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Everything posted by SchumacherFTW

  1. It looks like everywhere she's performing are gigantic sports stadiums
  2. If it's the same thing they released on D+? 30m total, I couldn't make it through half an hour of that recording. I'm sure it's different on stage, but that killed any desire I had to go watch it.
  3. Elemental seemed to do really well with it's early shows today as well, any screening I checked was packed.
  4. Losing dedicated projectionists who took care of the presentation is possibly the worst thing that's happened to the theatrical experience. Most theaters simply don't act on a poor quality presentation until there's an "unacceptable" level of complaints, and who knows what that threshold is for most of them.
  5. Odeon Leicester Square listing's board was pretty much all red when we were having lunch next to it today. Only showtimes that hadn't sold out fully were in the main screen, and even then Oppy only had about 10 seats left out of 800
  6. Why does MJ being big in his time serve as a way to invalidate how big Swift is today? Considering the diversification in media these days you could argue that Swift being as big as she is could even be more impressive.
  7. I'm no Swifty by any stretch of the imagination, but anyone trying to deny her impact on the culture conversation right now feels pretty asinine. Whether you like it or not, she's an absolute monster, let people enjoy themselves and move on.
  8. I'll just say never underestimate Filipinos when music is involved.
  9. That is how it works with the Fillipina's I know, yes. She isn't going to the Philippines on this tour, so for millions this will be their next best option.
  10. Starting the campaign over Italian GP weekend? Smart. @Plain Old Tele you better be supporting my boys this weekend.
  11. We used to have those on other streaming services here. So much Trek was on Netflix outside the US before they imposed P+ on us without even a 4K option 😑
  12. Twitch only survives because Amazon owns it these days. And Amazon makes an insane amount with their cloud services, which most streamers probably use to some extent.
  13. That value proposition is exactly what the rest of the world is getting compared to the US D+. Hulu doesn't exist outside the US, probably time to fold it and just unify it in to the US D+ so it's the same globally.
  14. Things like this and ScreenX are why I look forward to their demise.
  15. Barbie and Ninja Turtles are leading show times for cinema day, Elemental seems to be getting a solid number as well
  16. Up until the recent quarter, a lot of the loss was mainly down to them dropping the IPL in India, now it's a true subscriber loss
  17. Each blockbuster show is around 200m for them, and they can have a couple of them running at a time. Then there's all the other mid budget shows they make, movies, and the cost of residuals for everything else on there. I can't be the only one rewatching The Simpsons and Futurama on there a lot
  18. Amazing, as it always is seeing Nolan's work on 15/70
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