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Everything posted by ladyevenstar22

  1. crap i think i pick june 30th for avengers passing 600m $ in the poll, there comes a time when one is happily happy to be wrong :Dhappy for snow white!hunger games go away already mehhhby the bye is ab vamp slayer a good film?
  2. i'll see you guys shortly in the morning
  3. so this far out now "the avengers" is sure to finish over 600M $ yes?
  4. sad news: my theatre finally said bye bye to the avengers!!!!
  5. hey i like your signature , is it from batman or jurrasic park? i ask because i read the book and doctor malcolm in jurrasic park was always going on about his theory of chaos
  6. PROMETHEUS 2D /9.20pm30% fulltrailers G.I.joe 2 was surprise to see this attached to the film it says coming out june 29/2012 ? def gotta fix that , i know its being moved because i follow films journey but general public seems to still think this is coming out this summer! tsk tskTHAT's MY BOY this sandler film looks funny , everyone was laughing during the trailer, it looked way better than jack and jill if i was ever inclined to see a sandler flick on the big screen which hasnt happened since "50 first dates" and even then i went for drew barrymore not himthere was one trailer before these but the screen was black and you only hear the audio!i was all set to see this in 3D but apparently new film ab lincoln vamp slayer took the 3D screen pfffff i liked the film , i loved the little throwback( or throw forwards???) to alien...agree michael fassbender character made me nervous ,i expected something bad to happen whenever he was around because of his i'm a robot i'm careless:no feelings and also no warning system telling him uhh maybe you should be cautious!rooney mara was badass i was like during that scene where she extracted the parasite and then walk off like hey just another day at work no pain no gain...i felt really bad for those 2 idiots who got loss , dunno why but i did not expect them to , we did call the boyfriend getting screwed over! those engineers were not cool , gee would it have kill them them to chat a bit,the last scene was very nostalgic to me from this to the alien baby ripley has what a genetic journey this DNA has been onthe holograms were very cool would have love to see them a bit more up-close!all in all i give this an A- for a good effort by director and great visuals and leaving me wanting to see where dr shaw goes from here on
  7. well i'm back!!! and hey i liked the movie, my friend was unimpressed because it wasnt as scary as we thought it would be!it was more introspective than anything i don't mind that and well i'm curious enough to see a sequel to the prequelit must be the star trek geek in me i'm always along for the ride when your plan is to go where no one has gone before well no puny human and her robot sidekick :Dby the way the adam sandler trailer wasnt that bad it was kinda funny , i thought it was something atrocious along jack and jill line then again mayeb the trailer showed best parts
  8. i'll let you guys know if this fair lady comes back in one piece from prometheus scare tactics LOL, gotta go get ready show is at 9pm
  9. i'm going to see PROMETHEUS 3D tonight finally i get to see what the fuss good and bad is about!!!
  10. wow not a lot of reviewsi give it a B- instead of a C because i did laugh somewhat but for the most part i cringed that armie hammer thought this was a good role, was there nothing else available to him ! i mean he was in an oscar nominated film ! sorry but mirror mirror is not a step in the right directionAs for the film lily collins huge eyebrows were a serious distraction ,i mean you could only see themi liked the dwarves , the story was stupid and vapid and did it have to last that long? another thing i found super distracting were the set ,they looked seriously fake, it kinda reminded me of set pieces you see on a theatre stage or making of old films like in "hugo"basically you could tell it was filmed on a studio lot stage, the forest looked too uniform mehhh i could go on...the best thing in it was YEAHHHH FOR ONCE SEAN BEAN DIDNT DIE AT THE END!!!!!(fans will get it)and what was up with the bollywood style dance number at the end i lol it felt like armie didnt want to take part of it!seriously in the battle of snow whites ,the darker version heralded by stewart /theron/hemsworth was a gazillion times better and with gorgeous beautiful actors casted well in their respective roles in regards to beauty!
  11. yeah i figured that out while on imdb , it wasnt exactly made clear, or at the very least it didnt cross my mind that it was his sister that way nor was i sure if all his family had been murdered...i don't exactly rewatch old TB episodes randomly!will watch episode 2 sometime today now its available online!
  12. i'm hoping to see prometheus this wednesday finally, just have not had the time to go to the movies so far! so annoying but at least 3D option is availble , ohh and the avengers is still playing at my theatre INCREDIBLE , the last movie that stayed that long was avatar(remember its one lone theatre complex 7screens on my tiny island rock!!)
  13. i just watched the season 5 premiere, i forget everytime a new season comes around how campy this show is, i was sucked right back in as if i hadnt been annoyed by lots of stuff in last season, heck i even forgot tara was 'dead' LOLPAM as usual was just gold! i love her, i really hope she and eric make up!as for ERIC :blink: ?your sister? this goes far beyond my concept of brotherly love but hey its trueblood i'll roll with it!bill didnt have much to do this episode except play third wheel to the family reunion ahemmm...once again sookie was very domestic that has to be the cleanest kitchen in the world and murdered by supernatural being central hotbed! if i were her i'd make a new kitchen somewhere else in the house and abandon the old one, too much shit has gone down there!oh tara tara tara you poor thing...but in the vain of crazyyyy this show rides on, its a shame she killed that vampire who was in love with her, just imagine the two of them now awwww :lol:alcide go mind your pack would you!!! and sam stop getting mix up in other people wacko mess!!! for jason and reverend scene...jason:yeah and i rescend my invitation! rev: i love youuuu, i hope its not the last we see of him!i'm actually excited and scared that russel edgeton is back and with a ferocious appetite eek!
  14. TREK FAN HERE! i spent years perfecting my vulcan hand salute "live long and prosper" my favs in same order 1 next generation 2 enterprise 3 original 4 voyager 5 deep space nine some explanation needed here, TNG and ENTERPRISE are the only two series i have completely seen from start to finish and actually have on dvd and like watching reruns if i happen on one while flipping channels! i like star trek what little i've seen because of how kinky the 60's set up look and the way they filmed ,it looks fun if i ever get around to it this is the next one i'd watch entirely(the actors were all babes esp william shatner ) I am not a big fan of VOYAGER but i have watched a few episodes here or there stretched together and even though i dislike captain jane i liked that she was a woman in a position of authority! Now as much as i have tried and tried i do not care at all for DS9 the couple episodes i don't think i've seen one episode in its entirety! i also have the boxset of all the films 1-10 & 11 in its double disc case!!!!!! my fav with original cast is voyage home ST4 and with TNG first contact i guess i like seeing the link between where star fleet started and how far they've reached as a society and idea! and yeah a dream of mine is to go to a convention and maybe even dress up knowing i wouldnt feel weirded out by it but as a one time experience i'd never go all trekki either, i'm relatively sane of mind!
  15. i found "drive" insanely boring i literally felt asleep during the film :sleep:
  16. :rofl: I LOVE THIS FILM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WAS LAUGHING THE ENTIRE TIME LIKE SERIOUSLY !!!!!i was kinda sleepy but figured i'd watch 30 mn of it and if it was boring i'd take it off and go to bed...here i am 2 hrs later!!!!from the intro ,the movie won me over i hadnt listen to an eminem song in years so hearing slim shady had me bobbing my headthere were so many funny scenes, aahh yes ice cube gahh i was wondering who that was the entire film near the end i thought LL cool J but nahhh , there were a lot of swearing in this film but i kind of rided with it like they did when they took the drug that bathroom scene had me in stitches i nearly felt like vomiting myself,the party was amazingly funny and preparation for it had me lol.the soundtrack was great , often enough i found myself swinging and bobbing to it ! it felt like going to a party for 2 hrs , the car chase and things not blowing up ha ha ha was like a running gag:i swear i thought the bridge was going to blow up ha ha but no it was the chickens which was fitting! that sports teacher was crayzee!channing and jonah had great chemistry all through the movie funny scenes and serious dramatic scenes, i like how symbiotic their relationship was, the bromance was on fire!!!i give this movie an A+ for the most important aspect of a movie ENTERTAINMENT!!!! and i'm really sad i didnt go see it in theatre , i guess i just wasnt feeling it! i'm not particularly a fan of either actor to point where i will go see their film in theatre but i had recently seen the vow on dvd and moneyball tooso yeah there was nothing not to like and then i when i saw johnny depp!!! johnny depp is still gorgeous today but he was darn gorgeous with that babyface of his back in the day!!! i also liked molly the girl on drug ha ha ha she was funny! the whole cast was just funny , i never felt like i was watching actors but the characters in a story now that's cool, i feel like this is the guy version of "never been kissed" with drew barrymore!def going to recommend this to people, gotta watch this again but with popcorn and soda and sweets , make up for missing it on big screen!
  17. ughh i have to wait this weekend to see prometheus , its premiering here the 14th.i didnt know it was shot natively in 3D ,that's reason enough for me to check it out in its intended format!
  18. i was watching a film critic tv show in french and one of his associate said the movie really shows off the 3D,what do you guys say is prometheus worth seeing in 3Dthen the
  19. agree about costner and western ,and i dislike westerns as a genre! he's one exception i actually like!
  20. it could be true , it could not be true! what is true is giving his past outbursts and actions it would seem in character still you know what they say innocent until proven guilty ! the guy has a fame about him now!i'm sure it might annoy him sometimes but he's gotta like the privacy it allows him, no one is gutsy enough to ask him face to face what is fiction and what is fact!in the end though ,did he actually kill someone? cause then actor or not someone ought to go to a district attorney so he gets sent to jail and pay for his crime! otherwise last time i check the amount of people and weird site bordering terrorism who described stuff like that and never actually go beyond words is huge! of course you have the lone psycho who loses it and goes bonker on a killing spree like that dude in sweden or norway and you find out later on there was a long trail
  21. huh??? what crime has he commited in the eyes of the fanboy inquisition now?i also love LOST from beginning to end and cried during finale, i stuck with that show through it all esp during s3 when i nearly fell of the waggon but held on for dear life and calmer seasthen star trek , i love all previous film so imagine this one was like the mega blockbuster that put that franchise back in the mainstream eyesightso i'm pretty psyched about anything those guys lindelof ,orci and kutzman do, they're a good team doesn't mean they'll always have hits and no misses !
  22. morocco or tunisia , i can't remember which exactly
  23. hey guys you think those spaceballs come with spaghetti?
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