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Everything posted by rockNrollaDIM

  1. I'm happy to see Drive and 50/50 getting love this week from Indie Spirts and now NBR. Sweet.Did anyone tell Noctis that DH2 got a mention??
  2. 1. The Hunger Games2. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo3. Snow White and the Huntsman4. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy5. Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol6. In the Land of Blood and Honey7. Shame8. Young Adult9. War Horse10. The Dark Knight RisesOnce again, no changes.
  3. Haha. He should definitely start his own blog. I rag on Jeff alot and I really can't stand him as a person but there is a reason I keep reading his blog- I do get some form of twisted entertainment out of it, so I give him credit for that. And he really does have passion for film. Sometimes that misguides him into doucheville but whatever.
  4. Heh. Anything that pisses off Jeff Wells makes me happy. I hate how pretentious he is, he's always talking down on "average" people. He thinks he's so much better because he blogs for a living and gets invited to film festivals and screenings (and throws a fit when he's not invited). Serious question- how do these people survive? Film blogging/criticism is not a real job... do they even get paid? They certainly don't have full time jobs.
  5. Pitt played Billy Bean. So he's got the real-life momentum.Meryl Streep playing Maggie Thatcher also dominated the vote at NYFCC, so she's a real threat this year.
  6. I haven't seen The Artist, but I hope it fades as the front runner. Just doesn't seem like my type of film.I wouldn't mind seeing Pitt take it, he's one of my favorite actors, but I don't think Moneyball is his best film or performance. Although along with Tree of Life (which I still need to see) it's been a great year for him critically.FYI Moneyball is getting a re-release this weekend.
  7. True, the first season definitely has more of a horror element. This season there has been hardly any.There are still quite a few unanswered questions from the first season that I hope they address when they come back. Also, just a random thought, I think they killed off too many people too soon.
  8. The trailer is great, but already outdated. They announced a couple weeks ago that they will be releasing this film in the Bosnian language (it was filmed in English and Bosnian, take for take). Should make it even better. Hope they release the Bosnian language trailer soon.
  9. They finally made the big reveal this week. I called this weeks ago. Now this season can get interesting.
  10. I'm amazed at the Brad Pitt win. Also, Meryl Streep. They must have really loved her performance.
  11. I love these, especially for Drive and 50/50 getting love when we know the Oscars won't nominate them.
  12. I started a thread like this on BOM and people liked it so, yeah, talk about your favorite foreign language films here or ones you've recently seen. Tonight I watched 13 Assassins (2010, Japan). This was a fun Samurai film. I enjoyed it alot. It had some surprising comedic elements that I wasn't expecting, it was I guess like Japan's equivalent of what a typical American period-action-adventure film would be like. Although maybe a little more on the serious side, with one of the longest fight sequences I've ever seen (basically the entire last hour of the film was a battle scene). And it was an awesome battle.
  13. I liked the episode. So glad they finally resolved the Sophia search.You think Daryl and Sophia's mom are gonna hook up? :lol:I think I might have missed the "epic Shane meltdown".. I was only half-watching for some of the episode. Are you just talking about the end?Rick hog-tying a walker was pretty fucking ridiculous and out of character.
  14. Alot. Too many to name, probably. I only really became interested in film in the past 3-4 years so there's many classics I still need to see.
  15. I love this movie. I need to re-watch it again soon. Everybody is so awesome in it.My favorite scene by far is the BAR scene. So, so tense.
  16. Yeah, and who knows if the sequels will actually get made? Does Fincher even want to do them?
  17. I think you're the one simplifying things here. You haven't seen the movie so you have no idea what it's ultimately trying to say. From everything I've seen in interviews and descriptions, it always leads back to what happens when there's a lack of will to intervene in humanitarian crises. Even if it's going to portray some atrocities committed by Serbs I think the total message is going to be a criticism of NATO and the West for not stepping in and stopping the war earlier.
  18. You think? A review leaked a few weeks ago and it was really positive. I doubt it has a good shot at the Oscars but we'll find out soon enough.
  19. I popped in Best Buy in the afternoon and picked out some BD's but the line was too long and I'm impatient so I just tossed em back down and left :lol:I've been trying to shop on bestbuy.com but it's fucking so slow
  20. Caught up on last week's episode... I'm convinced the Professor is dead and just a "dark passenger" now... Anyway, I've been a little underwhelmed by this season.
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