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Captain Craig

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Everything posted by Captain Craig

  1. She's attractive no doubt but nothing so 'wow' that makes her stand out above half a dozen others I could list.
  2. Please tell me people know how to use Google Image search.I'd never heard of her, don't watch Glee, and instantly opened another window and did a search.
  3. As noted, all eyes on Wednesday.If it can squeak it by on Wed then it buys itself another 4 days more than likely. Making Monday June 25 the likely day to kill the streak.
  4. I got that from the trailers. I wouldn't sneak into that movie.
  5. That med bay scene is not that bad. In an era post-SAW and Hostel? In 1988 or 1995 I'd expect this reaction of queasiness but not now.
  6. You know it's a shame really that MIB3 and SWATH both have such large budgets. Otherwise their totals at this point would start to look more impressive.
  7. It took till post #27 today but I'll echo: Where is my Avengers number!!Kinda curious about MIB3 also.
  8. I think Prometheus is doing about 'as expected', certainly not tanking. I'll be seeing it a second time this weekend with different friends whose 1st viewing it will be for them. Prometheus should do fairly well again. IMO the only contender is Rock of Ages this weekend. Do people still like Adam Sandler? His new film That's My Boy looks like shit yet again. Not a good follow-up choice to Jack&Jill. It looks like the Billy Madison script slightly retooled...meaning it's bad leftovers from what once was good.
  9. And yet I see no 'likes' for this. Interesting.Avatar is a 3-D spectacle of a film. Remove that spectacle and it's a rather by the numbers film with cardboard caricatures in key roles.
  10. Requoted after so many pages to highlight the FAIL!! It's not that I hold firmly that The Avengers carries such a high emotional threshold but vs Avatar, a poorly plotted rehashed Ferngully, it looks like solid Oscar material!!
  11. Grade: B- I felt the build up took awhile in this film. Maybe I was already jaded going in expecting at best one survivor and just waiting for the kills to happen. Once things got going the tension was there but I asked myself, "whos filming". I feel this is where the ball was dropped for the "shaky cam" film we got. They start by making sure you see Chris filming but even before the terror starts you can always see out main players on camera. Wheras Orin Peli has the set up in Paranormal Activity to explain things, here he should've just maybe shot the film 'straight'. You just kinda knew they were going to end up at the reactors. You do kinda feel bad for them but I blame their guide Uri. He clearly knew things were askew. Why would he leave the van unlocked? Better, if you want it always in sight. Drive to each location, don't ever abandon your ride.
  12. Grade: B It's a good movie...just not exactly everything I was expecting. Are my expectations to blame, the film or some of both? The scope of the movie was grand and the theme of that age old question "where am I from" and "why are we here" are at the heart of the story. I felt overall they tackled that fairly well especially when using David(Fassbender) to play off. I liked Dr.Shaw's answer to Charlie about her wearing the cross. I'm guessing Ridely Scott doesn't care that Weyland as killed in Alien vs Predator am I right? Or are they different Weyland's. Both were portrayed as "the" Weyland in each film. Charlize Theron is clearly back in the 'A' list saddle after this and SWATH. She is great in this as is Idris Elba. The acting by all was great. The score was great. I feel like the final act just...happened. They were building slowly then BAM, it began to boil. So it causes me to wonder if any extra transition is on the cutting room floor. Not that you can't make the case the movie flows alright otherwise but it really does go from cruise to hitting the nitro storywise. They do get us that much closer to a more proto-type Alien in the final scene of course. That had to happen. It also means others aren't going to ignore the warning beacon and give our proto-Alien more DNA to sample so that by the time the Nostrodomus gets there they look like "our" Alien.
  13. One of the rare films in the series that I don't even recognize as James Bond.The Broccoli's went all clone saga with cinematic Bond and just gave us a Bourne rip off.One of the bottom 5 in the series. It looks even better after one views Quantum of Solace.Can't wait for Daniel Craig to go away and get back cinematic Bond of tradition.
  14. I like JolieI like Eastwood films.I graded it a B+, a well done film and Jolie should be allowed more chances than she gets of late to show out.
  15. Any vote less than a "C" I dismiss as being not logical.
  16. One of the true Hollywood classics of old that I own and watch from time to time.An "A" of a film in any era.
  17. Grade: B- I'll do my positives first [*]Thought the acting by most was very well done. The principals at least in Charlize Theron, Chris Hemmsworth, Bob Hoskins and Ian McShane in particular. [*]The cinematography was well done [*]I had no issue with the CGI used, it felt nearly all real with exception to the fairies I guess. The mirror entity was cool I thought. Could've used more of him/her [*]Liked how the movie did't just flip a switch and have SW as some hardened warrior. She was really just a figure head riding into battle. No "Whedon-izing" of her for the sake of things. The negatives [*]Why would the queen keep SW locked in the tower? Her brother tells us "another kingdom falls to you" meaning this isn't her first venture at this. Keeping a blood heir alive is just dumb. [*]The queen drains maidens of their youth. Why would she not have drained SW some time ago? Again, killing her. Nothing in the film gives a plausible reason for why she would keep her alive. She's obviously draining maidens, her brother brought Greta to her afterall for just such a thing. [*]SW should've escaped as a 10yr old child. This would've allowed for her to gain allies and get to know the kingdoms inhabitants. Even if her nobility was kept hush hush, the time of the reveal would've gave her instant allies. Afterall in the fairy tale she is living among the dwarves, not trapped in a tower. [*]Having to gain the trust of the dwarves and others of the land only prolonged the 2nd act. I checked my watch twice during the middle of the film. It drug out long, necessarily I get but only cause the set up was flawed from the 1st act. [*]Kristen Stewart was horridly miscast. That emotional chart of her is funny cause it's so spot on correct. She looked her best when she was "asleep from the enchanted apple". Overall I think the film is worth seeing. I saw some really horrid write ups that I think were a bit overly slanted in the negative. There are so many more worse films out there or will be.
  18. Well one would expect the largest part of demand and repeat demand to have burned off at this point. That's not a revolutionary thought. The fact it's still holding so well indicates that $600m is practically certain.Not many films get $20m in their 5th weekend, that stat alone speaks to where TA is headed even still.
  19. Grade: AA gem in the MCU that was sold short by many but after Avengers this film and the sequel will do gangbusters.
  20. Tarentino's masterpiece. Zed's dead baby, Zed's dead!!But Pulp Fiction will live on in cinematic history!!
  21. Grade: AThe film overlooked by those who had yet to understand and realize the genius that is Joss Whedon.
  22. B gradeBetter than it had any right of being.
  23. It's an A film. I great culmination of build up that Joss Whedon masterfully crafted and maneuvered. I can't take any grade below B with any seriousness.
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