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Captain Craig

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Everything posted by Captain Craig

  1. Apologies if this should be elsewhere or already discussed. Has anyone else had their Box Office Theory Forums bookmark take you to Box Office Pro? The url is pro.boxofficepro.com It happened on my work computer some six hours ago and just now on my home. Thanks
  2. A buddy and I are escaping to see this next Saturday. I can not wait!! Huge disconnect when I read "if Rocky IV was any good". If, IF...that's just nonsense.
  3. The BO has dropped hard over the last two TF films. Last Knight was a real blow. The push towards Generation One, aka OG TFs, style looks on the bots/cons is what has many excited. The "Bayformer" films lacked that....as well as a cohesive narrative over their 5 films. Hopefully this Bee film, having the look fans prefer means that a strong story also occurs. Now to me it looks like from the trailers they are at the core riffing on TF1s narrative, at the core. It may be too optimistic to hope someone has the main points of a trilogy mapped out. That is, aside from the aesthetics of the TFs, where the main series went wrong. It felt like they were making it up as they went along, not even attempting to have a cohesive story. That said, if WOM is strong I feel $200m USD could happen, even in the crowded Dec marketplace. Perhaps $500m+ WW
  4. Lisbeth Sander missed her window. She is a novel star and not destined for much more than that. See also Jack Reacher and Alex Cross
  5. By Captain Marvel they will be pushing N&t4R as far as it can go.😉
  6. I noticed that CR is now just over $99m USD Seeing as how Nutcracker is a bust are they going to hold this over till Ralph to push it?
  7. So this will need a 4x, going to be tough and it'll still be a disappointment even then.
  8. John Carter was a fun film that didn't get the proper attention it deserved. Not better than the Avengers though. I saw Avengers 7 times in the theater, JC the once.
  9. However, AWIT is/was alleged to be a beloved story in many circles. Therefore it was going to do great. We know how that turned out. My pressing thought is: Are there enough double features to push Christopher Robin over the $100m this late in it's run?
  10. It appears, based on the trailers, that money has been well spent on costumes and sets. The trailers look really good but then the ones for Lone Ranger looked ok as well. I get a Narnia meets Alice in Wonderland type of vibe off the film. That is enough to make me curious. For me time to see this is tough.
  11. Haha....no. Not unless you consider a sequel that significantly goes up over the initial entry and itself has nearly a 3 multiplier a sign of fatigue. So, no, just, just no. We aren't real sure how they are going to handle that symbiote. In the comics that symbiote is spawned from Venom itself. The mid credits set up the host. The scientist lady that betrayed the Life Foundation and was killed by a symbiote was Riot I thought. Riot traveled and drained a few hosts to get to that point though.
  12. With Tuesday receipts accounted for CR is at $98.3m domestic. Getting closer all the time!
  13. Iron Man 2 is a solidly entertaining and enjoyable film that builds not only a franchise but a universe. One of the biggest fallacies to take root is that it is a bad film to be included with these others.
  14. I'm well aware of the finer points so that isn't an issue I had to consider. I've been around awhile.
  15. So....time to start thinking about that sequel it seems. The mid-credits can now become a reality.
  16. The trailer does look promising. I just didn't have a solid enough hook, yet, to make me line this up for a theatrical viewing. Could change but Dec has a lot of draws.
  17. Now that Venom is behind me Creed II is my next anticipated film. Well, it has been. I wasn't anticipating Venom so much as just wanting to get past it but it didn't suck like they say. Creed II looks like it's going to be great!
  18. This film will come out about the same time that the 4th and final film in the Divergent series hits the big screen. At least it's looking that way.
  19. Poster looks great. Bummed we never got a full Pearlman trilogy but I welcome the characters return to cinema!
  20. I was not impressed with the trailer spots at all. The early Twitter responses bolstered my assessment that this is worse than I thought. Perhaps what that did was set my bar even lower? I don't know for sure right now. I had tickets to a screener showing of Venom last night. It played to a 300+ seater packed out except the very front row. Call this damning with faint praise if you will or "that's not saying much" but here goes..... Venom wasn't that bad. Venom wasn't AS dreadful as the hyperbole Twitter is spouting and is frankly what I was prepared to buy into. Grade: B- The first Act is slow. Second Act is funny. Third Act is action. First Act with Eddie establishing himself as an investigative reporter with poor decision making skills does move slow. If the whole film had been at that pace the film would have been a disaster. Mid credit sequence that is relevant, stay for that. Post credit sequence is not, it's just an extended trailer for Into the Spiderverse. I may go to the Review Forum and post what did work for me but that's spoiler zone.
  21. Define well. 3 months ago the faithful diehards were positive of $100m OW, setting an Oct record. Tracking as reported just yesterday was $57-62m....which I doubt. I think it opens to 40m +/-, drops hard an misses $100m DOM altogether. Then again I've never been in this films camp so I feel ahead of the curve anyways.
  22. Even more so glad I'll be seeing this for free Wednesday night. Sounding like it's going to be even worse than I have been thinking. Also, I sold my Venom swag I got for free on Ebay last night(Lg T-Shirt, that face mask and a mini poster). After fees&shipping I still made $10 so thanks for that Venom at least!
  23. I have acquired Advance Sneak Preview Tickets for this on Wed 10/3. I was going to wait a week after it opened but now I'll sacrifice time to stand in line early vs money to see this. Expectations=low
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