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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. I'd be perfectly happy with this bombing because JW was so bad, but it's not happening. After DP2 doing merely ok and Solo doing horribly the audience will be hungry for another big movie.
  2. If this can fully embrace the schlock the way JP3 did without having the laziest ending in movie history then it might be the first properly decent sequel this franchise has ever had. I'm sure they'll find a way to fuck it up, but you never know.
  3. Prediction: this won't be nearly as schlocky as the marketing suggests. It feels like they decided on the tone in post-production.
  4. I think given the fact it's really obvious Solo is a frothy prequel that has nothing at all to do with the main storyline and is totally skippable... yeah, I think some peoples' hatred for TLJ is making them look a little too hard for a connection when the simple explanation is that Solo is just a non-event. If IX makes even less than TLJ, then we'll talk. Could well happen.
  5. Nah. If IX bombs we'll know TLJ was responsible but the fact is that Solo never looked anything but disposable. Awful conceit, awful marketing.... awful box office.
  6. As much as I'll take any chance to shit on R1, its legs were too good to say people were simply high on TFA.
  7. This thread is living proof. The movie comes out in three weeks and we're barely over a hundred pages. Doesn't mean the movie can't make a shitload of money, it just means the nature of the property doesn't lend itself to online geekery. There's not exactly much to talk about with dinos running riot over and over.
  8. It was a turn of phrase, but given Craig and the director were cobbling scenes together themselves at the 11th hour I think it's justified in this case. God, that movie. It just flails from one shakey cam action scene to the next.
  9. QoS was screwed by the writers strike. It basically filmed without a finished script, and Christ did it show.
  10. I wonder if Lucas could have possibly known these throwaway backstories he came up with in about half an hour for all these characters in the 70s would form the basis of a slew of tentpole films 40 years later.
  11. I'm continually baffled at how much this forum cares about easily gamed audience-scores. I know in the franchise wars people exploit whatever metrics then can use in an argument, but c'mon...
  12. Craig's odd-number Bonds seem to be the good ones. I just hope they've had the necessary prep time for this: Spectre was a textbook example of what rushing a blockbuster results in.
  13. There should be concern for the next episode, but I think the point is that we can only see the impact of that when it comes out. Solo is very much failing on its own terms.
  14. I don't know what you're point is, but it sounds like you're agreeing with me. It shouldn't be making such little money, but it doesn't feel like an event, so it isn't. I'm not even going to entertain the notion that SW fans know what they want from these movies - consensus seems to be all over the place on that.
  15. Still don't think this has much to do with TLJ. It's simply that this movie never once felt appealing or necessary. If its failure makes Disney shit-scared for its other cash-grab prequels then, well, good.
  16. Starting to feel like the rock bottom expectations for this will ultimately help rather than hinder its reception. Though I also thought the same about Solo.
  17. http://www.digitalspy.com/movies/jurassic-world/news/a857749/jurassic-world-fallen-kingdom-first-reactions/ Twitter's famous pre-release understatement strikes again.
  18. Feige makes movies to keep the fanbase watching indefinitely. That's not a criticism: he's a bloody genius at it.
  19. I certainly appreciate that Titanic and Avatar achieved their totals thanks to great legs. That route to that record feels like a lifetime ago, and was way more satisfying to observe.
  20. I do miss box office records being a big deal. They're broken so goddamn frequently now I don't really see how anyone can get excited beyond it being a 'win' for your team.
  21. The movie knows that's all it is though, which is why it works. It doesn't pretend Hunt is worthy of having a deep, emotional plot foisted upon him (because he really isn't).
  22. Didn't care for M:I3. I usually like blockbusters going serious but nothing beyond Hoffman playing against type stood out in that film. Hunt isn't an interesting enough character to sustain a movie that doesn't also have amazing practical set pieces.
  23. Melancholia is a good starter film for Von Trier. It has a lot of his idiosyncrasies but is still relatively accessible. He's since disowned it as being 'too mainstream' which is rather silly.
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