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Everything posted by rockNrollaDIM

  1. Fincher- Director??? You don't think he'll get a nod? I think he could win, with the momentum from last year.
  2. Iron Lady had a screening yesterday, Jeff Wells wasn't invited, incessant bitching and moaning ensues. LOL what a baby.http://hollywood-elsewhere.com/2011/11/not_this_time_1.phpJust posting it here because I don't know where else I can make fun of Jeff Wells..
  3. How AWESOME is it that we have a forum where we can post images and graphs now??? So much better than links!
  4. Totally agree, I've always been interested in the figures but we're an under-served market- considering there really isn't a well known, accurate, or complete database.
  5. Ok Fake that sounds like a pretty big project and not something I should be doing at work, so I will get to it this weekend at home. I'll let you know when I finish.BTW- do you want it all on one sheet, or create a new tab for each week?
  6. That's starting to look like the consensus, isn't it? Fassbender/Shame are still a tricky component because AMPAS may just be too prudish to recognize it with any nominations. We'll see. He might get swapped for Leo.
  7. I really have no idea. Probably a Disney movie, early 90's, so maybe the Lion King or Aladdin or something?What's weird is I specifically remember my grandmother dragging me and my sister to see chick flicks, Julia Roberts movies to be exact, when we would sleep over her house. I remember she brought us to see Stepmom and Runaway Bride and I was so bored. Looking at their release dates now, I guess I was about 10 or 11 but it feels like I was younger.Oh and my parents have told me for years that they were horrified because I watched Silence of the Lambs when I was real young, like 4 years old. They thought I was asleep on the couch and then the next day I told them every detail of the movie.
  8. More people need to participate in this! It's one of the best threads in BOM/BOT.
  9. Oh, didn't know Excel had that feature, that's awesome.Give me the URL and I'll play around with it today. Would you want me to post it somewhere or just send it to you?
  10. I work with excel all day so I'm sure I am capable, but I'm not sure what you mean. Can you give me an example?
  11. That's fine, but what's wrong with having "Cable TV Ratings" thread and "Network TV Ratings" thread? That way both can have their own first post.
  12. I dunno, I think you should start a separate thread. It will get lost here on page 2, nobody will read it...
  13. Another great episode last night which has set up an absolute balls to the walls episode next week now that: This is the best season yet.
  14. Will it be a separate post? I was hoping someone would start one... How'd SONS do last night??
  15. They couldn't kill off the token black girl fast enough, either... I'm surprised the token black guy has lasted this long.BTW you'd expect there to be a few more... they are in Atlanta, after all.
  16. :lol:No, but I couldn't tell you his name if my life depended on it.
  17. Ugh, me too. Some scenes in DH2 really disappointed me.Fred's deathTonks/Lupin's deathBella-Molly duelLack of Bellatrix in generalThe death scenes, there was just no reflection. Didn't even come close to the emotional impact in the book.
  18. My rankings:1. Season 1 (Ice Truck Killer is my favorite)2. Season 43. Season 24. Season 55. Season 3Jury is still out on Season 6, but the past couple episodes have been great.
  19. I think if we each concentrated on one year.... and tried to find the top 40 or so of that year... we could have a pretty decent list going. It doesn't have to be perfect. Just find as close to the number as you can. I mean, The-Numbers has most of the totals anyway, don't they? So it really wouldn't be that much work?
  20. Well, I just looked it up, the author.That's great. But can he direct?
  21. Thanks, that would be great.I was actually thinking- if a few of us want to collaborate, maybe we could work on building a "master" topic with total DVD and Blu Ray sales (I know Blu Rays are estimates at best usually so that might be hard) for major movies. We could each take a year- 2011, 2010, 2009, etc and just slowly work on it in our spare time to get the best possible data we can find. I think it'd be really interesting. The-Numbers would do most of the work for us, anyway.
  22. I totally forgot about that one, Noctis. I haven't even watched the trailer yet. I'm almost afraid to see the story come to life for some weird reason. I guess because it meant so much to me at the time I read it.
  23. Yeah, I saw that. Doesn't make much (any) sense box office wise, but from a film standpoint it's very bold. I'm surprised they would go that route in the States. Maybe they are confident it will be an awards' contender, either that or they figured the English language version wasn't going to make significant money to begin with (also probably true).
  24. The $26m OW alone was a victory, no matter how shitty the run is from here out.
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