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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Yeahhh, as I’ve said, I wouldn’t trust Ridley to deliver on this kind of film anymore if his career depended on it. I think the biggest difference between the two though is Beetlejuice feels very open to a nostalgia sequel by nature. Gladiator is a huge “wtf?” as far as why would you make a sequel to that movie in the first place? Kind of like “oh hey guys… Titanic 2!!”
  2. The Matrix also had pretty horrific reception from most, so Beetlejuice is in the same boat of needing to be loved to ignite. I’m sure TGM would have done very poorly too with like 50% RT ahead of release and audiences being unimpressed.
  3. I’ve never been more sure of anything box office related than Twister having absolutely zero relevancy under 35. Twisters would have to be some groundbreaking, modern concept that cuts ties to the original and has some sleek campaign to hit Millennials and under. Maybe I’m wrong about over that age being nostalgic, but I’ve also never seen signs of that. Compare to Top Gun, where every Gen Xer I know considered that movie a part of the zeitgeist of their youth. Beetlejuice is an absolutely iconic 80s movie for decades now, it really doesn’t matter at all what it did at the box office at the time. Everyone knows who Burton is and you’d be hard pressed to mention his name and not have the immediate reaction be that movie from most. Same if you mention Ryder as well. And even Keaton has the most fondness attached to that role, since most younger demos have never cared for his Batman at all with the Conroys and the Bales and the Pattinsons of the bat world we’ve grown up with. That’s why I was saying all along that he had next to no draw power for The Flash, since those CBMs can’t really rely on over 40 nostalgia.
  4. I anecdotally don’t know anyone who has ever mentioned that movie even one time to me. If I start asking people about it I will not be surprised if many are clueless as to what it is. I will also throw in It’s a Mad…. World as the other of the top 100, but I’m guessing it had much to do with the star powered cast at the time.
  5. I’ve been pretty sure on Opp taking it, but suddenly I’ve been getting a really strong feeling they will actually give it to Barbie. It’s just dominating a lot of year end best lists and it feels like this inescapable thing this year in general. They will make a way bigger statement awarding it top prize than Opp as well ironically enough.
  6. I said in the Twisters thread and I will stand by Twister being the most “wtf” in the entire all time top 100 adjusted list by a mile. I can’t fathom anyone will care about Twisters. Beetlejuice has plenty of nostalgia on the other hand.
  7. Thank goodness they knocked off the original part 1 in the title, that woulda looked really embarrassing if it’s 4 years or so between.
  8. That would be very surprising for a 4th film at this point unless they can manage to engineer something viral like gentleminions again. Or if families just say no to IO2 I guess, then the market would be pretty open.
  9. My ultimate doom and gloom for 2024 is no 300+ grosser DOM if DP3, IO2, BJ2, and Joker all get less than great WOM. I don’t really think any other movie stands a chance tbh, and all 4 of those can be totally killed by WOM, they are not locks by any stretch.
  10. Since I will not believe Dune can be a 200 grosser DOM until proven otherwise, I think Wonka may be it between any release from August 2023 to June 2024. Godzilla x Kong, Apes, and Furiosa are wild cards but I doubt it. 300+ is where it really gets interesting since while IO2, DP3, and maybe Beetlejuice I think are likely, I can see scenarios where all miss as well based on reception. I guess you could argue the same for Joker as well. Nothing on the holiday slate is any kind of “lock” for that mark. Very weird to have a whole year where nothing could be a blockbuster if we ended up getting meh films after just coming off an entire half a year where nothing was a blockbuster (even getting some well liked films).
  11. I mean normally I’d agree that misleading marketing is very bad. I just think with the musical situation, so many people are just stubborn. It’s like the anecdote you talked about yourself. He admitted that it was good and then turned around and said he wouldn’t go if he realized it’s a musical. But why? Why is it that big of a deal unless we’re talking Les Mis style where the dialogue is mostly sung. Thats a much different thing though I think. But while some may be irked Wonka is a musical, I think it’s still possible more people like your brother are going than would have if MUSICAL!! was blasted in the marketing. So I’m torn as to whether or not I disagree with kind of misleading marketing about musicals. Think it really depends on the movie itself and how prominent and integral the music is to it. In a case like Wonka, I totally can see why WB would want to just push it as a feel-good family holiday film and leave it at that.
  12. I didn’t think there was anyway it was getting to 60 based on Strange World’s trajectory, but I forgot they rushed that to D+
  13. Cars 4 would be believable to me though since I don’t think they know what to do for getting boys to buy their merch. They could make appealing new IPs, what an idea.
  14. I haven’t had a regal near me for a bit and I don’t even know of Marcus. Thats some bullshit, I would stop getting there for the preview if they were also going to put ads between.
  15. They broke up the trailers to show more ads??? Are you kidding me? I would be pissed. Interstingly, I have the opposite problem with theaters I go to in recent years about not wanting to run the AC anymore. Used to be great heat escapes, but now you’re in there sweating if it’s hot out.
  16. Why anyone would buy theater popcorn is beyond me at this point. The price passed absurd two decades ago already, it’s easy to “sneak” ziplocked microwave popcorn in (or just walk in with it in plain sight at my theaters), and the theater “butter” is straight up poison. I would sooner be on my death bed from starvation before I’d consider buying movie theater popcorn again.
  17. Heron has a good chance to move into 3rd place on the anime DOM list over Pokemon 2 (43m). Demon Slayer’s 49m silver medal will be really tough, but I’m not giving up if it can get screens back.
  18. TCPs holds are really really bad, just no way around it. For all the flack some got for bringing up Ali as a comp (which I also thought didn’t make sense) it’s actually on track to do even worse than that now for OD multi. So I guess this Black demographic led super frontloaded CD opener is officially a thing now for future ref? I do have to wonder if the musical element is hurting both TCP and Wonka a bit. I feel like more people I know are coming out of the woodwork all of a sudden to act like musicals are the bane of existence than I’ve ever seen before.
  19. Well I’m kinda ready to throw in the towel on 10x for Wonka, since I know some are eager to hear me say it. I still think it could go a lot higher in multi than it might seem right now though, because what else is going to play well through Feb? Looking like no juggernaut for the holiday season after all though, meaning we are likely going summer to summer without a true box office smash. That seems really bad to me considering it’s never happened before in box office history outside of the obvious Covid stretch
  20. I just hope they don’t rush it. The ending makes me think that they will, but part of AtSV is so good is because they took half a decade instead of rushing.
  21. That post was BEFORE I just saw the post above me. You’ve gotten by freaking kidding me. Yeah, Iger doesn’t get it at all
  22. Eh, we’ve gotten a bunch of movie announcements this year that sound terrible and like they don’t understand what the issue actually is though.
  23. Yeah, it would have to get a re-release at that point. I also think this definitely deserves the award. AtSV for all its strengths is simply far too much of an incomplete part 1. Give all the awards to BtSV instead (assuming it delivers).
  24. Thats ok, it’s not like kids movies have never done well during school. I think it’s a nice tome of year to not have to worry about major comp either. As I’ve mentioned, releasing them all together is stupid imo. They ensure there’s no chance of all of them doing well.
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