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Captain Craig

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Everything posted by Captain Craig

  1. I had to go with a D grade, I even own it but it's such a bad Hollywood rehash of the first film.It's borderline so bad it's good. If C- were an option I might have voted that as straight up D feels a bit too harsh perhaps.
  2. With Prometheus on the horizon it's no wonder to find this sci-fi/horror classic back atop the Review threads page 1!!Great film, solid A
  3. I voted B but my caveat is it's more B-/C+The marketing really sold this as a dark comedy. If you'd told me off of trailers that is was a distant cousin to Vampire in Brooklyn then you'd guess wrong having seen the film.Take everything with Alice Cooper out of this movie and it goes up a full letter grade.
  4. Loved the film. Own it on DVD. It's in my rotation of films to rewatch. Still pulling for a sequel!!Lots of avenues to explore.
  5. This film rebounds the franchise in a great way.Another installment that further explores the relationships of J&K along with other MIB is something I could go for.
  6. This film rebounded fairly good from the atrocity that was Revenge of the Fallen. Grade: B
  7. I saw this and don't get why it wasn't able to catch on. We've heard advertising was to blame but I honestly don't recall what was so bad it's promotion. I've never read the books, comic adaptations sure but not the books, so maybe I was able to not be consumed with how well or correctly it was translating the material. It's clear this was another source that George Lucas borrowed from. I grade it a solid: B
  8. Yeah, it mostly was. I don't know one guy who went to the movie more than once cause he wanted to. He went so he could get laid latter. I remember those USA Today articles about teen girls going for the 8/9th time. So, yeah, it was mostly women going time and time again in the chilly winter months of the 90's before Hollywood started putting likely Blockbuster fare on the calendar in those slots.
  9. I'm just amazed at the Titanic love.Must be more gals on this site than I thought.
  10. Avengers.Not cause it's the most recent on my mind. I've just never been a mega fan of any of the others. I only own 3 of them.
  11. Sigh, it was a good run while it lasted.Bring on Battleship!!
  12. I'm all for Avengers talk but since this is Weekend totals thread the amazing thing is that 8 weeks later The Hunger Games is #4 in the top 10.Those are some impressive legs, the movie I mean.
  13. BOOM -- LITE 'EM UPThat'll be tag as it's OW disappoints.
  14. Did he mean to give "the bird" or does he think he's doing "#1"!! LOL!!
  15. I've just got back in this evening, been away for the past 8hrs.What is the word on Sat #s for Avengers and DS? DS rebounding or dying more?
  16. Yeah, they just won't fudge John Carter from the drive in double headers like last week this time!!!
  17. You guys still have balcony seating for theatrical houses? Cool. It's relegated just to stage production houses around my way.
  18. Wait, so DS Fri number has come down into the $9's now!!!
  19. Not much to say at this point about Friday really.Sat matinees start in about 2hrs give/take so it'll probably be 4-5hrs before Nikki starts tossing out early estimates for today.
  20. Found him on page 24. Thanks guys.Someone mentioned Rth at SuperHeroHype today, I assume he uses Rth there then as well.
  21. Where does this Rth post. I don't ever see him in these weekend/daily threads? Is 'Rth' short for a full username?
  22. I've got to step out. Maybe I'll post my friends texts on DS if I don't get in too late.
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