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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. I can’t remember a single set piece in MI3. It’s by far the most forgettable. It was a course correction that didn’t know what direction it wanted to course correct to.
  2. They’re doing their job then. But yes, particularly in the Craig era (and especially with NTTD) they constantly made the mistake of trying to make bond deep. He isn’t, he never will be, don’t even try because it’s not why the character endures. Casino Royale’s ‘the bitch is dead’ is practically an affirmation of that. And then they had to ruin it by carrying on the vesper story.
  3. Bond has a tendency to fall apart when it goes for feelings. I really hope the next iteration learns from MI on that front: don’t try to be something you’re not.
  4. I wonder if there’ll be a physical media resurgence for films as there has been with vinyl. I follow the 4k blue ray Reddit and it seems like a serious cult hobby for some, often collecting hundreds of movies regardless of liking them.
  5. Star Wars was the result of Lucas having a good idea for a premise and then a bunch of people telling him ‘no’ on much stupider ideas he wanted to include. Hearing stories about development of various Indy films he was much the same, with Spielberg acting as the buffer. My guess is that for crystal skull Spielberg got bored of saying ‘no George’ so much. The mcguffin alone has Lucas written all over it.
  6. Deadpool’s a fair example, but the character’s shtick was breaking the 4th wall so the marketing reflected that. The scope of this barbie campaign feels different. It’s way more inescapable and will inspire way copycats.
  7. The marketing has been genius but I hope it doesn’t set a precedent. It’d be exhausting if lots of movies were promoted ironically, desperately trying to become memes, following the success of this.
  8. The cinema-released R rated comedy must be the biggest casualty of the streaming era. In the noughties you couldn’t move for them.
  9. I read it years ago but I'm not surprised its reputation precedes its popularity. The prose is very dry and it throws you into the world quite abruptly. I'm glad I persevered with it but the fact is I did have to persevere.
  10. Yeah, it’s really not great. In no small part to its main character, who they forgot to actually give a character. She’s the biggest nothing-burger ever, and it’s a film that desperately needed a lead to care about. As SW media goes it’s interesting only in so much as its grittier look and feel set a template for the shows, which they’ve mostly stuck to ever since.
  11. Careful what you wish for: “Mattel wants to become an ‘IP factory’ and release ‘dozens’ of movies based on its toys.” https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/07/10/after-barbie-mattel-is-raiding-its-entire-toy-box
  12. Lol, just say it out load and call it what it is, then. No need to be coy.
  13. Lucasfilm not having a plan for the trilogy when they gave Johnson the reigns is completely insane and as a non SW fan I’m glad he exposed their poor management in the most hilarious way. “Fuck your Chosen One obsession, the Force can touch anyone, etc…”
  14. Can you imagine how incomprehensible a Verbinski Indy movie would be? I’ve never seen such large films care so little about their plot as the Pirates sequels…
  15. Wait, so this is definitely going to be a trilogy then? Makes sense, the first was a pristine mood piece but felt like one long introduction, possibly to a fault.
  16. ^ it’s been a while since a Nolan movie had a good trailer. Dunkirk and Tenet’s were lacklustre, though given the structure of those movies I can see why they struggled. anyway, looked into getting London imax tickets, but there are pretty much no non-front row seats for weeks. Way more popular than I thought it’d be. Wonder if barbennheimer is actually having an effect.
  17. To be clear I’m not saying people are wrong to be excited for this, just that the movie’s reliance on nostalgia is tenuous. I don’t think Indy is a complex character but if you have him in a film being this old then you’ve no choice but to acknowledge it and make it a bit of a character study. So it’s probably a good thing they went in that direction, even if the film probably shouldn’t exist at all.
  18. I think we can all agree that nostalgia can only go so far when a film’s titular character is 80. No-one’s nostalgic for old age.
  19. A common complaint from (as far as I can tell) good-faith fans on Reddit who’ve seen it is that the middle act is the phoebe waller-bridge show and Indy takes a very noticeable backseat. Maybe that’s just garden-variety misogyny but it would explain why she’s so prominent in marketing.
  20. It’s certainly a valid choice. Leans into the spy element way more than the others while having its set pieces. Still remember seeing it at the cinema and what a huge deal it was back at release.
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