Skyfall as I did when I first saw it. Good but noting I'd want to see again. The scene with the tube carriage alone pisses me off and less said about the giant CGI lizards the better.
  7. I will use the most overused word ever to describe Skyfall.....overrated. Its success was due to great marketing and being better than Quantum of Solice but dear God it was a misfire. A bland and underused villain, uneven action sequences and random plot conveniences. I still give it a 7/10 but it was nowhere near as good as Casino Royale. Spectre will easily have the biggest OW of the franchise but I don't see much, if any, increase OS and I don't know if it can maintain $300M DOM without 3D.
  8. See Lionsgate.....not every finale has to be split in two. Give us one final movie. It didn't even work that well for DH1 (a lot of it could have been cut out as the character development was minimal). I am sure MJ2 will be in 3D. Well I won't be seeing MJ1 until its on Netflix.
  9. It looks great. I will definitely be seeing this as i grew up with Charlie Brown and snoopy (as its called here in the UK).
  10. Gravity was fun. It never tried to be anything but a straight thriller movie with a solid performance from Sandra Bullock. This irritating need to down play Gravity to praise Interstellar (not accusing you of doing this) is really irritating.
  11. $50M is great for Interstellar. Its the Nolanites who kept comparing it to Inception. Inception looked fun and action packed. Interstellar looks like a IMAX documentary.
  12. No I want to be completely emo and tell PIXAR to fuck off. In all seriousness I grew up with Toy Story...it was the first movie I was completely obsessed with and each installment has come at different eras of my life. It ended perfect with a message of 'letting go' and moving forward. Making another sequel contradicts that.
  13. For fuck sake. It ended perfectly....why keep dragging it. Fuck it I won't be seeing this at all. No way a 4th installment is going to be anything but a rehash of previous stories. Do we really need to see the Toy's get lost AGAIN and find their way home.
  14. Harry Potter PS, POTC:DMC, TDK, Shrek 2, Spider-man, Deathly Hallows PART 2 and Matrix Reloaded are the only opening weekends that I can truly remember on BOM. I know The Avengers OW is a amazing result but I honestly was never really moved by it. Almost like I expected it to be huge from the get go.
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