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Captain Craig

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Everything posted by Captain Craig

  1. Could Hellboy opener higher than Shazam? Any news on pre-sales for that?
  2. Murder is politics...sad thing really. So I'm intrigued you saw the film and know for certain the details are fabricated and full of lies. Good to know.
  3. The film is playing up the "break the 4th wall" type marketing that worked with Deadpool. In addition, the film doesn't take itself too seriously, based on the trailers. This is tongue-in-cheek advertising. That said, I have my tickets for Thursday at 7:15pm and I fully expect it to be cheesy and even cringe worthy at times. We shall see. My theater only had 6 other seats sold when I bought the ticket yesterday so...., lower OW incoming I'd guess pending lots of walkups.
  4. Taskmaster...interesting choice. Black Widow doesn't have a deep solo rogues gallery so I was curious who they'd pick or if it would be an organization with a random star casting as leader of said group
  5. Crowd pleasing perhaps, just heavily front loaded w/o interest in repeat views more likely.
  6. I'm so behind on my comic book TV shows. I've not yet started to watch anything that came back from break this year or Doom Patrol, Umbrella Academy and sadly Punisher S2. Two jobs and a toddler are catching up to me!!
  7. I just finished watching the show with my wife. Historical fiction is an area I like and after we got married set this as one to watch(she had already seen it all). I must say I totally relate to Happy in Iron Man 3 when he is recovering and watching DA in his room now!! I'm curious to see how much of a time jump there will be. Show ended in 1926.
  8. I agree with you. However, wait for those folks who want to treat CM as entry #20 in a franchise instead.
  9. Which isn't a knock per se as those films are serviceable for the audience, which is what Dora really is as well. Not too unlike how a Hallmark movie is really, for said intended audience. They aren't "bad" to watch but you aren't going to pay $12 to see it either. Watch it while you fold 3 loads of laundry, sure, why not.
  10. Am I reading that right up above in @terrestrial post, that CM is only losing 32 theaters? Doesn't sound like US is impacting it that greatly then.
  11. You have your technique down and everything also!
  12. I missed whatever likely Matrix quote it might be then. What should we be listening for?
  13. It does. Welcome to the boards of course but the days on the calendar do indeed matter. You will learn this in time.
  14. Apples vs Oranges comparison due to release of each film.
  15. Disney execs are not going to tinker with Cameron anymore than they'd tell Feige what to do quite frankly. Both men have firmly demonstrated they know what they are doing.
  16. Not true, not entirely at least. Sure I recall the Gadot haters, they were there but like so many situations they were a vocal minority. The Momoa haters were so small they barely kicked up any waves worth mentioning. I recall large acceptance of Jason in the Aquaman part, especially after Justice League. He and WW were largely said to the bright spots of that entire film. That being said, what we've seen of Ezra's Flash from Justice League is not inspiring in the way Jason's Aquaman gave us confidence or Gal's WW from BvS gave us the same confidence. The Ezra Miller Flash is a bad decision and we have more than just script leaks or out of focus spied set photos to back that up.
  17. I've seen folks predict a streaming show launch as reasons before. Never any data to support this. Best data I've seen that something on TV could hurt, might have even, would be sports. An unexpected Game 6/7, pay per view fight, Super Bowl or Olympics.
  18. I don't I love both stables of characters. I'm also very keen on the new Hellboy(Dark Horse Comics) movie and next years Bloodshot(Valiant Comics)!! I'm a comic book fan not aligned to only one stable of characters and related media content. I think there are more "me" types out there than the "vs" type really. The 'vs' crowd is just so vocal.
  19. $400m is still $400m Dumbo and Shazam have crossover audience that hurts each other. US is not targeting the same demo anyway.
  20. I hope the Ezra Miller Flash film never happens. The DCEU that Barry existed in is mostly dead. A drifter Barry with daddy issues...not Barry Allen. The Flash deserves better be it Barry or Wally, the legacy of that character is better than what we've been told of that film and seen of Barry on film thus far.
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