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Everything posted by Hatebox

  1. Watching a close-up of Charlotte Gainborough cutting off her clit in Antichrist remains one of my most unforgettable cinema experiences.
  2. Am I the only person left on the internet who didn't hate TLJ? And did I not hate it precisely because I don't much care for Star Wars in general, so it felt like it was made for me?
  3. Hard to imagine this not having better legs than CW at this point. Yes the OW is much higher, but the way it's being talked about is much more akin to the excitement of TA than CW.
  4. It's easy to say it now of course but I was always rather dubious on the OW record chances. It's hard to exaggerate - and easy to forget - just how much long-term hype there was for TFA.
  5. I'd say it's honestly harder for GTA to get any bigger in the mainstream consciousness than it already is, and a faithful adaptation won't appeal to anyone new. Of course this discussion is all chicken and egg because there's never been a good videogame adaptation that stood any chance of breaking out.
  6. You made this post ages ago but I'll reply anyway: the simple answer is that the GTA makers have consistently said they've no interest whatsoever in a making the property into a movie. And I don't blame them: videogames, for better or worse, have become so cinematic that translating them into a film you can't play would be redundant. It would only hurt the brand.
  7. Not every studio has Sam Neil money... ETA: Yup, there's definitely an air of 'what the hell are we doing?' in that trailer. Like, do they think anyone actually cares about 'Blue'? On the plus side, they seem to have made Pratt's character way more annoying, so at least there's that.
  8. I like this because he said 'life finds a way', and Ian Malcolm said that in the first movie and I like the first movie so I like this too because he also said it.
  9. JW's biggest crime (of many) was totally wasting its premise, but if this goes as full-on horror schlock as that teaser suggests them I'm down. I wish it was possible to care about Pratt's character given he's back, but oh well.
  10. Ok trailer, although it feels like it can't quite decide on how schlocky it wants to go. And if it cost 150m it sure as hell doesn't look it.
  11. JL certainly had a very noteworthy run. Just for all the wrong reasons. As for Showman, yup, those a bloody impressive legs. But let's not go totally berserk, they're riding on a still not-exactly-huge total. The real story, I think, is how much the soundtrack album has broken out on the charts. It's chicken and egg as to which is propelling which, but ultimately it shows there's still a real hunger for competently-made original musicals.
  12. How much did they say this would have to make WW to be profitable (assuming it's not already with those album sales)? I was one of the many down on its chances but it's not like the budget's that big.
  13. But who would take her place? There are very few 20-something actress superstars at the moment. If she were in her 40s it'd be a very different matter.
  14. Lawrence could have 5 more bombs in a row before needing to seriously worry about her career, but yeah - this clearly isn't the home-run she might have hoped for. It looks like a dour, adult-oriented film that's being marketed as a bit more fun than it is.
  15. Silly numbers for BP. I suppose a lot of people on here predicted as much, but still... Didn't manage to catch it this weekend but will certainly see it at the cinema. And I don't say that lightly about a SH movie these days.
  16. I see she's playing herself. And the Simpsons decline into worshiping celebrity culture rather than satirizing it continues.
  17. At least with this movie when people inevitably say 'the book was better' I can chime back with 'no, it was shit too'.
  18. I'm sure they'll try to make it go on without Cruise, but it'd be tough. Not because Ethan Hunt is an interesting character – in fact he's a decidedly boring character — but because by now Cruise doing these big stunts himself has become part of the appeal. Not many leading men are going to be down for that.
  19. One of the few franchises where 'more exactly the same' is absolutely fine. I like that they're now joking about how absurd the amount of times he's gone rogue is. No Renner then? Seems a waste of an easy payday for him, but hey-ho.
  20. Yup, they chucked everything at the wall and hoped something would stick. I'd actually be quite excited by the implied horror tone if I thought Universal had the guts to follow through on it.
  21. Please learn the lessons from the last one, Steven. Get a good mcguffin, cut down on shitty CGI backdrops and let Indy casually kill a few dozen bad guys this time.
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