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Everything posted by peludo

  1. Yes. It has millions of players and followers everywhere. If the film is good enough it can make tons of money.
  2. WoW is indeed a massive computer game played online. That is all I know about it. I have never played. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_of_Warcraft
  3. I guess that those acronyms mean: S&B (Batman v Superman) CA3 (Captain America: Civil War) X-Men (Obvious) WOW (World of Warcraft) Alice (Alice in Wonderland 2) ID4 2 (Independence Day 2) ST: B (Star Trek: Beyond) Bourne 5 (Obvious) IA5 (Ice Age 5) Dr. S (Doctor Strange) If SW7 is headed to 800m Yuan, I think all of this films can outgross it (some of them like CA3, WoW, X-Men or ID4 2 are locked, IMO).
  4. Yes, but this is not the appropiate thread to do it. We can use this one: http://forums.boxofficetheory.com/topic/18043-adjusting-exchange-rates/
  5. Thank you for the list Relative to the prices, it has no sense as you well say. The average ticket price has no changed in last 20 years. And the average price in 1975 was a bit more than half than now. You can look at prices here (I do not know if data are correct. Is what I have found): http://www.eiren.org/statistics_e/index.html
  6. I did not know that. There were many changes relative to original version?
  7. ^ If I am not wrong, Titanic did 1.308 billion Yuan, adding the releases of 1998 and 2012, so it would rank 10th instead Lost in Thailand.
  8. I can agree with that. I was just comparing to HP1, not the whole Potter franchise, which we can say that has been at least extremely constant with its grosses along 10 years, something that is extremely hard. I agree that, right now, Star Wars has become the dominant brand. Anyway, I will always have the desire to see what would had done today the 2 first Potter films and LOTR...
  9. Sorry about the off topic... So, where is headed TFA in China, 125? 130? maybe something more?
  10. Just four examples: HP1 did $24m in Spain with 6.3 million admissions. With today average ticket price, that amount of admissions means $43m (+79%) In UK, it did $91m. It sold an estimated 17.56 million admissions, which today means about $170m (+86%) In Germany it sold 12.5 million admissions which means, if I am not wrong, about $120m (it did $67m) (+79%) In France it sold 9.5 million admissions which means about $75m against the real $48m (+56%) In Germany, France and Spain cases, HP1 sold more admissions than TFA. And in UK case it can be quite close. Even in US the estimated adjusted figure is a 51% bigger than the real figure. And you are saying a mere +38% increase in 14 years even considering that HP1 had worse ER than now. And of course, in the adjusted figures I do not include the 3D effect that SW7 has. DH2 did $60m in China 5 years ago. Today HP would be easily a 150-200 contender. Fantastic Beasts will be a good test to know it. Said this, I agree with you that people have more entertainment sources than in 2001 and the amounts made this 2015 not just by TFA, but by JW, AoU, F7 or Minions have an incredible merit. But the same applies if we compare 2001 with 1977 and A New Hope times What kind of entertainment or ways to see films existed in 1977 beyond going to the cinemas? no one. It is impossible to compare different eras for those factors, so we just have to look at the BO figures/admissions, or just we can avoid this kind of comparisons. But it is more fun to compare BTW, Welcome to the forums!! Edit: My bad. Just seen that TFA will sell more than 10 million admissions in France, so TFA wins there, but not by much.
  11. The final episodes of each trilogy, both ROTJ and ROTS, were not able to compete with the final chapter of Harry Potter either Well, it seems that first films of each SW trilogy were the biggest by far WW (ANH was quite bigger than both ESB and ROTJ, and TPM was quite bigger than both AOTC and ROTS). Let's see what happens with episodes 8 and 9, and if they are able to keep the TFA BO level to get definitely the WW throne. I really really wish it can happen since I love Star Wars over nearly any other franchise (LOTR is my franchise).
  12. Well, you are partially right. Star Wars was not as exposed as Harry Potter. It is not the same the advertising in late 70s than in first 00s. And of course just a few markets were big enough to make huge amounts of money. But in the same way, you must consider that in late 70s the only way to watch a film was at cinemas. HP1 was already in the beginning of the digital era. We can have a look at admissions in certain countries to know the adjusted OS figures and have a better sight about this showdown. We will se how SW won in some of them and BP1 won in others. The battle is quite more equaled than you think. Now I can not access to my data. I will post the showdown tomorrow. And do not get me wrong. This is not a try to disminish Star Wars gross. It is my second favorite franchise, just behind LOTR. By I think it is fair (and fun) to make this kind of debates or discussions. Edit: Just realized that we are in Chinese forum. We should debate this in other thread.
  13. HP1 adjusts to about 1.65-1.7 billion WW. And I noticed that you quoted before I had introduced TFA as a true competitor to Potter films. I was talking about OS figures. I already recognized that Star Wars is by far the biggest franchise in US and probably ANH ranks second WW adjusted behind Titanic because that monstruous 1.4 billion DOM adjusted. But in the rest of countries of the world I have serious doubts. I have to end my calculations, but my feeling is that it was not as big OS as HP1. It was close, but not enough. DH2 ranks probably #4 in the Potter series WW, behind HP1, HP2 and HP4. TFA will probably finish to 1.15b OS, on par to HP1 and a bit over HP2. But TFA has China and 3D, something that first Potter films did not have.
  14. Star wars is the biggest franchise domestically BY FAR. It was not necessary that TFA did what is doing to know it. But in terms of OS figures, Harry Potter has always made better figures than Star Wars. Just Episodes I and IV can compete OS with Potter films. And now TFA too. But the same year that SW3 was making $460m, HP4 did over $600m. A final film could not compete with an intermediate chapter. And the main example: HP1 adjusts to about 1.15-1.2 billion OS. And it did not have expanding markets. It is the biggest overseas modern film excepting Cameron's monsters.
  15. We know actuals on Wednesday. We are not very quick The $31.6m figure is equivalent to a bit over €29m, using current exchange rate.
  16. Looking at the run, maybe you are right and the Oscars did not have so much impact. I see that biggest increase was after nominations, but that weekend was the same that San Valentine's and President Day, so maybe there was not so much impact. Anyway, the image of Cameron screaming "I am the king of the world" is so iconical as the film itself. It had to help for sure. Relative to what film deserves a kind of run like Titanic's, I have to answer that maybe none. We live in an era where everything is consumed immediately but the good films already get great runs. My favorite modern film, Fellowship of the Ring, already had a great run around the globe (fuck the 2001 ER's ). But I do not think any film deserves to do what Titanic did if we look at the usual good runs. There is not any modern film that has a so good quality relative to the others in order to have a so big gap wiht the next one in terms of box office. Maybe the problem is mine and it is just I do not get the love for those films (Titanic and Avatar). I just have to say good for Cameron because he knew to make two films that people NEEDED to see at cinemas.
  17. I am suggesting anything. Just giving some data. - Avatar would had done today 400 million less than it really did with today ER. - Star Wars would had sold more 3D tickets in 2010 than now because the 3D boost (something that is Avatar merit since its 3D remains to be one of the best ever, if not the best). - Star Wars has 6 years of inflation and expansion. - Avatar would had done more today in China or Star Wars would had done less in China in 2010. Many factors. But at the end the only one we can measure exactly (even more than inflation) is the ER factor, and that factor plays in favor of Avatar (and 2008-2012 released films) and against today films. That is undeniable. Said this, I do not think Star Wars would had beaten Avatar with similar conditions. But maybe the gap would had not been so big.
  18. What a great run of "Palmeras en la nieve". Another great drop. It must be already over €10m. Star Wars is probably over €28m, already in top10 ever.
  19. According my estimations and just taking into account the ER factor, Avatar would had done today 2.368b WW (the estimation can go maybe 20 million up or down, but basically that is the figure). Another thing is that we can speculate about how much it would had done today in China. Probably enough to compensate the ER drop and reach again the 2.788b figure. We will never know either what would had happened if Star Wars had been released in 2010, during the 3D boost. At the end, it is BO-fiction. The fact is that ER benefited a lot to certain films or it is hurting a lot to others.
  20. One thing is to think that Titanic did not deserve to make so much money and another one is to deny that Titanic's run is the most astonishing ever. We can separate concepts of box office and quality/tastes. In that sense, we could debate too if the boost in box office because 11 Oscars wins was deserved since many people do not think it should had won the BP Oscar facing (in my opinion) better films like As good as it gets, L.A. Confidential or Good Will Hunting. What would had happened with the box office if a better film had won the best picture Oscar instead Titanic? I think that the "deserve" concept is attached irremediably to quality/tastes. I will always recognize that Titanic did an incredible run that no movie will be able to match EVER. Even although I think it did not deserve to do it. IMHO, it is perfectly compatible to have both feelings. Edit: Just to point that ER during Titanic release and Star Wars are pretty similar.
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