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Everything posted by jb007

  1. Even if you take the first 5 days as the weekend, Transformers 2 and 3 have better multiplier than BVS. That is m9re than enough to show Transformers movies have better WOM. I feel the reason being Transformers movies are entertaining and have superb action unlike DCEU movies.
  2. I don't think it is fair to compare Transformers movies to DCEU movies. The 3 DCEU movies have gone from mediocre to bad to worse wrt WOM. Transformers movies may not garner critical support ala DCEU, but the audience WOM has always been good given their multipliers.
  3. Losing one's job due to incompetence of their top management is not likely to elicit admiration and loyalty.
  4. I'm interested in SP preview numbers. Based on MT sales, it should have done very well.
  5. I'm thinking 42 to 45 for the weekend
  6. 70% would have been hard given that there was a big drop on Saturday compared to OW Friday.
  7. This is as bad as it gets. There are no redeeming features here. The script is laughable. The SS is hastily put together without a specific threat in mind other than the next superman may be a terrorist. Really. Suddenly, the enchantress goes batshit crazy and whatnot and becomes the convenient villain for Squad to take down. Leto's Joker is pathetic. His performance is even worse than that of Jessie Eisenberg's Luthor. Thankfully, he doesn't have much screen time. Margo Robbie's Harley didn't do nothing for me and her voice seemed out of place. Will Smith trying to play Big Willie was ok. The action scenes (obviously mostly in the night) are awful. The other side characters were just place fillers. Enchantress is probably the worst villain ever. What a joke it was. Pacing is all over the place. Usage of some good songs just blows. If Ayer's mission was to show how incompetent he really is, SS is a mega success in that regard. Rating: D-
  8. For three days in a row, the sales ratio between SS and JB on Movietickets.com has held up very well compared to the actual gross ratio. Monday: SS to JB ratio on MT was 4.55. The actual 4.48 Tuesday: SS to JB was 4.9. Actual was 4.76 Wednesday: SS to JB was 4.19: Actual 4.09 I had guesstimated SS to gross 8.7 to 9.3 based on an assumed gross of 2.1 (30% drop) to 2.25 (25% drop) for Jason Bourne. Obviously, when there are two unknowns, the key is to guess the more predictable/less volatile one (in this case JB) to set up the projection for the more volatile one. The soft drop of JB threw my Wednesday projection off. But the SS to JB relationship on MT held. As of now, the sales ratio is 21.2 to 6.8 = 3.12 The relationship b/w SS and JB seems to have been altered due to the entry of Sausage Party on MT. Otherwise the SS gross on Thursday would be around 7 Mil., based on a 10% drop for Bourne. That seems too low.
  9. There is the context for you. 74, 68 and 91. BTW, people on SK thread do indicate that SS will do 2.5 Adm after opening with 1.4 Mil. So that provides some context also.
  10. Fast paced, well acted with great action. Exactly what I want in a Bourne movie. Matt Damon is excellent as usual. Alicia Vikander was very good. A worthy entry to the series though the The Bourne Legacy had tarnished this fine franchise a bit. Las Vegas car chase is fantastic. A-
  11. @Baumer loves Dory Go back to sleep. Why are you up at 5:30 Am?
  12. I don't see it. Again, that will be decided in the near future one way or the other. The fact that SS out opened GOTG by 42% and you are indicating that while SS may reach the final gross of GOTG but will be hard. That part is telling as to why it is
  13. Really, what would you then call somebody failing to acknowledge a 91% drop in SK on Wed (WoW)?
  14. You are absolutely correct. I'm biased against garbage like BvS and SS. Can't help it.
  15. It will not even come close to GOTG either domestic or WW.
  16. Why? While I'm not a big fan of GOTG, it is way, way better than this ridiculous mess. They are not comparable in quality at all.
  17. Not citing South Korea, where it fell 91% (week on week) on Wednesday?
  18. Based on the sales on MT for SS and JB. The sales ratio has held well for Monday and Tuesday between the two. I had to assume a drop range for Jason Bourne to predict Suicide Squad. Again, this is very crude. The ratio did not work with SS and Bad Moms.
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