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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. That's true, I've always maintained that the LOTR trilogy, Avatar, and Titanic could have actually had leggy runs if you chopped a solid 80 mins off of them. So much money lost.
  2. Pretty irked JL is going to beat Logan DOM by so little. Logan was a hard R and JL was DCEU's 4 quad Avengers. Logan absolutely deserved to win given how close it was and Logan will surely be the admissions champ with no 3D.
  3. BWAHAHAHAHA. I must have been crazy. Yikes at TLJ and Wonder Woman too. Nailed the MCU releases though, and got pretty close to JL though still too high lol.
  4. IF 9 were as divisive or even more so than TLJ, then maybe I could see something as low as 500. Otherwise it shouldn't dip below 600.
  5. I almost have to wonder if Disney did realize TLJ was going to be divisive and just tried to divert with all the pre-release comments about how incredibly pleased and assured they were in it. Maybe that’s the real reason for Trevorrows axing and bringing back Abrams. They knew they were going to need another crowd pleaser like TFA after this movie.
  6. I don't think an increase is out of the question for it either though. It will depend on marketing and if it can really please the fanbase at large like TFA did. That will be paramount after TLJ, and obviously not at all easy now.
  7. Yeah, IX won't fall by a huge amount if it does. It could however end up the least attended third installment.
  8. Yes, but in the case of all of those we did think the story was ending at the time. You'd have to be completely naive on the other hand to believe IX will be the last episode. Everyone knows it won't be. Another ding against how much box office potential it has.
  9. It still kinda annoys me they didn't release it on Friday. Don't think the OW would have been much different than that 158 4 day number, which would have been crazy in '05.
  10. It's the movie every SW fan wanted to see whenever Lucas talked about his idea of the prequels for years. No one was waiting all those years to see Senate meetings, the clone wars, Count Dooku, and Anakin's budding love life. They were waiting to see ROTS. It had 20+ years of hype leading into it. Of course it was a hook.
  11. I agree the diehards will never skip 9 no matter what they might claim, but that alone doesn't guarantee an increase. It's the casual audience that is also not loving TLJ and they're not guaranteed to have some kind of unyielding loyalty to the brand.
  12. War for the Planet of the Apes is another finale without a clear hook, and again look what happened. Even with spectacular reception of both its predecessors.
  13. You could also argue though that none of them had a big hook for the finale. I mean Return of the King had the hook of the one ring finally being destroyed, ROTJ had the hook of seeing how the biggest movie twist of all time in ESB played out, ROTS had the hook of the birth of Vader/completion at the time of the Star Wars saga, Toy Story 3 had the nostalgia Andy grown up hook, DH2 had the hook of the Harry/Voldemort showdown teased for 7 movies finally happening, etc.
  14. The big jumps for OWs are the end of the 80's, end of the 90's, beginning of 00's, and beginning of 10's.
  15. Efron should go back to musicals, looks like the one thing he's actually not box office poison in. With the anomaly of Neighbors, Showman will join Hairspray and HSM3 as his only movies to make 80m+ DOM. Jackman also only seems able to pull those numbers outside of Wolverine in a musical.
  16. Showman may not end up a hit, but they did get extremely lucky that WOM looks to be amazing. Would have been a massive bomb otherwise with that opening.
  17. I would put that past them, but I wouldn't put it past them to make Kylo become the new Vader, with maybe a slightly modified costume and James Earl Jones and all.
  18. There was a huge hook for ROTS. And for ROTJ. There is nothing selling 9 except simply being the finale. Plenty of finales have decreased, especially without a big hook or a lot of goodwill going in. Look at movies like Matrix Revolutions, At World's End, Mockingjay 2, Breaking Dawn 2, The Dark Knight Rises, etc. Also Sith really didn't increase all that much for having Vader and being marketed as basically the last SW movie ever. Only by 65m adjusted. Prequel reception up to that point definitely cut its potential.
  19. Hard to really compare ESB though when ANH had a bazillion expansions and re-releases and player forever over the course of its "first run." It's real first run is probably closer to the 215m BOM shows by April '78.
  20. When a movie decreases on Friday, you know it's bad. Aside from it being either a Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve Friday, there's really zero excuse for that to ever happen for a movie still in such wide release. Jumanji could end up the admission champ for the weekend, even though it will still come a little under TLJ in gross.
  21. Hey, they could spend the whole movie course correcting and tack in an episode X to this part of the saga.
  22. I’d say no chance given competition. A whole lot of movies vying for 200+ in November and December. ME will probably be a big casualty if it doesn’t really deliver.
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