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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. star wars , tatooine, house of luke skywalker uncle
  2. wow at finale!!!!!!!! i finally got around to watching it ! IT WAS BIG!!! :bravo:thought it was great except for one thing what happened in the house of the undying ?one of best scene is tywyn entering the iron throne on a horse, but more specifically another highlight , kudos to our fav trio of dragons in the land, great job on them ,nice to see them all together and they seem to each have a distinctiveness to them, admit i did not see the empty treasure room coming lolbrienne was great one of the best casting this season! her and jaime have a great rapport very natural!margeary and wacko king scene was great, i seriously believe they could have mess tyrion face a bit more ,make it as gore as in the book, i really wanted to see what half a nose would look like on screen pfffrob... rob ... rob... !jaquen and arya nice, i liked their scene even if they changed it slightly it makes sense!jon snow and quorin half-hand hmmm, they could have explained that better but its ok ! where's ghost?winterfell they did you a great evil ,O great house of the North , YEAH for SHAGGY AND SUMMER, seriously they're off to the wall and that's their idea of covering up but you'll freeze little ones, oh well they are starks i suppose...theon speech inside and outside were great exposition for his character,he was watching directly into the camera at mei bet everyone after his speech ended...and it really was a great speech with a lot of heart, cannot wait to see him eat humble pie even if its not for years
  3. cool for kristen stewart and chris hemsworth n1 weekend film, Thor looks good next to petite female lead! i know i buy it!!!
  4. MEGAPLEX7 carribean cinemas3.30pm 80% fullmissed the trailers and beginning not much, saw from when gold mirror tells her snow white is fairer than her and her heart is the key then snow escapes so pretty sure i didnt miss too muchSNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN B+I liked the movie well enough, the whole time i kept thinking visually this reminds me of alice in wonderland, when i left theatre i watched the poster and sure enough it says from the creators? of ALICE IN WONDERLANDchris hemsworth was sexyy as usual even gruffy he can't hide it, the dude oozes charm !!! but i had to concentrate real hard to understand what he was saying half of the time(lucky for him as long as i can stare i don't care! )that prince dude was cute enough but i thought he was the son of a duke, obviously he and snow had a thing as toddlers from what i gather! i don't think he was that awful in the movie, he's clearly more of an action guy than his father who's willing to wait and see!as for kristen she was snow white, my only problem with her character is that she's not given a lot of lines, dunno who wrote the script but she's in the title and she hardly talks and has lots of pauses! (i did like her accent though ) might be the editing , plus maybe if she had a bff /maid to talk too about her feelings for the huntsman it might have been better! so yeah she did all she could with the way they wrote her character,heck even the dwarves seem to have more lines than her, i also would have like them to explore a bit more what was so special about her & her destiny and why her blood was so special that the queen wouldn't need to ever suck another human being drycharlize theron was a hoot i didnt know whether to take her seriously or lol at the way she spoke! but she looked beautiful and very scary when she'd turn all old, reminded me of michelle pfeiffer witch in "stardust"agree that visuals and fx were really amazing, scenery was beautiful, i appreciated the fighting even more because just last night i watched GAME OF THRONES ep9 and wasnt overly impressed but i'll go that thread in a bit!anyway i sighhhhed when huntsman i'd love a sequel but there's no need for this to go three films neither! kinda sad about the queen she was fun!
  5. that's another effective solution! i prefer words, nothing annoys/pisses off other people more than when you don't stoop down to their level, its not a quick solution but it works ! i've never been bullied but have had heated discussions with people and boy if you out-talk them they give up for lack of arguments !can't wait to go see snow white and yummy huntsman !!!!!
  6. i'm mad for johnny depp, he's gotta be one of ten actors whose entire filmography i've seen !i love his quirky roles , the weirder the better but agree his serious roles are win too, for example finding neverland i figured mehhh a story about peter pan author only because of johnny did i watch it, afterwards i thought the movie was excellent and he deserved that oscar nod.i love his more obscure roles!he's absolutely great in sweeney todd, hilariously funny in sleepy hollow, and he was soooo cute in his early films like cry baby and edward scissorhandsyeah not tired! never! but i confess to being biased 100%
  7. will def be watching drop dead diva and trueblood primetime online which is 2 hrs or day after lolll*falling skies i dunno, i never got past episode 3 from season 1 the show was super boring, still on the fence...*damages i have yet to watch season 2 so yeah that one will go join the others on a pile of to watch series and even then i'd have to rewatch s1 as i don't remember much of it!*breaking bad hmmm i haven't watch season 4 yet...so that too might wait a while...* i also have BOSS S1 waiting to be viewed , ughhhsometimes i miss cable tv so much but then i think about the commercials and think nahhh i'm better off now! i remember during commercials i'd see how fast i could switch through all 60 channels available before returning to where i was(good times) alas we had to make a financial choice between american cable and french cable and by an unpopular vote the french won!
  8. i want to be a cheerleader for iron man cheering squad! swoon for RDJ!

  9. MEGAPLEX7 CARIBBEAN CINEMAS4pm , 12 people there myself included :ph34r:only trailer i saw was SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN (2nd time still very interesting)i liked the movie ,it was fun it was comfortable , you know that feeling you get when you're somewhere familiar?that's what watching this film felt like good old reliable fun! i laughed at the right moments and gazed a lot at will smith (girl thing)FIREDEEP, i agree with what you said this would have made a way better sequel than what we got instead, i really liked the story and brolin gave an eery impersonation of K expressions and voice/attitude LOLi liked the ending , as soon as the alien showed the captain a glimpse all in all i give it a A-I was thinking of checking out battleship but thought better of it , think i'll pace myself this summer at theatre and wait till snow white for next film to see!
  10. ugh i'm hesitating to go to the movies this afternoon battlestar or MIB3 hmm then again, i've never had a problem with will smith films i can look at him for 2hrs straight and nothing else aww hell ok fine i'll go and support him
  11. this poll business is weird, i voted once and i keep reading people voted up to three times , when i check the poll i see delete your vote that's all i can't vote again , the only thing i can do is click on view to see who voted, think i'll change my vote if i can't vote equally for my top 3
  12. ooh can i have a triumvirate at the top :titanic best 1B romance/ :wub:lotr best 1B epic story/mythology/ :wub:avatar best out of this world 1B immersive adventure! :wub:after these order would be:avengers:best badass superhero filmpirates dmc: best pirate movietoy story 3: (made me cry) best animationharry potter dh2: best enjoyed potter film (because i got around to reading the books months before its release)dark knight: very good serious loner super-hero filmpirates OST: it was actually fun (i'm biased where johnny depp is concerned and unashamed of it)alice in wonderland: dislike it immensily but johnny depp only reason i watched it just my flavor of quirkycharacter!edit 3 hrs later: i forgot phantom menace and transformers 3 !!!! which says it all!
  13. hollywood is all about perception most of the time and right now kitsch is a 2 mega-bomb star but as JC is only film i've seen him in so far i can't say much about his acting , i find him a bit generic so we'll see , i've also never watch friday night lights !maybe this is what he needs, fire his agent then start off with little roles for a year before trying to get back on that horse!
  14. i'll come back when i've had breakfast and more control on my instinctive reaction to anything anti-twilight, i have learn to deal with it for the most part and scroll on without replying ...
  15. jack sparrow i resent that stephenie meyer pic ! ughh so sick of twilight author being the prey of jokes but i guess with great success comes great envy/jealousy and be a target of jokessorry its too early in the morning for me to let it go plus my patience is running thin with this poster already after yesterday(not that he did anything personally to me)
  16. is 26M$ really bad?i just watched john carter aka coulda/shoulda've been better,i gave it a B- in reviews thread...back to watching revenge marathon style lol, you guys have fun discussion the spectrum between a 55/60m$ weekend for avengers!
  17. i'll review as i watch this onlinei had a hard time understanding what was going on , he's being followed next thing you know his nephew inherits his property and he's supposedly dead? i wasn't even sure it was his uncle until kid opens a book and pic looks vaguely like him then they flashback to 15 yrs uhh ok, at this point i'm wondering if the guy is actually dead or he return to marsanyway on mars they show these blue dude can't be hurt but one of those guys get killed by a good old american powder pistol lollll duh plot needs to move along, for some reason he's so surprise by the light gravity he forgets(really?) to keep a hand on the device that brought him there hmmmthe green babies were cute but as far as alien babies go i still drool over the squid in MIB1 :wub:and now we meet princess "i need a herooooo" i'll give her a few min to impress me ! NOW what had me LOL was the fact that marc anthony and cesar are playing themselves on mars i guess even actors have bills to pay(OT: i'm deep into "revenge" right now and james purefoy has just showed up there as lover to the queen of the hamptons victoria grayson)ok clearly there's a third faction(the blue guys) who are pitting these two clans against each other or at least giving them the extra push clever tacticok will come back in 30 mn again for another half-hr reviewback again:alien dog cute, princess finds her hero! something about being among green things will make you fearless to save the first humanoid chick you see awww! of course they did mention he was quite the hero in his us army cavalry!just when i was wondeting if i'd ever understand the alien gibberish some alien loner gives him milk of the poppy and badaboom he and us can understand mars dialect yeahhh! said alien loner seems to be an outcast who gets into trouble a lot uh-oh,then princess and hero have an astronomy class coolthe movie isnt that bad so far, just nothing to brag about, editing is weird, they didnt elaborate on him on earth so i don't feel so far concerned if he gets back or not, then there's this blond chick who pops up in his memory from time to time , i guess he lost his wife in the war to indians perhaps? but they're doing a poor job of making me curious about his flashbacksok be back in a while, wondering why the movie is over 2 hrs long ?wow this movie is taking itself way too seriously princess and hero talking a lot and once again having an astronomy/time-travel lesson or as he called it he was telegraphed from earth to mars, you don't say!!! :Dand i'm done watching it, it wasnt so bad really, now more than ever i believe they botched the intro of the movie, other creative choices could have save this film ,he was trying to find a way back to mars without even knowing if his princess is waiting for him or not ,why the hell didnt they go with that angle from the beginning and actually show him coming back to mars and being greeted ! what a mess...they could have easily tightened this down 30mn with better storytelling, who will want to watch this again to better understand the film now they know the ending mehhhi can't help but compare this to avatar in hindsight and wonder how come it had me at hello from just that sweeping view of the trees couple with the music and jake sully narrating voice, then when you see the na'vi you're just in awe of pandora and its inhabitants! this i just never felt connectedoh and an important ingredient when you have a warrior princess and hero from elsewhere involved : CHEMISTRY and good acting B)was there suppose to be a sequel? what book is this based on? if it is based on something, sighhhi just read all 2 pages of review something i agree on, others not so much like i found the music awful too loud and pompous but agree that visuals on mars are great!i gave it a B- by no means is it the worst movie of the year or decade, didnt feel like shooting myself just disappointed coz clearly it could have been better!
  18. hey fell asleep there for a bit , i dreamt i was twirling an umbrella in the sun and for some weird reason it was transparent just like SHIELD ship in the sky in AVENGERS It was weird i agree
  19. what's this about matthew fox? he's doing a machinist type film? otherwise i don't get the christian bale reference
  20. hey 400m club huh ,well done AVENGERS well done, now that's what a call a swift response from the best superhero team ever wonder what the overseas number will be like come monday? will be back later,had a long harassing day around kids ughh i need a nap asap...hope thread isnt up in the 30s when i come back
  21. OMG I just watched the first 7 episodes of this show! ITS CRAY-crayzay!!!! ...i had been meaning to watch it since its been all over media how good it is but i had my plate full with my regular tv season , so now that that's over i can watch some shows i missed or decided to wait for summer to watch thememily is one cold chick , wouldnt want to be on her bad side yikes :ph34r:tyler is beyond annoying, i couldnt understand why he was being such a pain , but i get feeling he's in love with daniel, he was totally trying to date-rape him of sorts, i did like his scene with nolan , and agree nolan is kinda growing on me glad i'm getting over his weirdo vibe from earlier episodesjack is cute and agree i didnt get what emily saw in daniel at first , as she comes off pretty cold but i guess she is actually falling for him when it would have been easier to be with jack , but revenge is first order of business , dunno if i believe her when she says he is not a target, i guess we'll seegreat story all around i hope she gets her revenge for sure but i don't know how and if its possible for her and daniel to come out of this unscathed with an intact relationship, maybe jack just has to withstand the storm!i have to say real emily was a surprise, somehow i had a feeling of how her convo with frank would go! she seems a little bit unhingedif i didnt have to sleep i'd marathon the heck out of this alas 7 episodes will have to do for one day
  22. i'm loving jon and ygritte scene !!!! they're fun too bad he's sworn an oath to defend the wall... :rolleyes:arya and tywin scene give me chills! i was like no don't eat the food i felt he was trying to distract her in order to confound her which he kinda did! there's always a certain tension there..i swear i cannot stand that chick doe eyes to robb i wish she'd fall in a hole and leave him alone! actor who plays robb has such pretty eyes it hurts to think about the dumb thing he's about to do urghh! <_<i too thought jaime & cousin scene ran long but then he killed him and i was speechless was happy to see jaime and brienne of tarth meet!things should def spice up in quarth soon
  23. the finale was awesome , a bit fast-paced though still can't wait for all the awkwardness of my parents are my age lol and anxious to know whether august:pinocchio is alive now that magic has come to storybrooke! rumplestilskin is a coniving bad guy totally did not see that happening at the end
  24. i don't work in a theatre but still i trust the opinions of those who know/participate in the behind the scenes at a theatre rather than crazy hopes, nothing wrong with your crazy hôpe jack but if you'd temper it with realistic expectations it wouldnt be half as annoying !anyway i'm off to watch sunday's episode of GoT, behave ok...think i'll sit the next few days out of the box office discussion , its not the only place to go chat on this site luckily
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