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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. Universal seem to be taking this seriously, seen endless online marketing for the last couple of weeks.
  2. It’d be a miracle if an MCU movie looked visually pleasing at this point, let’s be honest. Efficiency is the name of the game.
  3. Not posting a 6 paragraph analysis doesn’t mean anyone’s indifference is insincere.
  4. I haven’t followed this thread at all so it’s funny to jump in to see the pessimistic consensus. I’m enjoying marvel’s current doldrums as much as the next onlooker but I must admit I didn’t expect this movie to be one of its victims.
  5. Was it a great trailer? No. Will I still be there on opening night regardless? No.
  6. Brilliant episode. If anyone doubted the show’s ultimate contempt for Logan, there it is. The most unceremonious huge death ever.
  7. Never saw the first movie but its critical reception wasn’t great given it was a time when critics were falling over themselves to sit on marvel’s dick, and the pluralisation of the IP doesn’t suggest the studio has an abundance of faith in the solo draw of the once titular character. BUT WE’LL SEE
  8. Indy would’ve also been out of place in the cocaine 70s. It’d have been at least as funny. But yes, my tiny mind was able to fathom a 60s song being suggestive of the time period, hence the ‘I assume’.
  9. I assume this is set in the 60s, then? Funny to think that if Indy had aged as much as Ford has since Raiders this would actually take place in the in 1976.
  10. Decent enough trailer but that really should mark the last time Sympathy For The Devil is used in film promos. Find another song, Hollywood.
  11. Also please can we not with the “told you Mario would make lots of money” as though anyone suggested otherwise? 😃
  12. Partly depends on the budget, but there are definitely a lot of posters on here who seem to think a 3 hour movie of scientists talking in rooms has the same potential as a usual Nolan spectacle.
  13. Don’t think there’s really much drama, just a few people being selective about when they think critics are allowed to speak for themselves or instead have to second-guess what a massive, varied fanbase supposedly wants.
  14. Couple of observations: 1. The meme marketing strategy for this is genuinely fascinating, and the level and success they’re doing it at will be a textbook example for future media studies. 2. Absolutely nothing so far has made me laugh. At the moment it’s more like performance art than comedy to me. Which isn’t necessarily a criticism.
  15. yes, that’s my point. It’s most likely a quality issue, not a ‘they’re the wrong demographic’ issue. Everyone under 50 has a strong chance of being a Mario videogame fan. The original really is that old.
  16. Also mario video games are almost half a century old. Many of these ‘old critics’ grew up playing the damn things. In theory this should appeal to them as much as anyone.
  17. If the point is “here’s a ton of shit you recognise from the games” then I think most critics have picked up on that. Give them some credit.
  18. Still have no idea why people were/are hyped for this. I’m not even saying it’s going to be good or bad as a kids movie. It’ll probably make a lot of money and function as intended. But we get Mario games constantly, they’ve been one of the most consistent pop culture staples of the last 50 years. So I don’t understand what the nostalgia draw of a film added to that already massive pile has. I guess if you’ve stopped playing games years ago? And yet I don’t feel that’s who it’s aimed at…
  19. Watching Shutter Island again. Still Scorsese and Dicaprio’s best collaboration. B-movie perfection.
  20. The 90s Mario movie is terrible but it’s at least terrible in a batshit way. The mushroom kingdom as a blade runner dystopia? Sure, why not!
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