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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. I don't believe I've ever seen a great trilogy where each subsequent movie is better. Even in the best ones, they don't each improve over the last. Maybe Toy Story, though I might still give the slight edge to 1 over 2.
  2. Wow, I think marketing is really letting this film down if it's that good, since I just don't think the trailers have looked that great. Glad they lifted the review embargo early.
  3. Wow, I had no idea that was happening. But I'm not so sure how much they're re-evaluating their business plan when two of the releases when they come back are Trolls 2 and Boss Baby 2. Can't imagine why sequels to either of those would be a very lucrative prospect.
  4. The number is perfectly fine of course, but its arguably the first weekend day hold for it that's not amazing.
  5. Yeah, Pirates is having some surprising great late legs. Wasn't even looking certain for 155 after the 3rd weekend.
  6. No way Spidey misses 300 imo. Even TASM adjusts to 300. Dunkirk needs to open to 60m+ or otherwise have top tier TDK/Inception Nolan WOM to have a good shot at 200. I am starting to wonder about Apes for 200 since hype and awareness seems really low. I think Dawn may have been the cap for the audience it can reach, though if it can live up to the quality of its predecessors then I think that audience should mostly return and get it just past 200.
  7. Btw, just noticed that Cars 3 RT consensus. What the hell? That sounds like it's for an 88%/7.7 average rating film or something.
  8. I suppose if Homecoming has huge appeal to little kids, then that could hurt DM3 more than I'm factoring in. That would be about the only way I could see it doing under Minions.
  9. The fact we've gone the whole year without a true animated blockbuster is reason enough alone for it to do huge numbers. It will act more as the DM2 sequel than the Minions one, and reviews are looking solid. As long as it opens anywhere above 95m, 350 should happen.
  10. This is absolutely going to be a feast or famine summer. GOTG 2, WW, DM3, and Homecoming all 350+, and everything else sub 200 with exception of maybe Dunkirk or Apes sneaking past that.
  11. Also can we just stop and think for a moment about the fact that a DC-freakin-EU film is the one defying all the CBM multi cap rules? What dimension are we in?
  12. I'd probably stop short of calling it more impressive than TFA's multi, because I mean c'mon...that opened to 250m. Yes I know it was December not summer, and not as frontloaded of a genre as a CBM, but still...250m and a 3.8 multi. I'd easily rank it the second most impressive multi of the decade though.
  13. I doubt Shrek 2 would've had a 4x multi opening on a Friday since it barely has one with its OW after a Wednesday opening. You could add at least another 5-10m to the OW if it opened on Friday, and then it misses 4x. Not that I even think WW will pull a 4x mind you, it needs 413 for that. I would have to think that 405 or so would be the absolute ceiling, but who the hell knows at this point.
  14. I mean we're talking about a 100m+ opening CBM that could finish with a 3.8-4x multi. Do you really not realize how mind mindbogglingly insane that is? As in it shouldn't even be possible in the early 00's let alone 2017. How do you expect people to react?
  15. Would be interesting if GOTG2, WW, and Homecoming all finish between 380-400 in a real battle for the summer crown.
  16. I just can't believe 400 is a possibility for WW. I still think July's competition will stop that, but this is crazy that it's making such a play for it.
  17. Guessing Wondy number will go up with TF bombing so spectacularly. BvS and Suicide Squad should be toast before next weekend.
  18. WW is a 100m+ opener dropping sub 30% (may be closer to 25% in actuals) in its third weekend in the summer. This is insane.
  19. I still think RT is a good thing. If only 20 people out of 200 like a movie, then the odds are small that the majority's taste would differ so drastically. Movies are a lot more of a luxury with modern pricing than they ever were prior to this decade. People want some kind of indicator to go off of if a movie is worth shelling out for a $50 date night or $100 family movie night, and if you're going opening weekend it can be hard to find friends who have seen it and get their WOM. The critics having pre-determined agendas or being paid off are the only issues, but I don't think it's as prevalent on the whole as some want to make it, especially that latter one.
  20. At this point, it seems like there may be a very small outside chance that WW beats GOTG2 DOM. Very small, but still the fact that it could even ever happen at all is insane.
  21. SM1/GOTG1 multi might be impossible regardless of the WOM given how stacked with appealing movies July is. Spidey, Apes, and Dunkirk offer a lot of formidable competition to its late legs. WOM or not, I think we all know GOTG1 multi never would have been that if it hadn't had the luxury of zero big competition in its late legs (or its whole run in general). But otherwise I'd be all in on 3.5x+ happening for WW. As it is, I'll guess around 3.35x is where it gets to.
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