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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. ^ Anyone have their Futurist snark translator handy? Mine's on the blink.
  2. For better or worse, Bond is a much tighter ship - he'll have probably have almost no say on the script, but we can at least expect him to bring some atmosphere.
  3. I certainly agree that the internet meme of George W Bush being retroactively painted as some cuddly good guy is bloody ridiculous. At least Brits have the decency to still hate Tony Blair.
  4. Ok, I'm interested. Screw the backlash, the first season of True Detective is fucking amazing television.
  5. Elizabeth Banks probably pitched her a feminist subversion take on the property. (I'm not saying that cynically, it's as good as any other reason to make a blockbuster.)
  6. I think WB are smart enough to realise that Snyder was entirely to blame for... whatever the hell MoS and BvS were. No, Superman's future won't live and die on Cavil's involvement, but given he just had his first unqualified hit in M:I6 the timing could have perhaps been better. I think most people would have been perfectly happy giving him another shot at a decent solo film, but hey-ho.
  7. Time commitment-wise... yeah? Especially if they make more than one season, which they will, because Netflix.
  8. *Reactive. Reactionary means 'opposing political or social progress or reform' so that'd be the opposite. 😃
  9. Haven't read the article but I assume this is due to Witcher commitments more than anything else? If the scope of that is anything close what they're talking about that'll be like shooting several blockbusters back to back.
  10. Not a popular opinion but I thought Cavil was perfectly fine as Superman and it's a shame WB wasted a decent performance in a difficult to cast role. Now get rid of Affleck and do both characters properly.
  11. It's a tough one. We can probably take it as read that working with kids is out, but after that: what jobs are acceptable for sex offenders who've done their time, if not working on a movie set with adults?
  12. Yup, the franchise is officially in Transformers-esque 'it can be total garbage and OS will still be great' territory. It's a sweet deal.
  13. Well, it's not like I was gonna see this anyway. I seem to stand alone on this forum as really disliking much of Black's work - Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and The Nice Guys were like being winked at non-stop for an hour and a half.
  14. I don't mind Cavil but unless they're going to be really liberal with the makeup they're casting a noticeably younger Geralt than I was expecting. Either way it's going to have to be bloody good to live up to the expectations set by the last game.
  15. So it's an effective melodrama. Safe to say I'll never watch this, but fair play to Cooper - it could have been embarrassingly awful and it's apparently not. ETA: now watch it do well at the Oscars only for everyone to hate it soon afterwards (hi La La Land!).
  16. Dude, I know it's hard to believe, but indie films did very well from good reviews and WOM before the invention of the internet. You're giving the site waaaayyyy too much credit there.
  17. ETA: but yes, does RT really have much use to anyone anymore beyond being ammo for franchise wars? As one writer astutely noted, "RT doesn't tell you how good a film is, just how accessible it is."
  18. Outrageous. I propose this forum boycotts all mention of SW and MCU movies forever.
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