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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Maybe we're being too quick to judge DoS since we haven't even seen it, but I'm inclined to agree.
  2. I'm terribly worried about Mockingjay Part 1 having no real climax. Especially considering the source material.
  3. Yeah DH1 finally got the memo to slow it down a bit after 6 films, but it lacks any real climax as a part one. I guess that's the danger of doing the two parters.
  4. Goblet need the two parter treatment the most of any, imo. So much rich content they could have mined from the source material there.
  5. Like Katniss in Mockingjay, I guess we will have to be.
  6. Couldn't agree with you more on that sentiment. I've always had major problems with the Potter films overall despite my love for the books. You're dead on about most of the HP films not giving the characters (or plot for that matter) any time to breathe.
  7. I mostly agree with you on Hemsworth lacking charisma (though I blame some of that on Collin's character since that's how Gale is in the books too), but I thought Hutcherson really stepped it up in CF. He was relatable and I felt sorry for him almost as much as Katniss.
  8. And Rth actually lowballed CF last Friday, so it could be even bigger!
  9. I love my Tolkien PJ films and all, but I'm fully expecting to not like DoS as well as CF. AUJ and THG were about dead even quality wise for me, though I would probably have given the edge to THG sans shaky camera.
  10. I believe even adjusted for inflation the LOTR films are the only ones that qualify in that area. Until Katniss.
  11. I personally think it's always exciting when the box office is this on fire, regardless of the movies. I hated New Moon, and wasn't crazy about Blind Side either, but that Thanksgiving was still really exciting to follow. And this year I don't like Frozen, but I'm happy for WDA's success on the whole.
  12. No lie, I've been getting the number 505 stuck in my head all year when I think about CF at the box office. Always brushed it off as wishful thinking though, but at this rate who knows? The second highest grossing 2nd weekend is a more impressive achievement than anything it could have done on OW, imo.
  13. If they were just aiming for the target audience of young girls then I think this does the job as good as any Disney princess flick, but unlike many of the Disney classics, I think it will leave most other audiences lacking. The movie was actually too cutesy, imo. There were points that I actually felt embarrassed to be in a theater watching this as a 23 year old, kinda like I was watching a Barney movie or something. And if you know me at all you know I love animation, so it's not like I think animation is too kiddy for me or something. I can't imagine boys over 8 liking this at all, and a lot of girls over that age may not either. Olaf is the one saving grace for the older audience I think, but it just has nowhere near the smooth sophistication of a Mermaid, Beast, or a Tangled. I absolutely hated the music, which is what I heard the most hype about and was expecting to love. They went way too Broadway with it, and that's not the style of music that worked so great for them in the 90's. I hate that they were just singing the dialogue at many points. I want real sing a long songs from a Disney movie, not Les Mis musical dialogue recitals. Let It Go and that Troll song were the only two that were more traditional, but then those felt kinda forgettable too. I honestly give the music a D-, bordering on an F. My least favorite Disney animation soundtrack since I don't know when. On the plus side I did think the animation was drop dead gorgeous, particularly during the Let It Go number. WDA seems every bit as talented as Pixar these days in that department. Overall, I give this a C+. My least favorite WDA film since Chicken Little.
  14. I love that WDA is having such massive success again, but after seeing Frozen with the fam yesterday I can't help but wish it was for Ralph or Tangled or even Frog. Was very underwhelmed with the movie after all the hype (including the hype I made myself). I think it's great if you're 8 or under (and especially if you're a little girl), but that's where the enjoyability stops. It lacked any of the older/universal appeal of Ralph or Tangled, imo. WDA has worked hard the past 5 years or so getting back into their groove, so I can't really complain that they're finally getting a real box office smash.
  15. This is already reminding me of how exciting the 2009 Holidays were at the BO with New Moon, Blind Side, Avatar, and Sherlock.
  16. Holy hell @ both CF and Frozen. Have we ever had a Thanksgiving weekend this huge (attendance wise)?
  17. It should be creeping up on 300m at the end of the weekend. It's gonna have to just roll over and die after the weekend to not make 400 at this point I think.
  18. Just wanna say I told everyone melting down on Friday that CF still had a shot to beat THG. I said it then and I'll say it again, the THG franchise is not Twilight or Potter. It has a significant adult only following that's not gonna rush out to see it on OW. But as we're seeing now, doesn't mean they weren't gonna see it at all. This is a franchise with huge OWs and sexy legs. IM3 is going down. Also strong start for Frozen, and another hit for WDA it looks like. Tangled had a 12m Wednesday OD, so even if legs aren't as good as that 200m still seems like a safe bet for Frozen.
  19. So all that panic last night and we're looking at a very respectable $160m OW. Lol, told some of you not to jump off the bridge yet.
  20. You know at least one of those 3 will breakout big though, and I don't see how DoFP doesn't have the best chance out of them.
  21. DOFP will blow everyone away I think, both in quality and success. Can't wait to watch it play out next summer.
  22. Patiently waiting for that over 50m Sat number to come and blow everyone away.
  23. I love how unbiased you are with movies Baumer. Even if you hated one film in a franchise you're willing to admit you love another. Or vice versa. Nice to see someone who doesn't automatically love or hate a franchise just because it's a certain franchise.
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