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Everything posted by theultimatebiu

  1. Definitely. With Paul gone the team dynamic and chemistry gets weaker.
  2. Bay makes pretty movies. That's it. Anyone using the Transformer movies as an example of anything more than a shallow popcorn flick are kidding themselves
  3. like Serena?? Because 1. Clint Eastwood name sparks interest. 2. Real life story which was extremely popular 3. Controversy of the real man the movie is portraying 4. Excellent marketing 5. Book was a big bestseller 6. Oscar frontrunner 7. Story draws in older crowd, right wing crowd, military crowd etc...
  4. No. Completely disagree. AS was popular because of the story and the real life person....it had very little to do with Bradely Cooper at all
  5. Well I am sure it will be much better than anything E.L. James has written. I am not surprised by rumors of her behavior. This is a woman who was a fangirl of the Twilight universe. So much that she devoted time to write a sex fantasy based on the characters. Fanboys/girls are usually the most psycho with details and refuse to let anything be changed when adapted.
  6. It was released too late. The TV show had milked the penguins for all the stories they could.
  7. It would not shock me at all. An 'Avengers' type of crossover. Sully and Mike accidentally walk into Andy' closet and encounters Woody and Buzz. Mr. Incredible is called in as he thinks the monsters are new villains. It pretty much writes itself.
  8. I never said they have made a bad sequel (except Cars 2 which is awful and Monsters University is pretty basic). It just seems they have gone the Marvel route. Except for making stories and singular movies they are just making franchises and looking at all their properties to greenlight sequels.
  9. Clearly you missed my point entirely. I said PIXAR success was BUILT of original properties. The reference for ONE was a direct reply to the user who stated that PIXAR had been making sequels since 1999 and I said it was only ONE (at that point) and it was not even their intention as they were forced to do a diret-to-video sequel for TS which later turned into TS2. They did not make another sequel for years after that as their original properties were drawing in huge crowds.
  10. Yes, but it was only ONE. They had more original products and TS2 was initially made with the intention of being a straight-to-video sequel and nothing more.
  11. I think its a shame they couldn't just leave it alone. PIXAR built its brand and success doing ORIGINAL movies so I don't understand the whole need to stretch a property further than it needs to. Plus, this idea is just so fucking dumb. The romance plot in the Toy Story universe was never strong enough to fulfill a whole plot so it was always a minor subplot and worked perfectly well. It's a huge stretch to now feel the whole movie can live off what was already a very minor subplot.
  12. Its also WOM because it is getting toxic WOM from people I've been talking to. No one can see what the big fuss is about it.
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