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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. i really dunno seems a bit obvious no? perhaps a red herring but more likely he knows who it is !
  2. omg poor joe i feel like if i'm attune to an episode i get precognitive vision it happened crayzayyy i love joe reaction he seemed really shakened!
  3. hey i'm an ichabbie fan ok ! i ship abbie with ichabod nevermind that pesky detail of a witch wife pffff BUT seeing as how ichabod is caught up in famiily drama that makes me wanna and /or hawley is kinda growing on me, he is cute and available so why not? abbie has to let go and realize its not all work and no play , she's all caught up in ichabod business whether she wants to or not , might be nice to have something of her own
  4. yep it was an awesome double episode, more time so more room for characters to do their things ! rumple hook regina and robin i'm really liking regina and snow friendship they have an understandment they couldnt have when she was a kid and regina was her stepmom
  5. i need to try gamora hairstyle one of these days !
  6. it wasnt bad , a B- for me! not sure i got the ending though , i thought charles dance character was going to die or turn human once vlad became the new vampire and he would take his place hiding for eternity in the cave !
  7. who says jaha is dead ? look to me like they knock him out , all that effort to get to earth only to die for a horse nahhhh the chancellor has to reach camp to bring order and stop his 2 kids from squabbling about who is the better leader!
  8. flash was good , i think i can get behind this , he's slowly growing into his powers ! that darn dr wells he's like dr jekyll and mr hyde !
  9. good episode , a shame anya had to bite the dust but ehhh they could have taken a shower in the river first , clarke was so busy getting home she didnt think about their appearances lol lincoln taught octavia well !
  10. yeah the boxing glove arrow was a neat move! the episode felt like it would never end i'm just glad roy didnt kill sara coz that would have been a major blow to team arrow after losing sara who everyone actually like!
  11. i like flash but i'm not invested like i am with arrow ! i got deja vu from smallville tonight with iris and barry!
  12. dunno about rumple fullbuster writers have him playing the long con it feels seeing as how people expect him to be bad! either way it won't end well with belle that's for sure ! yeah snow shame on you , she and emma are playing right into ice queen plans! poor helga though her sister turned her into an icycle, guess its a good thing marian only had an ice cream cone! robin and regina
  13. i'm tired so i'll come back to this thread just wanted to say this preliminary bit the movie was better on an emotional level than say nolan's batman films but visually concept wise/look the opposite ehh i was expecting better , i wanted to be wowed like say matrix slow-mo or guardians funky 80s vibe , that something more that make you rave about a film for 24hrs or more! i watch scifi shows that happen in space or partly in space , star trek verse, star wars, bsg , firefly , stargate verse, farscape that is about wormholes, sliders needless to say i get those shows don't have interstellar budget but they did pretty good still so i guess i wanted to be wowed and i was underwhelmed by the space shots, the wormhole by saturn , gargantua blackhole , the planets were cool , matt damon character was a moron that dragged the film down i feel , that could have gone in a more upbeat direction not sure what happened at the end there , they just forget about anne hathaway character even though she has like a gazillion embryos and will be mommy to them on her own , not sure what happened to earth are people living in orbit , they seem to have figured out gravity but how does that apply physically , did they never try to explore new world after MM & AH mission once thye got better technology wouldnt anne hathaway character have company by now i'll say this though there are worse places to be trapped in than a library as what lies beyond the event horizon , i did figure that bit out pretty early when his daughter told him the message said stay , if he deciphered a location then what she deciphered was also true! now a peeve of mine 1st planet how the hell does that guy die? he was closer to the ship than AH , robot had time go pick her up come back get in and he actually stood there while all the time MM is screaming get in get in and he gets washed away by a wave me and my cousin watch each other and said "n'importe quoi!" = bullshit !! also they could have spent a bit more explaining geo-political situation of earth instead of say school scene just an example but eh they made the film they wanted too , i'm just a viewer , i like space theme films so i was always going to watch it ! i get it its a movie format so i gave it a fickly thin A-
  14. lol , the way they look at each other grrrrr totally turned on by each other's a la 50 shades kinky shit!
  15. this show is always full of surprise, mountain peeps and reapers seem to have a tacit accord leave each other alone? and trade grounders , they suck their blood and the reapers get to eat them ew! finn dude wants to find his chica bad!!! kkkk he's like totally not bullshitting with anything that might jeopardize clarke survival status awww! shipping is harmless fun even if some take it super serious and get pissed at each other over it! well you know how they say boys pick on girls they like , didnt know that included electrical whipping , living on the arc has certainly forge their chaaracter !
  16. rumple and belle break my heart so much love and its all going the way of titanic it seems ! this was the moment to come clean ! anna is barry allen equivalent with the cuteness overload factor! can't help themselves from being adorable ! (people like that sometimes make me wanna puke but try as i might i can't hate them not even a little) this snow queen is cray cray and they're the worse kind of villains !
  17. yes of course tara's crazy religious mom , couldnt pin her face without the weave! lol sure i'm a woman but ehhh doesnt mean its not obvious there's something there whether the fall out is physical in a i'll kill you way or the kissy way , as they say there's a fine line between hate and love ! a strong emotion either side of the coin !
  18. some creepy stuff going on under the mountain if you're seeing things from the 48 (formerly 100) pov but if you're on the mountain people side and you are sick of being stuck inside , what would you be willing to do to get out? the grounders aren't exactly angels either? did anyone wonder if that woman (i know actress from somewhere) could be lincoln mother ? yep finn and bellamy heart are in the right place but not right target , but i suppose maybe they meet up with octavia and lincoln clan leader and figure out the enemy of my enemy is my enemy etc etc clarke mother keeps disobeying desmond so guess its good thing jaha found his way to earth but far enough that there'll yet be time for these two to clash some more , so much tension between them (they need to make out , yeah yeah i know he killed her husband but only because he was a stickler for rules )
  19. 3 episodes in and entire fandom still not over it meanwhile we're stuck it seems with new owner of the magical jacket!!
  20. good episode , flash is cool cool cool omg felicity is such a knockout and it wasnt for oliver's eyes only , he better be careful some other dude might just scoop her up ! iris and joe have a great dad/daughter rapport eddie is gorgeous but sorry he's an obstacle !
  21. very good episode , i hadnt got thrills like that since last season !
  22. fullbuster mets de l'eau dans ton vin compagnon! i'm busy with my departure to our dear motherland capital ...and only got around to watching the premiere tonight , wasnt even going to watch it today ! i thought the premiere was good , relieved finn is alive! happy the adults are there but wonder how long arc order will last or if the adults will incorporate the young into decision making thus creating new society as they've lived longer on the ground and know more about it gotta hand it to clarke she's not falling for all that glitter like her friends , don't understand why the ratings fell , not enough promotion? don't have a tv so don't know what's up there plus probably cw got preempted by football or baseball i'm intrigued by this radiation business theory , more radiation in space so they're immune to it on the ground ? need a scientist to explain this to me , and mount weather peeps were insulated thus being killed by it when they peek their noses out while back , suppose the grounders are the bad guys after all, that guy didnt want to kill finn it seems wanted to keep him alive to talk
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