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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. I haven't seen IW but if BP 'following basic outlines' means having a simple story well told then give me that any day of the week over the eye-grating wall-to-wall action we so often get. (I don't think BP should win, er, BP though. It's not the best film there and really doesn't need it.)
  2. Wait, so it's kids now? The days of cigarette-smoking schlubs who dreamt of ghostly blowjobs sure was along time ago.
  3. Of course it's not, it was just lightning in a bottle that even the original cast could recapture. Like Jurassic Park, it's pretty much a given now that the franchise will never have a good follow-up.
  4. Regardless of the director it's going to be a modern, big-budget Sony comedy, so it's hard to get any hopes up. If had one piece of advice for the producers: write a script this time. No-one wants another two hours of shitty improv.
  5. It's not like the film cost that much in the first place, but its WW total is staggeringly low. Honestly can't recall such an underperformer vs expectations on this forum that wasn't an outright bomb.
  6. I like the Rock as much as anyone, but he's still too associated with trashy movies in a way that prime Will Smith never was. Also, if you're not old enough to remember the mid to late 90's it's hard to convey quite how huge Smith's celebrity was back then, both in film and music. He owned that half-decade.
  7. Between Ralph, Holmes and upcoming Laurel and Hardy, John C Reilly's having a very busy winter.
  8. I'm still gunning for blooper reels to go mainstream and pop up the moment the credits starts. Would have really complemented the endings of, say, TDK and Logan.
  9. It's opening was too soft to begin with for WOM to kick in, but yes, polaraized reviews certainly didn't help. It needed to have MUST SEE reviews.
  10. There's a home movie of me watching Dumbo as a 4 year old with tears in my eyes. It's probably my favorite Disney movie. Still have bugger-all interest in this.
  11. Oh well, so much for Vice being another Big Short. It got a bit of buzz after the trailer first landed but I think the marketing dropped the ball after that.
  12. Definitely some weird decisions going on in that clip, but tonally I don't see much of a problem. This seems like what the trailer's selling it as: a deadpan comedy.
  13. You answered your own question: despite being a sequel MPR felt very much like a soft remake of one of the most beloved Disney moves ever. Given Jungle Book and BatB's success there was little reason to think it wouldn't be huge. As I said in a previous post, there's gonna be a lot of Monday morning questerbacking on MPR's box office, but almost none of that was being said before the fact.
  14. Meh at that Aquaman number, though I'm sure legs will be good going by reactions on here. I was, like many others, totally wrong about MRP. I can't remember the last big movie whose hype was such a given only for it to stumble right out of the gate.
  15. Yup. This franchise is running on the fumes of one well-liked star vehicle from 21 years ago. Sony's insistence on its resurrection is increasingly bizarre.
  16. Or, in the case of the first two, don't worry if the movie's nothing special as long as it has good songs.
  17. There's gonna be a lot of Monday Morning Quarterbacking with this film, isn't there?
  18. Can't watch as I'm at work but I'll go ahead and assume it looks like the most Sony film ever made.
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