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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Yeah that's what I was pretty much saying. I feel like this summer is starting to make 55%-ish drops seem pretty good. As long as it's sub 60% it's holding well!! That's just sad.
  2. Well at least 22JS deserves it. I mean not as much as Apes, Dragon, DOFP, or EOT, but I can't say it didn't do it's job effectively. Unlike Maleficent...
  3. It's kinda sad that multis have gotten so bad these days for big films that we're celebrating 55% second weekend drops. I really thought Apes could manage sub 50 too this weekend back before Wednesday's awful number hit. I mean it didn't even open that huge.
  4. Thank god. Anything that encourages Diaz to still think she's a sex symbol and Segel to still think he's funny needs to be stopped.
  5. Honestly I'm so done with this summer at the box office. Unless GOTG is some massive shocking breakout, wake me up when Mockingjay hits please.
  6. Dammit and that Tuesday number for Apes was so promising too, now it's probably headed for a big 2nd weekend drop. This summer just keeps giving slivers of hope at the BO only to take them right away it seems.
  7. Anyways, I think this film is very lucky to be following Frozen's success judging by that trailer. I can't say I think it looks very appealing to kids, and not at all if we take out the Baymax humor. But Disney's momentum will almost assuredly guarantee another hit. Still if marketing doesn't improved I'll be very surprised with much more than Tangled's success.
  8. Dear lord what a horrid scene indeed. Anyways on the whole SS and COS are extremely even films. Have no idea why someone would love one and hate the other. Makes zero sense. Anyways, I feel the film series on the whole just blends too much together. It's because of the books I remember each one individually. If it were up to the films it would just kinda be a big blur of a 10 year 8 film series.
  9. Yeah I agree. Honestly I think Pocahontas was a fucked project any way you slice it. It was just never gonna lend itself well to a Disney animated film. The same pretty much goes for Hunchback, though that one could have worked if they had fully committed to the dark tone. But I totally get why they didn't and why if they had it could have been very bad for their image.
  10. Skyfall has always been majorly forgettable. Casino Royale is where it's at.
  11. Nice Sat for Apes. Starting to feel like it has a real shot for the summer crown now. If it doesn't at least match the first's multi (3.2x) I give up on what it takes for good legs these days.
  12. Eh, Alice is a rather harmless film, imo. It's pretty much the very definition of "meh" but I wouldn't call it bad. It didn't deserve anywhere near 1b, but that doesn't make it a worse film just because it made that much. TF4 is an all around bad film, doesn't matter if it made one penny or one billion.
  13. TF4 will so be the worst movie in the billion club, and that's saying something given we have turds like Pirates 4, TF3, and Phantom Menace in there.
  14. Man Maleficent really in a horse race now with Oz domestically. Will be at nearly the same gross through the same point after this weekend.
  15. If DOTPOA has a 75m or so it could definitely hit 250. All it needs is the legs of the first one, which I don't think is unreasonable to expect given the caliber of the film. But is is this summer though, so who knows.
  16. Wow, I'm incredibly stoked about that Apes number. Was super worried for it given tracking and the way this summer's been. But a high 70's OW or so is a fantastic start for it. Could actually be in contention for top grosser of the summer now if legs are as good as they should be.
  17. At the rate this year is going I could see some major meltdowns happening over Interstellar. Not even sure about 200 for that anymore.
  18. Anyone else think Maisie Williams was a huge snub? I thought she was nearly as good as Dinklage this season, and that's saying something. Anyways, I hope BB sweeps everything except supporting actor which should be Dinklage, much as I love Paul.
  19. I actually hate all the Apes movies I've seen except Rise, which I almost didn't see because I hated the Apes movies before that. The original series is so corny I can't take it serious whatsoever.
  20. Um it was never getting anywhere near that number with a 29m OW. And the "tonal change" shouldn't have had anything to do with its OW performance.
  21. The Mario Galaxy games are my favorite games of all time. Literall couldn't find one flaw with them (except maybe the camera in the first which is just slightly wonky once in awhile). But pretty much perfection in every way.
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