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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. This video gives quite a good idea: (TL;DW: you can just about recapture the horror of the original, but the sense of awe and novelty for these creatures is gone forever. Even if the sequels had solid enough scripts, and so far none of them have, they're already fighting a losing battle.)
  2. Damn, you quoted me before my edit - I of course meant to say 'sequel' rather than 'movie'. But yes: joking aside this franchise's only hope is in doing something radically different. No more idiots going back the island for ridiculous reasons. Also, it's fine to lean into the schlockier aspects but it's still got to have a good script, so fire Trevorrow.
  3. Being utter shite. (But you knew I meant that 😝) I'll make you deal: when they finally make a good JP sequel, I'll like it. You surely can't say fairer than that? 😀
  4. I'm not gonna lie, I'm enjoying the RT right now. Even if it's a bad film in its own right I'm going to take it as partly paying for the sins of its predecessor.
  5. CGI is such a fact of life for blockbusters it's almost impossible to be impressed by it. You now only notice CGI when it's badly done. I recall JW had a couple of dodgy moments though, particularly that close-up scene of the raptor's head in vice cage. It looked absolute gash.
  6. Nope. JP remains an incredibly lean piece of storytelling that perfectly balances awe and horror. It also knew that it needed compelling humans as well as cool dinosaurs, which is why it's the only universally liked entry in the whole series.
  7. I've no interest in O8 but that seems like a pretty good number to me. It almost feels nostalgic to have a star vehicle be successful these days.
  8. I actually didn't mind the lack of T-Rex in JP3 - it showed the movie wasn't in thrall to fan service. And the new stuff we got, eg. the 'birdcage', was often quite good. I would happily never see raptors again in this franchise.
  9. JP2 was probably my first major letdown at the cinema. JP1 was essentially my Star Wars experience but the sinking feeling I got as its sequel trudged along was palpable. Conversely, I had no such excitement for JW and it didn't even meet those low expectations. 😀
  10. Kind of unfortunate that in this all-female lineup the only thing reviewers can get enthused about is the costume changes of all things.
  11. Nah, he was the worst. His love of the first park made absolutely zero sense in the movie's universe. Why would he idolize a resort where people were killed and kids were traumatized?
  12. It sounds like it's more of the same. In fact I'm surprised at how similar the reviews are to JW. If you liked that movie then, well, great I guess? Not even being snarky.
  13. No, but the director made a lot of people on here think it could be, y'know, genuinely good. Hell, even I was open to the idea after seeing the tone of the trailer.
  14. So much for the big jump in quality. Sounds like it's serviceable enough to still make a lot of money though.
  15. Posters popping up around London. Some of the worst 'here's a bunch of actors who clearly aren't in the same room' photoshopping ever, makes it look really cheap.
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