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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. Horrendous cover, even by EW standards. I starting to think expectations will go so low for this it might end up being a pleasant surprise.
  2. Reviews are actually better than I expected, insofar as many that like it seem to really like it. (A few seem to really loathe it too, which is intriguing.)
  3. Holy shit at BR. I hadn't been following it at all but that WW total is crazy.
  4. Heard a song on the radio today. 'Imagine that' I think? Blunt has a nice voice and seems to nail the character but the song itself was totally unmemorable. If that's the number they're using the push the movie then a future musical classic this ain't.
  5. Actually ended up seeing this due to a family outing. It's totally unforgiving of those who, like me, hadn't seen the first, which is something the Potter films were a lot better at. Really, though, it's just a goddamn mess. Also, try as he might, Eddie Redmayne's character is just a flatline.
  6. ^ page not found. Guess they put it up too early. What did they say about the movie?
  7. It's a good movie but it does often feel like McQueen's art-house tenancies are in direct conflict with Flynn's genre instincts. Which is a shame because the heist elements we get are really well done. I wasn't surprised to learn that it was a british miniseries before this - there's so much plot you could easily spread it out over a number of episodes, probably to its benefit.
  8. Why bother? A complete lack of originality didn't hurt Beauty and the Beast. People aren't flocking to these films for anything new.
  9. "I'm warning you, Chris, if this movie fails we're only giving you 8 more chances." - studio exec
  10. There was an article a while back on white male privilege that focused on the many chances Hollywood kept giving Armie Hammer despite his near constant series of flops. I have to think it's even more true of Chris Hemsworth. Sure, Thor 3 was big but at this point the MCU could have a hit film starring a chewed-up tennis ball. That's not really a diss on Hemsworth, by the way: my suspicion is he's like Colin Farrell - a likable character actor trapped inside a leading man's (incredibly ripped) body.
  11. I said before that this movie would hurt Hardy's career and I was wrong. It looked terrible, and by many accounts is terrible, but his name above the title got it to that OW number. He's now the number one idiosyncratic action star.
  12. I wouldn't count on a massive Republican backlash. Trump fans hate Bush and the Iraq legacy as much as liberals (even though many probably supported it at the time).
  13. It's a bit weird that Bale and Rockwell sound exactly like their characters while Steve Carrell just sounds like... Steve Carrell. Anyway, looks fun. Political satire might be dead thanks to Trump but it still feels like a good time for a semi-humorous Bush administration critique. Will likely catch it at the cinema (damn you, staggered UK release date).
  14. Bombs away. I like steampunk though, so it's kind of a shame.
  15. How could BvS have a true sequel, by your parameters? Batman vs Superman 2, where they fight all over again?
  16. At work so can't watch the trailer but holy shit at that makeup. I had a lot of time for The Big Short so very interested in this. Funny how the Bush era's brand of political awfulness seems almost quaint today. And by 'funny' I mean 'fucking depressing'.
  17. Saw a TV spot last night - I know it's blasphemous to complain about CGI on the forum these days but the effect of Hardy's face superimposed against the venom gunk looks shockingly bad, kill-any-chance-you-might-be-interested-in-it bad. What a clusterfuck of a studio Sony is.
  18. I hope Hardy's getting paid a lot of money for this, because I can't see it being good for his career.
  19. Can't decided if I liked A Simple Favor or not. The leads are great, but it's never quite as funny nor viscous as it should/could be. Still, nice to see Feig shooting non-improv for the first time in god knows how long.
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