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Everything posted by FTF

  1. Arguably the best mob/gangster movie after Godfather 1 & 2. Not much to say that hasn't been said already, but I love everything about this movie and it's incredibly rewatchable.A+
  2. THG 5th weekend is double that of DH2, that's pretty crazy.
  3. Is this really what we've come to now...we're too lazy to get up and put a disk in a player? This is why I fear for the end of physical media (blu-rays, video games, it's already basically happened with cd's/music - but I'm fine with that). I like collecting movies and video games, but this attitude, plus the cost savings for companies, is what is going to kill off physical media, and that will be a shitty day for myself and many others.
  4. Saw it last night and basically agree with this review right here. What a funny, entertaining, bat-shit crazy ride! Unfortunately seeing a couple of trailers for it ruined some of the surprises (the sci-fi, twisted truman-show angle and worst was I had remembered the scene from the trailer where Dana and Marty are in the elevator going down, so I knew Marty comes back). But I enjoyed the whole thing (good writing, directing and acting too), and the insane ending didn't bother me at all (minus the so-so sfx/cgi). Definitely highly recommended for anyone looking for a blast at the movies. A-/B+
  5. haha, yeah it's funny how so many of the big release this year start with The
  6. Wow, that's really bad. I mean I had no plans to see it anyway, but that's just terrible.
  7. 1. TDKR2. Prometheus3. TH4. TA5. Django Unchained6. TASM7. Lincoln8. The Master9. Brave10. Skyfall
  8. Wait, there's a new trailer in theaters???
  9. Since this is my first post in this thread, in response to the title, I don't see how this comes out in 2014. December 2015 is my guess atm.
  10. Keep trying to fit that square peg in a round hole.
  11. Calm before the storm
  12. I've read enough about this movie to know I'll never want to watch it. Salo was about as disturbing as I'll ever need to see.
  13. Are we talking straight through from beginning to end? Cause if so, those few votes for 200-400 are mind blowing!
  14. Holy shit! I just realized there was a whole dedicated thread/forum in the misc. game forum page for this year's game lol!
  15. 1. TDKR2. TH3. Prometheus4. TA5. Django Unchained6. TASM7. Lincoln8. The Master9. Brave10. Skyfall
  16. It's a tough sell...the main goal of the film is too help stop kids from being bullied at school, so if the movie helps spread awareness and is shown at schools, and makes kids stick up for those being bullied, etc., then the movie is a success. (Hopefully there is some part of the Weinsteins that care more about that than money in this case, as they have plenty of it, etc.)
  17. Is that accurate, I don't know the movie well enough. It hit the iceberg around the 45min mark so the sinking was 2.5 hours like it was in real life? If so, that's pretty cool.
  18. There was positive reaction to the stooges trailer during your showing of THG :?
  19. lol, too funny if Stooges takes down THG and prevents the four-peat. Oh well, only 3 weeks till The Avengers and the summer movie season begins! The Avengers and Prometheus and Spider-man and Brave and The Dark Knight Rises!!!!! (sorry, this summer just has me so freakin pumped)
  20. Juno how much I like this movie?A lot. A-
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