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Everything posted by theultimatebiu

  1. How is it not fair? Its a movie not a oppressed community....calm down.
  2. It may not be necessary if the movie is plot driven but this movie was character driven so it becomes essential.
  3. Why? I'm kinda sick of these posts. I have the right to compare TA2 to its predecessor and I don't have too lower my expectations to be impressed. My opinion is the movie is good not great. It runs too long, its uneven, zero character development and almost zero plot. I had fun but its not memorable or great. Others share that opinion and the rest don't. If you can't face opposing opinions or try to lessen someone's opinion based on some nonsensical reasoning....that is your issue alone.
  4. I'm glad I am not the only one who felt this was good but not great. There really is no character development in this movie. That was my major issue. Everyone is pretty much the same from the beginning of the first movie
  5. 7/10 or a solid B. Pros - great action - good one liners - humour - good chemistry between characters - Vision is cool Cons - Too much action sometimes and the best action sequences are in the first half of the movie - Wafer thin plot - Character motivation is weird (Why did the Hulk leave? Stark hasn't learnt anything from the previous installment etc..) - Ultron comedic side makes him less threatening - Hawkeye's family seems shoe horned in just to give him something to say and do Overall I think I enjoyed TA1 more than TA2 but I still had fun.
  6. There is always one breakthrough horror movie that crosses into mainstream. I think Poltergeist will be big but purely because of its brand recognition.
  7. The answer is yes. TA2 will be huge but SW7 I honestly don't see it surpassing TA2.
  8. FIFY The trailer for unfriended looked decent but it didn't grab me like Paranormal Activity did. Plus they should have released this near Halloween.
  9. Its already at $120M in just 3 days and is not showing any slowing down.
  10. I doubt it. I think it will cross $1.1bn just. But I am terrible at reading OS numbers.
  11. This has nothing to do with Bay. FF7 is grade A stupidity but the action sequences work because we actually have a connection to the characters because we have been through a lot with them plus they work so well together. TF (excluding Shia) is filled with empty characters who shout at the screen when something blows up. There is no chemistry between any of them and they are basically just macguffins to drive to another explosion or location.
  12. FF and TF are both dumb but, as already stated, FF is self-aware and actually focuses on characters who have REAL chemistry.
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