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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Beg to differ. I think it's mostly the internet and the Alien fanboys that have the issues with it, mainly due to unrealistic expectations. I think general audiences will be pleased for the most part. They may not love it, but I don't see toxic WOM coming whatsoever.
  2. Well at least we're finally getting a great weekend again since TAs OW. Really hope Prometheus manages 60
  3. If this doesn't get amazing reviews I'm calling Wreck It Ralph for the upset win at the Oscars.
  4. Not in my 3D showing! 3D was breathtaking throughout. Easily some of the best live action 3D ever, imo. It wasn't the gimmicky pop out kind though, it was the more subtle Avatar kind that immersed you in the world. I did see it in Imax though.
  5. Ugh, I'm so torn on the Prometheus over $60m question right now. I really can see it going either way and just making it or missing it.
  6. Yes, DW has gone flat out insane on marketing for this thing. It's freakin everywhere. I don't even wanna know what they must have spent on the marketing campaign for it. I wouldn't be surprised it if exceeds the budget.
  7. OK, heads up to everyone, here's the movie's listed as having a budget of $150m+:The AvengersSnow WhiteMIB3BattleshipDark Shadows
  8. I think THG is definitely gonna pass SM1 now. It will make around a mil this weekend still.
  9. Ok thanks, just wanted to make sure I understood that.
  10. Pretty much the entire Best Picture field was overrated by the Academy and most critics, save for Hugo (still don't think most people really "got" that movie). Even the Artist is overrated, although it's a good film. As for well liked movies online I'd definitely say the decent but entirely generic R rated comedy Bridesmaids takes the cake (seriously what's so special about it?), and then Apes. I also hate to say it but after a year to really evaluate it DH2 really did not deserve its stratospherically high 96%/8.4 average rating on RT. I still like it and all but it has its issues, more and more of which become apparent with each viewing.
  11. For quality's sake it deserves so much to beat MIB2, however I have to root that it only ends up in the 170's range so I don't lose points in the game.
  12. I'm a bit confused on question 11 B. So do you mean which will have the best decrease or just the best hold in general? Like if Moonrise Kingdom ends up at #12 with say a +20% increase would that not count as a "drop?"
  13. I know, but this is all clearly setting and building it up for a TS4. It's obvious at this point, all that's left is the official announcement.
  14. Oh god, I just know that cash grabbing TS4 is coming to ruin my perfect beloved trilogy.
  15. Phew. That RT score looks MUCH more fitting already.
  16. I sure hope not. I really can't afford to screw up another movie in my top 12 in the game. I hope Brave will kill its momentum even if it does have good WOM.
  17. I have an awful feeling about this week's questions. I've never been so unsure about so many questions before. Just gonna have to hope I get lucky on some.
  18. TLK re-release, Dolphin Tale, and even Real Steel to an extent had provided plenty of kid movies only a month or so before Puss and Happy Feet 2, so there was no drought there. Also Happy Feet 2 was always destined to tank for various reasons.As for Ga'Hoole, that's not really a fair comparison to this since it's not an established franchise flick released in the height of summer. It was also kind of dark and seemed like it was trying to aim for a teen and adult audience too in its trailers, so I think that maybe turned off some of the kid audience. And the drought before that wasn't as bad as this one either. You had Cats and Dogs, Nanny Mcphee, and Alpha and Omega, which although none of those were big hits together all 3 did at least provide some kid choices at the movies.Literally all we've had since Lorax is Pirates, which made a meager $20m. So that's a big part of why this is set up to open to at least $50m this weekend I think.
  19. True, I guess I just didn't think the circumstances through very well back then. You don't realize how starved for kids movies 3 months can seem until you actually go through that time frame without there being really anything. And I also didn't know back then DW would be so on top of the marketing. Especially with the piss poor job they did with KFP2's marketing campaign last summer.
  20. By far the toughest so far for me. I honestly am not certain on 1,4, 6-8, 11, and 12.
  21. Well I managed to maintain 4th, but damn I've got a LOT of people breathing down my neck right behind me. I have individuals this week so I hope that helps. I only get the points if I get all 3 right though, right B?
  22. I will say the stars have seemed to align perfectly for this movie to get a far bigger opening than it should have. You had the no kids movies for 3 full months thing, constant almost incessant marketing by DW, and every kid out of school by now. I really wish Brave or Ice Age were opening in this spot instead. I'd much rather see them reap the reward of this kid drought, first of summer spot.
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