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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Not hitting 70m for the weekend - or maybe not even 65 - simply isn't good anyway anyone wants to spin it. Unless of course the weekend holds aren't going to behave like '06 and it has a big Sat jump and doesn't fall 50% or so on Sun. But otherwise, mixed WOM has definitely hit TLJ right in the face.
  2. PP3 is really lucky to be opening to that and be in the holiday season, imo. Could have taken a really nasty fall with the reception, but should do 120+ now.
  3. But the Pirates trilogy was over. Granted they did already have OST in development. Depp in general was their biggest asset at the time, since AiW inexplicably grossed $1b WW that year,
  4. Crazy to think the biggest thing they had going for them back then was Pixar and Johnny Depp, and that was kind of it. The WDAS resurgence hadn't even happened yet.
  5. It doesn't, the point is that the PG13 rating inherently attracts a more adult audience. PG makes it seem like the movie is a family/kids movie, but again it should be trying to go for the over 40 demo.
  6. The PG rating on that one seems odd to me. Even if they had to just throw a few cuss words in there or something, I think it would have been better served as a PG13. That's it's target audience, kids couldn't care less.
  7. I will admit to the Ghostbuster trailers looking kind of shitty (even though I enjoyed the film), but yeah there is literally nothing whatsoever wrong with this trailer. This is definitely flat out sexism from a very devolved faction of the internet.
  8. Ugh, Logan is so overrated. It doesn't have the heart (or humor) of Wonder Woman or GOTG2, nor the immensely fun replay value of SMH and Ragnarok. On that note, it's really hard to pick this year between those four. I love them all, and it kind of just depends on my mood during the current day. Probably would go with WW overall. Truly a landmark year in the genre, may never be repeated.
  9. I think it is the most affecting out of all of their movies, after two viewings. Some of their movies may be a little more perfectly paced, but I don't know if any beat Coco's heart for me. And there are a lot of Pixar movies with a whole lot of heart. I also think it's one of the most beautifully animated films of all time and the soundtrack is superb. Their very first movie to be able to even remotely compete with WDAS' best in that aspect.
  10. It's incredible. The same # as Moana's 5th Friday coming off a 5th Thursday that was only half of Moana. I'm going to be giddy with glee if it's about to turn into a mini Frozen. Saw it a second time recently and I realized it may have broken into the top 10 of my favorite animated movies of all time.
  11. That’s more like a 115% jump to get to 35, but yeah I could see that happening if Friday is 29. Still don’t see high 30s in any case.
  12. How high of a sat bump are you giving it? Seems to me Xmas eve should be around 15-16m with this Friday number. That’s an awfully huge jump to get to 35+
  13. Zero percent chance Xmas will be upper 30s with a 28m Friday. You do know it’s dropping a solid 50% on Xmas eve right? 27-33 should be the range for Xmas based on this Friday.
  14. 50%+ increase should have been expected looking at ‘06. It jumped right around what I predicted for today (55%). Predicted around 15% for sat and -50% for sun. That would put it around 76 for the weekend. Not great, not bad. Still won’t call 700 any kind of lock yet.
  15. Sat and Sun holds should be pretty harsh given how the calendar is, so Friday is likely to be where it has a sizable bump. I can see 50%+.
  16. I hope Downsizing bombs hard. Paramount has been shoving it down our throats like crazy when it couldn't look less appealing. Which is saying something coming from me considering I think Payne's filmography has been superb. No idea what led him to that stinker.
  17. Puts 200 in play given its done nearly twice as much so far and it should play like a family film.
  18. My New Year's forecast based on 17.5 today: Friday: 27m (+55%) Saturday: 31m (+15%) Sunday: 15m (-52%) Monday: 31m (+106%) Tuesday: 28m (-9%) Wednesday: 22m (-21%) Thursday: 20m (-9%) Friday: 25m (+25%) Saturday: 27m (+8%) Sunday: 18m (-33%) Monday: 21m (+16%) New Year's Day total: 561m RO/TFA were at 80% of their final gross after NY weekend, but I think TLJ holds up worse after the holidays than them, so will say TLJ is at 83% of its total after NYD for a 675m total.
  19. 65m this weekend would barely put it on track for a 3x multi, and that's assuming it does at least 65m the following weekend. Don't know how that's particularly good.
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