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  1. thank you a lot! aehm I do not follow his career, but is it possible its his first role without a beard?
  2. Funny, I thought I am the only one who likes the 1st one best. Didn’t like A2-4 to varying degrees. I am aware about its weaknesses, but still think it did manage things not done before and was in my POV the real start of the MCU. (yes, Tele hates it I think, yes I understand that for especially someone with his profession, but to me its about other details)
  3. Is that the one where a watch plays a big role, father and daughter connection? Son reacted that way too in the cinema (he was with his friends, who liked/loved the movie), as he knows me, he advised strongly against watching the movie. If that is the movie, he argued something about the missing logic... will drive me nuts. I am so bad with names, for whatever reason I think I mostly mix the title up with Inception and another movie that does not even sound remotely similar
  4. Looks romantic & comedy-ish to me, both genres I can not stand (a rom-com I consider torture) Considering that: is Splash worth a watch? Only to compare behinds alone would not be a reason to me
  5. In some articles I found at a fast glance it got called THE best selling sci-fi book, no idea if actual I’d say a lot out of my generation at least know at least one book, a lot know at least some books. No idea what a younger generations’ survey might say I think people who either watched the old movie or the TV mini=series and liked the story might be intrigued to watch it also, will depend a lot on the trailer / promotion, also logically the virus vaccine situation Not saying its correct to assume a blockbuster, but there is a potential bigger awareness than some might assume
  6. @Jake Gittes if you log out and log in afterwards, activating ~ ‘hide me’ (forgot the term), I think the normal members should not be able to see what you do. Not sure about mods...
  7. Does someone happen to know when season 3 of Star Trek Discovery will be released?
  8. If the list is true, I am surprised to realize I agree to probably at least 75% of those. Or 85%... spoiler tags, as this is OT
  9. 🙏 a lot, I missed that! How do you handle director’s work?
  10. if uncredited scenes count too, and if e.g. movies like Thor 2 make it (hypothetically, I know, I know), then he might end as one of the most appearing in a movie actors. See uncredited in Ant-Man, Captain Marvel, playing Loki-CA in Thor 2 adds 3 listings alone. Add Spider-Man: Homecoming, and wow, he was in way more than ‚only‘ 3x CA + 4x Avengers = 7x MCU movies, means he appeared till now in 11x MCU movies (but in that decade alone in 12 comic books based movies, see The Losers, I think Snowpiercer counts as that as well, if true, 13 times. Hmmm, add the decade before that, it would be 15 times, is that a record? Voice work in TMNT?) Looking into his IMDb list he was also in a few movies with an average rating over 7 (something around 6.5+ is the medium, so its over middle point rating?) I was not aware of (probably bcs I have not seen them), see Scott Pilgrim vs the World, Gifted, and Knives Out. Good times for you?
  11. I guess I have now to go and actually read through the description, I planed to do all of them after the countdown to write down all titles I have had missed or forgotten in one row That is what is so great about lists like this, its extremly well researched, described with lots of details I’d usually would have to go on a hunt for, and lists titles I would probably not even find on my own, e.g. Asian titles and so on. The next movie I’ll watch is probably Bridge of Spies, or the old version of Westworld or one of the other movies I bought since Corona on itunes (I bought a LOT of the under 4€ ones 🤪, as I also used ~ rabat coupon ~ events, they were mostly 3.2€ per movie)
  12. No idea what that one even is, as mentioned, that decade is the decade I did watch the least amount of movies per decade in my live, plus as quite a lot of those where picked by my pupils its skewed in a way anyway. There are reasons why I am in between for a time absent here (work work work included) Have not even seen / not seen completely at least some of the top 5 BO per year, including seemingly fan favorites, but e.g. bcs of the pupils (and other reasons) have also not seen too many of those that did actually interest me = I guess quite a lot,of the movies on the list I have not seen yet. E.g. I missed SW 8 + SW9, all HP (but I have seen the newer one with the beasts), old and new Spider-Man, missed the newer X-Men movies, other Fox Marvels,... The DCs with baddies as leads (age restriction for the pupils, also some do not like ~ negatives as leads),... So many still on my to watch list, I think I might add a few when this countdown is done, so much to learn
  13. I feel like the majority of the community is. ot acitve / fully active for the moment, so I am not sure if it will give ‚true‘ colours
  14. Ahh, haha, that is funny, some eat that with Sauerkraut... (on a plate with e.g. potatoes or...-) for the evening of the 24 December and eat ‚big‘ the next 2 days, others start at the evening of the 24 December to start big or only eat big at the 24th, if not inviting friends/relatives at the 25 December what do you call the ‚short baguette‘-like roll for a hot dog? How to describe the difference in form? Stretched? enlegthed (is that even a word?
  15. Same here, we say Semmel, Semmerl, Brötchen (=cute / small form of Brot = bread), Wecken, Weck, Schrippe, Brötli, Kaiser-(semmel, or Brötchen or), Kipf, Laabla, ... for mor or less the same thing There are quite some more, differences can locally be the form, like the roll being round or more ... how to describe, more long in one direction than the other, if you get the gist. Like a very short Baguette? If they are a bit bigger, Krusti,... They say we are the country with the most versions of bread, I think not one of those has only one name beside bread versions originating in a foreign country edit: forgot to add: there is a decrease for the names, I think based on digital times
  16. I do not know anything about the case beside just looking into wiki. If he did it, its disgusting. ‚Their own investigations‘ might be finished already
  17. James Drury (The Virginian) died at 85y old. Natural causes - just in case
  18. he has younger siblings he takes to the cinemas and has sometimes younger sounding (like older speaks with younger) exchanges with, maybe that‘s the reason why?
  19. A few years back he was something around 13-15 years old. A teen you are till incl 19 even if I think that the term teenager s usually more meant / in use for 13-16y old. If he is 17.5y old now (not sure how long ago) than he is more or less an adult, but still a teen till he celebrates his 20th birthday or? I could try to look through rather old data, I might be able to find it , I think it was ~ 3.5 +/- years back
  20. @el sid as you reacted to my last post, starting tomorrow (6 April) Rewe (till 11 April) and Lidl (either also 11 April or 5 days longer) offer 15% additional worth for their itunes ~ present cards again As far as I know for all of those extra worth offers is a mostly short-time date limit till when the card has to be redeemed
  21. Soooo, me ignorant European/German or too old for that .... I am aware about not knowing all ~ cultural hints. Quarantine gives way too much time to surf e.g. through YT, so I blame the virus: Just learned accidentally about whom characters speak about if they say Dr. Phil Watched a very few 2-3 minutes clips. Head-scratching why the people asking for advice or help or whatever would ever agree to go on a TV show for their 💩 Especially the ‚bad‘ 👹 side. 🤪
  22. @Cap Cant get it out of my mail thing into here, but Forbes has a Scott Mendelson article/blog entry/whatever about why CA2 is more important to... than A1 Thought you might enjoy (I have not read it yet), see your favorite movies
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