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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. when you little boys stop bickering let the rest of us know...i'll be back later yawnnnsometimes its a good thing to just agree to disagree and let it go no one will think less of either of you!
  2. i understand about johnny depp! the pull was strong for me too, i was all set to go see the avengers again but when i reach the theatre i started vacillating "but its johnny and its quirky my kind of quirky grrrr" but then i scolded myself i came to see avengers and that's whta i'm seeing, i would have love to watch dark shadows afterwards but i couldnt stay! i had a window of opportunity that afternoon and had my heart set on avengers!
  3. i just watched the first episode of farscape for like the 10th time now , i just loveeeeeeeeeeeeee that show!! i'll not watch it for a year or couple of months and then happened to watch a episode and get the bug all over no cure to be found so i guess next 2 weeks i'll be marathon-ing it whenever i can ! its aslo convenient tv season is over and for now only GoT and borgias as summer shows have my attention
  4. MEGAPLEX 72pm , 97%full!THE AVENGERS 2D A++ entertainment these guys really just mesh well together!!! a pleasure to watchi missed the trailers but not beginning of the movie, lines were long for popcorn and drinks i swear they do it on purpose like seriously open another cash machine pfffhad to look a bit for a seat closer to the front than the back it was already quite full, there were so many kids and i mean like under 12 , i heard a baby crying in the back , i then found a seat next to a family with little children and a toddler who was babbling for first 5 mn while her mom was munching on popcorn right in my ear!!!i thought i'd go crazy so i waited for a day scene in the film to get up and change seat found one 3 rows under the screen so spent the rest of movie straining my neck upwards but at least i could concentrate on the screen!movie was great, i'm amazed at the repeat value of the movie like i got pulled into the story from the beginning as if i hadnt seen it already , everyone laughed at the same things as first viewing ex : the adopted line, flying monkeys and of course like a homerun knocked out of the park HULK and LOKI drawed the biggest laughs THAT scene really is GOLD!!! :lol:i feel like there were a few people who had already seen it , coz just before a certain scene you'd hear someone say check that out to a friend who clearly hadnt seen it yet!THE BAD NEWS: my theatre has raised their ticket price from 6.75$ to 7.25$ i'm revolted as of may 2nd but i didnt notice because last time i went i paid the 3D price of 8.75$, i'll be thinking real hard about going to see a movie now and for sure no more repeat business for me unless its twilight (price will never be an obstacle between me and edward !!!) and summer has just started evil people
  5. i'm back !!!! avengers 2D just as good minus kids ,babies and toddlers , talk about family friendly , it was weird , the 3D viewing didnt have so many young kids when i went last wednesday although i guess 9PM is a little late for them , it felt just as fresh as first time , hulk scene alone worth admission price ! anyhoo off to crowd reports for more details
  6. And the eagle is leaving the building ETA 2mn countdown byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  7. seriously 1BILLION IN 19 DAYS get out of here !!!!someone needs to pop that champagne gif again ok guys see you later, i have to get ready if i'm gonna have lunch and make it on time for 2pm showing of AVENGERS
  8. well as things turned out on the bright side today as in all obstacles that could deny my most sincere desire since wednesday night have falling on the waysidei'm going to the cinema this afternoon to see AVENGERS again whoopeeeeeeeeeeeee YES YES YES!!!!! :wiggle:
  9. i'm off to , nothing to see here...yet! goodnight box office addicts
  10. ughhh the wait during the wait is even more exhausting , i'll come back again in one hour ! if there's still nothing by 2 i'm hitting the sack! tomorrow is tv night :once upon a time finale, and another grand episode of westeros musical chair with kings, and shaddy politics in the rome of borgias!!! but before that serena williams is playing the final of wta madrid open vs azarenka in tennis land!
  11. hey coulson was ok, i didnt exactly feel anything when he died but he was funny for the most part , to me he represented the geek who gets to hang out with the cool superheroes, he's like a fan who wins a ticket to pass a day on the set of his fav movie with fav actors! plus he balanced out nick fury gruffiness( i get its a tough job managing such a big operation and so many super-egos)it was cute and then he died , next?
  12. Ahhh i see now why the animal discussion started ok! off to watch a movie now be back in 2/3 hrs ....i have red tails, haywire, this means war or man on a ledge as choices which one should i watch first...
  13. i love cats, they're smart animals and they don't pander to humans like a leech ,now dogs cannot stand them ,they bark all day for no reason or for the dumbest reasons ever, they pee and shit all over the place and they smell awful...and are so damn dependent ...but i understand people loving their dogs ! to each their own pet inclinationthis is so OT but i'm hesitating about reading the thread from since last i was on this afternoon!ok i'll read the five previous just to get a sense of the mood and why we're talking cats and dogs
  14. i'm off too guys, see you tomorrow with the news of real numbers! i wished i could go see it this weekend but it will have to wait tuesday or wednesday(which is ladies night at my theatre we pay only 4.50$ instead of 6.75$ 2D price/3D is 8.75$ no special discount whatsoever ever)
  15. i guess seeing as how it exceeded breaking the OW record, people expect it to break the 2nd Weekend record by a huge margin too hence 100m+ talk!heck i think i said 120m at height of crazyness after OW numbers were in soooo...
  16. i was wondering the same thing? but its too early to give it any importance
  17. hi guys still no thursday numbers? will come back on later in the day RL stuff to do , plus i've already use 2 of my measly 10 likes today, gotta learn to pace myself and not like first post i see
  18. well fudge my like quota is up!!! does the day start at midnight? cause that's not fair i still considered it was wednesday night you know!!!! <_<i just came on today and i got maybe 2 LIKES in before the jig was up what am i to do all day long now pfffffffffff
  19. anyway its 3am here so i'll call it a night!LOL its hard cooling down when you're excited after an A+ fun experience at the moviesand afterwards me and my friend went to the casino next door and with only 10$ played i won 30$ so i got back what i spent on 3D ticket plus ice cream big cone plus xtra large pepsi, my friend got nachos&cheese, xtra large pepsi and a large popcorn!she won 80$ but then she bets higher than me at the one cent machines
  20. I DID josh whedon :bravo:plus i was always confident i couldn't be disappointed by a film with tony stark in it! just not possible!
  21. megaplex7AVENGERS 3D 9pmsold out( to be clear though there's only 2 showing in 3D at 6/9pm and one in 2D at 8pm during the weeknights)TRAILERS:rock of ages: not much reaction ,people were still walking in ,room was still half empty, i did a double take as i recognize tom cruiseprometheus: silence not sure they knew what it was about, me on the other hand super-excited it looked awesome on the big screen will be there on OW for sure!the dictator : got best crowd reaction people were laughing a lotlincoln vampire hunter: no reaction, this is when you notice there's you movie fan who is on BOT all the time and general public who don't follow films from conception to opening dayTHE AVENGERSTHIS IS ME AND THE CROWD DURING THE WHOLE FILM THIS FILM WAS INSANELY FUNNY, the lines were like arrows that hit the target everytime , everyone erupted in laughtersits a good thing i didnt read spoilers about a certain epic scene, but i might have been careful with the popcorn in my mouth that went flying when:LOKI and HULK OMG LMAO i'm sure i'm not the only one who wanted them to rewind that scene, you couldnt hear a thing for the next 30 seconds people were in stitches...THOR AND HULK version of an high-five LOL!!! i kinda wish thor had more lines but i don't mind him just standing there doing his thing SEXYYYYYYYY HUNK! plus i like that they included a scene with him checking if jane is alright nice nod to his filmi really appreciate the nods to everyone's background and film, i think someone said this movie didnt have any heart but i disagree! you'd think by now i'd have settled in with iron man character but nope its still love at first sight he's such a show-off yet it never turns me off, he was on a roll in all his interactions with other superheroes IRON MAN and CAPTAIN AMERICA helloooo testosterones, get these guys a room or a WWF cage or something and can i be there to watch or participate in whatever ensues everytime captain america gave orders that was hot, so decisive ,a born leader of men, so bossy me likey! usually that could rub people the wrong way but heck the guy exudes confidence and a take charge attitude at assesing a situation,def someone to have on a teamBLACK WIDOW that chick is a mean badass and devious with it, she might not have superhero powers but her other skills make up for it no problem, hawkeye sure knows how to wield an arrow but i admit i wasnt sure about him because i didnt expect him to be abducted by loki so early in the film , it had me worrying if he was on the right team, who is that chick assistant to nick fury is she a known marvel character?(i don't read comics)hulk someone please give mark ruffalo a hulk film to do or at very least as it is implied i'd love to see him as a sidekick in a future IRON MAN filmps the film went by so fast i have a hard time believing it was over 2hrs, the pace was just perfection , and i'll add i don't remember when last i saw NEW YORK got trashed like that !ps2: now see iron man and his gadgets is such a fun character he's got a deadly heart situation yet he's the life of the party batman and his gadgets is such a somber character meh everything is so serious so ominous(don't get me wrong i do like batman but i would never equate him with the word fun, tony stark on the other hand what a guy !)ahhh man i feel like watching THOR , IRON MAN AND CAPTAIN AMERICA films again until i can see this again which probably won't be until next week shoot...
  22. before i go to crowd reports thread i just had to sayOMG OMG OMG LMAO THE AVENGERS ARE THE BEST SUPERHEROES TEAM EVER 'nuff said!!!I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEE TONY STARK!!!! :wub: THOR IS SEXYYYYY!!!! CAPTAIN AMERICA swoon everytime he gave orders sighhhhh and i actually enjoyed HULK this has got to be the best surprise of the film after previous hulk films attempts fishnets i've gotta admit i see what you see loki and thor are intense mmm mmmm...I NEED TO GO SEE THIS AGAIN! I DON'T REMEMBER WHEN LAST I LAUGHED SO MUCH DURING A FILM! OK OK OFF TO THE CROWD REPORTS...
  23. i remembered him as soon as i read "he was in the 2nd one..." i actually really liked that character story
  24. he was in cranford? but but but.... i watched that miniseries even the 2nd one too, i hate when that happens you think you've just notice an actor in a huge role then you learn you've seen him around for ages pff
  25. :rofl: :rofl: ps: by the way i was more impressed with jon and ygritte scene than robb and what's her name scene, but maybe i'm just biased because of what ensues pffff
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