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Everything posted by terrestrial

  1. Seemingly I was not aware or have suppressed the awareness about her having done such kind of work
  2. Way over 33% of the # (ranking) of the movies already revealed surprised me rather strongly. And probably nearly the same amount surprised me for being on the list, so who knows, we will see when the countdown is finished, @Jake Gittes wrote he will reveal the ones not on the countdown too. (all around 800 titles??? That seems to be a lot of work)
  3. With that many Takiti fans, why not? (yes, I look at you @aabattery 😉)
  4. nope, it has only to be high on the lists of many voters, or on top for a certain %,... as you know every # is only an average, not every movie on this list has to have be great. Not all here have seen all movies, those vote will be missing, not all rate a ‚great‘ movie as great,... Not all even have a complete 100 titles list, every variation can skew quite a lot (if I remember it right its 48 lists)
  5. to like some actors as certain characters is a reason to watch a movie not being interested in?
  6. I am wondering why anyone would even watch it out of the few small impressions I got here. But I do not like comedy / slapstick, ... shrugs.
  7. Especially if they are shooting the same scene sometimes over hours. For different angles, little mistakes of one or the other actor, and... I have somewhere stored the making of of a sword fight scene between two actors (Spanish style) that they shot literally the whole night, slippery ground, rain,... For a small budget TV-series‘ episode! And sometimes they cut whole action / fight scenes bcs ‚someone‘ thinks its too much, its too... usually not the director (but sometimes its them too)
  8. and that is why I probably wont ever make a top something list (maybe a guilty pleasure one? I hate that name) People quoting OPs long hours of work on those countdown titles to rant about a movie instead of being grateful for the work (what about only writing instead of quoting, using the # and title and rant about it in an de-connected post?), give ‚not cool‘ for those too instead of a thank you / thumbs up. And hijack the thread for smashing heads about whatever.... In my POV that‘s rude 🤬
  9. not a heroic nerd, but here you go (only the posts of the voters) The ‚countdown‘ old thread
  10. I’d love to get those, also e.g. Farscape, Wiseguy (the undercover series) at itunes - Germany does not get a lot of TV-series I‘d love to add. Also TV-movies like all the Sharpe movies, lots of brit movies are missing, lots of older TV series Or only have the German language, those I wont buy, see e.g. Stargate Not an itunes fan, but hate amazon more
  11. One day after I extended my account for another year to give BOT some money injection (now paid till sometime in 2022) 🤪
  12. 😆😂😆 Beside others already explained it (still thank you too, only meant as no need to explain it further beside the following) THAT would not have helped me. As in not knowing anything about it, I’d assume incorrectly with such a short answer its a nickname, something pop-cultural, or.... 😉 (as said, I boycott amazon beside foreign language books, and even more so Amazon prime, so I’ll miss it anyway)
  13. I missed the details about it should be seven, probably the first step in not understanding it then Thank you again!
  14. to you too a thank you for explaining it 🙂 that I do not understand (I boycott amazon prime, if that helps)
  15. what is that? So is it good for you you’ll stay at home for another week, like you mentioned in the other thread?
  16. I learned at least some people needed several retries to get into the series, but everyone I know that did try and succeeded to watch all episodes till season 2 got hooked massively. Especially the ones that needed retries at first. Its in some details rather atypical, I guess it can need time to adjust. Then a lot of first-time watchers (as it got released) were not prepared for the ‘outlandishness’ of some characters (appearance and behavior) that is nowadays less atypical I think, other didn’t like the sole male not being THE fighter (what is neither correct, nor important anyway, plus he is pretty much omnipotent later on in his own special (reason to formulate it like this) way, but in a logical to the story way) or would side with the other party, didn’t like .... I am curious to hear about later retries.... 😉 (I am one of those, had my own reasons for needing time) Big fan since later on...
  17. to me its more about which one I liked the most, which resonated with me the most, or which one surprised me the most or... (generell speaking) Best is for me too much depending on: best about what? Maybe a bit like awards: they usually have lots of categories, the only one that never really interests me is the best movie category. So my lists are about enjoyment. If e.g. a movie has a focus on a character I do not like, to me the whole is not enjoyable, even if the other scenes are nice or even great If a movie e.g. promotes - or presents in a seemingly positively way - unequal treatments, it can be the best in quality of all time, I still wont have it on any of my top xy lists.
  18. okayyy a few here changed their avatars, got me confused for a moment = I hope I have not ignored someone
  19. Thank you! I think I should have worded it better, to me it looks like he is very clean shaven on that Dune picture, in Ronan he was shaven, but I feel (I do not really see it, its a question of color difference) like he is not ‘clean’ shaven in Conan, a little smudged maybe? As a face-blind person I use beards and hairs and glasses to remember people, so... I feel like he actually has a beard in SG:A 😉
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