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Everything posted by jb007

  1. Love all the arguments for reporting false drops. Facts matter but just not to some here. Make stuff up to suit their favorite movie
  2. The fact that you are too clueless to understand how a drop is to be reported proves my point. Thanks.
  3. The drop is always considering the same markets over a period of 2 consecutive weekends. In a staggered release the grosses can even go up. That doesn't mean the movie is having phenomenal holds. That would be too much to ask for some to comprehend and given the quality of arguments, can't say I'm surprised.
  4. True. BvS dropped 60% in its 2nd weekend also. But at the same time, almost every other movie looks better compared to BvS.
  5. +1 48% is better drop than BvS no doubt. But it ain't 35% as the stupid report has claimed and people are happily quoting it blindly. The 38 Mil. also includes almost 7 M from Germany that opened this week. The Austria gross has not been reported. Taking that into account the drop may be over 50%.
  6. The people who should know better thinking 48% drop is 35%. Why should we blame idiotic sites like deadline.
  7. These SH franchise peaks are cyclical. Superman introduced us the SH world and the first 2 were very successful critically and financially. With 3 and 4, the franchise declined. Rebooted in 2006 with modest success. Rebooted again in 2013 as part of the DCEU. While financially successful, it was not fans of Superman from my age group who had grown with Christopher Reeve had hoped for. BvS seriously damaged the most famous SH of all time (IMHO) 89 gave the world, the uber successful Batman. He ruled over till the eventual collapse in 1997 with Batman and Robin. Due to Nolan's fantastic Batman Begins, Batman was resurrected with a trilogy that was not only financially but critically very successful. BvS was awful and I'm not sold on Affleck as Batman. But he is a very talented director. Hopefully, he can revive the Batman to his glory. Spiderman in 2002 hit spectacular heights made even more special by its performance against AOTC (from the biggest franchise in movie history). The sequel was almost just as successful. The third entry while the most successful WRT Worldwide gross left a bad taste in the audiences mouth. The TASM reboot may have been too fast further hurt by the lack of quality. Now there is the second reboot where in the intro. has been successful in Civil War. Homecoming at best may raise well above TASM but not come anywhere close to Raimi's Spiderman. Iron Man, an obscure & unknown SH has succeeded spectacularly. RDJ was like a godsend to Marvel. His personal charm and capabilities has made Iron Man the second biggest, if not the biggest superhero today. Captain America is another second tier superhero that has reached the top tier. Chris Evans persona and the quality of the 3 movies along with the 2 Avengers has elevated CA. Thor is ok. Hulk was never a powerhouse solo SH. Wolverine is almost a top tier SH due to Hugh Jackman but seems to have a glass ceiling. Then there are the ensembles. Very successful ones like X Men and GOTG along with others like SS. In other words, the all-time top 3 i.e. Superman, Batman and Spiderman are all down from their peaks. Iron Man and Captain America are household names today owing to competent management of a studio and their slate of movies. Kevin Feige obviously is the person who has made it happen and deserves the credit for the same It is the time of Iron man and Captain America now till the next successful reboot of the top 3. They are just too popular to stay down very long. Just need some talented people behind their movies to bring them back to glory. P.S.: These are all based on the movie universe not the actual comic book sales about which I have very little knowledge.
  8. @Baumer loves Dory@Tele the Jet Baller While the administrative team's stern message was not only commendable but warranted, I will have you know that there are unintended repercussions due to this action, 1. We will never know why movies with similar RT scores can have different ratings 2. We will not know the truth behind the conspiracy of movies released, after a certain studio released its movies, getting undeserved glowing reviews on RT 3. We will not know whether RT is an evil organization hellbent on controlling the world i.e.. the Empire or the First Order 4. We will lose out some of the best comical interludes due to meltdowns & 5. We will never know which RT critic/s was at the grassy knoll
  9. And 250 RT critics did give BvS a bad grade along with over 200 for SS and that seems to be a very big pool per the conspiracy theorists...
  10. The existing market drop (4.7 from new openers Arg & Ita.), is 60%.
  11. Not talking about the legs. Who had envisioned SLOP would pass Inside Out before its release? It is a shocker because it just came out of nowhere in terms of its success.
  12. He knows best. If he doesn't want to reveal what he does, we have to respect his wishes. We have to be really glad that we have somebody like him granting us favors which is truly available only to a select few in the world. Let's dwell on the numbers instead.
  13. It seems like there are huge numbers of people like us. The kind that supported competent DC movies as well as good Marvel movies. We are like the independent voters that determine the winner of the elections above and beyond the normal left/right party votes.
  14. The fandom alone isn't enough to make Marvel as successful as it has been. Casual fans are a big part of it. I'm not a comic book fan at all. In fact prior to 2008, the only MCU SH I was familiar with was Captain America. (Referred in Men in Black), but knew several DC characters since the late 70s. The only comics I have read in my life are those of Superman. As a casual fan, I like MCU because their movies for the most part competently made where as the DCEU movies have been a complete mess. My preference of MCU over DCEU is purely due to quality. It is that simple.
  15. But, but GOTG has good legs as per only detractors of DCEU. It is not like it is a fact or something.
  16. Another attempt to state that DCEU has bad legs to built in fan base not poor wom. Nice try. BTW, the wom for MOS was average, not toxic like bvs and SS (very likely)
  17. Superb hold for all holdovers except the obvious stinker. Really happy about the holds for Bourne and Beyond. So no matter how extraordinary the marketing is, the quality or the lack thereof does catch up.
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