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Everything posted by zackzack

  1. The Shallows, a survival movie starring Hollywood celebrity Blake Lively
  2. Will Ghostly Tribe earn as much as Monster Hunt? This looks like a mish mash of Lord of the Rings, Godzilla & Indiana Jones. Very ambitious fx-driven movie.
  3. Just to add: they should have extended the airplane sequence beyond Cruise hanging on the side of it. Before I went into the screening, I was half expecting some crazy stunt ala Uncharted's famous sequence
  4. Let's face it GP has that once-in-a-lifetime stunt sequence that sold the movie around the world. Dubai seems to be smoking of box office magnet, look at FF7. But anyway, Mi5 with some awesome but rather un-original bike chase is not gonna cut it, but the movie still makes close to GP's WW and hitting that without 3D is an impressive accomplishment.
  5. Interstellar has some incredible moments in it but as a movie, it is very uneven, and I am not a big fan of the ending. Gravity has a minimalist plot but it sticks to its game, and come out a winner. Apollo 13 is a superior movie to both -objectively speaking, less visually stunning than Gravity, but it has everything in it: plot, human drama, team work, Americana that doesn't make you cringe. However, Gravity is still my favorite I haven't seen The Martian but judging by the overwhelming positive reviews, it may be difficult to meet the over-inflated expectations. Now everybody is expecting a masterpiece, not just an effective space thriller, from Ridley Scott.
  6. You are saying there are high demands for those steelbooks? More than the studios anticipate? What are they waiting for? Release steelbook editions before the regular editions. Put as many features as possible.
  7. Drop "Alien" from title, just stick to Paradise Lost
  8. LOL, hey it is not easy to make a film about God-like creatures, alien biology, existential questions, and somehow segue into one of the most beloved, respected scifi franchises ever. Having said that, I am really looking forward to see how Scott & Fox would correct the issues in the beautifullly shot but haphazardly written original
  9. Sicario, pretty damn good drug war movie, final scene makes you want to donate to some cause (my suggestion: don't)
  10. A faithful adaptation doesn't equal quality. But this movie seems to receive unanimous praise all around. I have not heard a single negative remark. Maybe one or two that said it is nothing new or it is flat etc but the rest is like singing praises to high heavens
  11. If McG directed it, the submarines would do somersault underwater. If Fincher did it, the audience would need a torchlight. If Singer did it, everything will probably be steady as you go.
  12. Title? Bourne Betrayal, which is the title of the novel following Legacy, sounds like a Straight-to-Video Bourne Ascendancy (real novel) sounds like a History Channel show on ancient empires Bourne Objective sounds like a corporate memo Bourne Sanction sounds like a CNN headline Bourne Deception is like...fuggedaboutit Bourne Retribution sounds like Ultimatum Bourne Imperative sounds like a Mad Max movie Bourne Dominion sounds like a horror movie How about: Bourne Reborn Bourne Redux (lol) Bourne Infinity Bourne Jour Bourne Cinnabon
  13. Getting a 20th anniversary at Toronto. Damn lucky Canadians. Warner will release a new BluRay package next year.
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