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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. So the green screen ugliness of the chase scene pervades the whole movie. People think that shit doesn’t matter, but it does. The sense of place and tactility is a big reason the originals aged like fine wine.
  2. Even Spielberg couldn’t replace Spielberg going by the quality of crystal skull.
  3. Watched the first one recently. It’s obviously miles away from what the series would become but it still holds up as an old-school, caustic spy thriller. The remarkable thing about it is how normally it treats Cruise The Movie Star: his introduction is done with a flat medium-long shot showing him sitting at a table with the others getting a briefing. No fanfare at all and makes no indication he’s the lead.
  4. It could still be a good movie but crystal skull killed the novelty factor so I’m not surprised at low trailer views. Most people probably groaned when they heard it was in development at all. (I did too but got slightly more interested when when they announced its director.)
  5. Oh CR’s great, but it’s great because the character work is really finely tuned and actually rather sparse in the scheme of things. Then the producers leaned into it hard and (skyfall excepted) we got serialisation - anathema to bond. But anyway, this isn’t the bond thread and whatever else I’ve said about this movie I’ve always championed mangold’s talent so I really do expect a better than average blockbuster. Just please have gone easy on the green screen.
  6. The opening half hour or so is solid. It falls apart when him and mutt are exploring the ruins and never really recovers. I remember liking the punch-up by the ants and that’s about it. Totally agree that this movie ‘going deeper’ into Indy’s character would be walking on thin ice. It didn’t work for Craig’s bond and I’m not convinced it’d be a good idea here.
  7. Had a browse of the Indiana Jones Reddit. The more interesting thing is how crystal skull has, like the prequels but to a far lesser extent, had something of a rehabilitation. Although, like the prequels, it doesn’t seem to amount to anything more than “I saw it when I was 10 and everything I saw at that age is good so shut up.”
  8. "Blend of practical and vfx give a very specific and effective look" Lol, whatever you say buddy.
  9. I've never seen any of these movies, but I'd vaguely assumed the shift to physics implausability happened because the series wanted to become a SH franchise in all but name. When your characters and cars can pretty much fly there's a lot more scope for sequels.
  10. The clip really doesn't inspire confidence (but then I must remember this is a forum that gets excited by Disney remakes). So much ugly, boring green-screen. Still, I'm not writing the movie off yet. The secret weapon remains Mangold. He's had a good run of movies recently that are better than the sum of their parts. If it can just have a simple plot and non-shit mcguffin it'll already be better than its predecessor.
  11. D+ loses 4 million subs due to Indian exodus (life somewhat mimics art if you watch succession) https://www.theguardian.com/media/2023/may/11/disney-loses-4m-subscribers-amid-exodus-in-indian-market Incidentally I signed up to it recently - there’s obviously some good stuff on there but fuck me the UI is awful. Easily the worst I’ve used for big uk-available streaming apps.
  12. I definitely agree that the first film overpromised and underdelivered on big shark mayhem. The ingredients were there but it was a weirdly safe movie in the end, presumably budget-related.
  13. Oh god this is actually happening, then. I might be curious if someone like Del Toro was directing, but burton? Yuk.
  14. Look on the bright side, with this movie's release the nostalgia well has now run dry. There'll be no mass excitement for Hercules, Hunchback or Pocahontas. The 90s golden age is done.
  15. The answer to how these live-action versions would look seems to be: uniformly ugly. But I admit I would’ve been intrigued to see what a Pixar style update would’ve looked like. Maybe they’ll be the next iteration.
  16. Absolutely shocked that this apparently isn’t amazing. Going to have to lie down.
  17. It just looks so fucking ugly. I’m not even talking about bad cgi (which I know is a blasphemous criticism on here) but just the general aesthetic. The artistry of it all. So flat and garish.
  18. After seeing that trailer I’m standing by my assumption that this is being built up to be something it isn’t. Still looking forward to it but not because the marketing has lots of loud noises and fire imagery. Ballsy to have RDJ in an apparently big role and barely show him though. I kept waiting for him to have a one-liner and it never came.
  19. It’s not about ST being ‘bigger’ than MCU (we were just talking about BP anyway), it’s about something new coming along that completely defines an era for a certain age group. When we look back on this period, ST will fulfil that function more than black panther.
  20. It says a lot about the state of the cinema medium that Empire is having tv shows on its covers now.
  21. nah. I like the film more than most entries, but the nature of the MCU model means it’s still just one of many. Kids today are more likely to see Stranger Things as their SW experience. Something that came out of nowhere.
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