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Everything posted by rockNrollaDIM

  1. So excited for tonight. Barely seen anything but love the show regardless. I'm pregaming now.
  2. This was so boring. Aaron Eckhart pretty much sucks, most vanilla actor ever.
  3. SALT is getting a better reputation with age. At the time of release it got shit on alot because Nolanites saw it as a threat to Inception.
  4. Love it. And boo hoo about the exchange rate. I was studying abroad when Euro was 1.6ish and GBP was 2, I nearly went bankrupt! About time it's gotten more equal Thought you can still come to the US with empty suitcase and make out like a bandit.
  5. Do girls really drag their boyfriends to this? I feel like it's more of a "girls' night" dinner and drinks first type movie.
  6. Holy shit! I think the movie looks really good but I thought it would just be another one of those under the radar action flops. Fantastic number.
  7. I think I'm the only Shameless fan here... such a good show! Lip and Fiona's relationship is so sweet, they shared a hug this week and it's moments like that which really make the show special for me. Ian has gone absolutely nuts.
  8. I was hoping to like this more, and I did at first, but by the end I just wanted it to be over. There were some tearjerker moments, the movie scares the hell out of you, and Bomer and Kitsch are both gorgeous and give great performances as does Julia Roberts. But Mark Ruffalo ruins the movie for me. It's like he was in an altogether different film, "The Normal Emmy Reel". He spends more than half of his performance shrieking like a lunatic, doesn't bring any nuance to the character, and isn't believable in his relationship with Felix. Maybe this is how Larry Kramer or whoever Ned is based on truly acts in real life, but on film it was total overkill and makes a character you are supposed to root for someone you root against. The film ends on a completely bleak note, with no hope, or mention of how far we have come today with reducing the number of HIV cases through education and preventative measures along with prolonging the length and quality of life of HIV/AIDS patients. And then there is this weird moment right before the credits where we are shown Kitsch's character's card being pulled, implying he has died, that feels very much like schadenfreude ("you booted our anti-hero from your group, and now you're dead, ha ha!"). Didn't leave a good taste in my mouth. C/C-
  9. I love the 90s. I always said I wished I was a teenager during the 90s so I could have grown up without internet, cell phones etc (well relatively). Then again I would now be pushing 40 if that was my reality so I'll take the aughts.
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